Electromagnetic induction (neodymium magnet vs copper pipe) #etwinning #science #physics

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This video shows how a neodymium magnet passes through a Copper pipe.

- two copper pipes
- metal sphere
- neodymium magnet

What to do?
- throw metal sphere and neodymium magnet through copper pipes simultaneously
- watch how long it takes for a metal sphere, and how long for the neodymium magnet

- metal sphere runs through the pipe very fast (normal, with g=9.81 m/s^2)
- the neodymium magnet runs very slowly - because, while moving through the copper pipe, the neodymium magnet (which forms a magnetic field around itself) causes the appearance of electromagnetic induction (electromotive voltage), that is electric current which is - due to Lenz's rule - of the opposite direction and forms its magnetic field which opposes the magnetic field of the neodymium magnet and slows the magnet through the Copper pipe

This video is made for the purposes of the eTwinning project EXPER(imen)Ts, and it is made by students of High School Novska.
Teacher: Gordana Divić
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