Should we be BJJ Brown Belts? (Michael Pixley & Brandon Reed Sandbag No-Gi Pans for PSF?)

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Today's video comes from this weekend's Pan Ams No-Gi tournament where my teammate Pixley and I both won our respective weight classes.
Both of us got a lot of hate for being "Sandbaggers" even though we both had tough matches in the bracket and have less than 3.5 years of BJJ experience.
Today I will address these comments, give you my perspective on our Belt Situation, and why professional Purple Belts are actually much better than grapplers often give them credit for.
I'm sure this video will hurt someone's feelings, but I guess it is what it is.
In my short time in the sport, I've met some of my toughest opponents at this level and I know Pix has too.
It's time you hear my side of the story...
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Both of us got a lot of hate for being "Sandbaggers" even though we both had tough matches in the bracket and have less than 3.5 years of BJJ experience.
Today I will address these comments, give you my perspective on our Belt Situation, and why professional Purple Belts are actually much better than grapplers often give them credit for.
I'm sure this video will hurt someone's feelings, but I guess it is what it is.
In my short time in the sport, I've met some of my toughest opponents at this level and I know Pix has too.
It's time you hear my side of the story...
Thanks for watching...
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Should we be BJJ Brown Belts? (Michael Pixley & Brandon Reed Sandbag No-Gi Pans for PSF?)
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