Direct Drive Wheel - What They Don't Tell You

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The direct drive wheel format is currently the best sim racing steering wheel option available. It's used by professional racing simulator manufacturers and hobbyists alike. Thanks in part to their relative rarity and also because they are reasonably new on the consumer scene, there's a lot of conflicting information about direct drive wheels. I recently upgraded from a Thrustmaster T300 to an Open Sim Wheel (OSW) based direct drive wheel system and found that I had a number of considerable misconceptions about how a direct drive wheel would behave, and what owning one would be like.

Sim racing steering wheel systems broadly fall into two categories. The first, are what most sim racers are probably most used to, and the force feedback is driven by a small motor, via a belt or cog drive. These are only capable of providing small feedback forces. Direct drive wheels, however, make use of a powerful industrial servo motor, onto which the steering wheel rim is directly mounted (hence direct drive). These are capable of delivering much greater forces, quickly and accurately, making them a more desirable choice for serious sim racing and professional applications.
If you would like more information on setting up an Open Sim Wheel (OSW) based system, check out this helpful guide on the Sim Racing Paddock website:

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It's so refreshing to hear someone who sounds calm and natural on YouTube, and is not yelling all the time. Good content too! Subscribed.


I wish any of the sims actually simulated power steering. I'm fine with the steering in the Lotus 49 being heavy, but the 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer shouldn't have the same wheel weight. Yet for some reason people are obsessed with maxing out their torque.
As far as I've seen, BeamNG is the only game that simulates power steering.


"What they don't tell you" Implies something negative yet this video is positive.


I love how some people always say equipment doesn't make you better or faster. Then other people like Chris talk about the better equipment it's always "this is easier, that's easier, i got X seconds faster", etc.


Honestly who runs at 100% ffb? Why would you want to? After 8 hours of sim racing you'd be pretty sore and your performance would drop off significantly. I almost feel that the people going after high torque are the same crowd that think harder to drive cars are more realistic.


I appreciate you taking up my precious free time. Keep the videos coming!


Hi there,
I'm an amateur welder/fabricator/blacksmith, and I recently constructed my own sim rig, not from box section, but from tubular steel. I used 30mm pipe with 3mm wall thickness, (which everybody told me was 'over engineering' it). I packed all my pipes with sand, initially to help with the bending process, but I left the sand in to add weight. All joints are welded not bolted, wich adds rigidity, I use a car seat with it's sliding and reclining mechanism to adjust driving position. I think my frame is very rigid indeed, although you would have to test and compare to know for sure. Most importantly, it would be a very cheap alternative for alot of people. If you would be interested in trying one out, I'd be happy to build one to your requirements. If you are interested please get in touch with me so we can discuss more, I'm not after money, but I might like an endorsement/honest opinion. It's up to you, I wont spam you.


The higher dynamic range is exactly what I'm expecting from a direct drive wheel. Good to hear that they have even more advantages, so I'll eventually upgrade my current belt driven wheelbase to a direct drive one. I knew that the maximum amount of force feedback was not the point and I hoped for other benefits - thank you very much for explaining them! Great video!


I think this video is very relevant at the minute since the CSL DD was announced. Lot of people getting lost in debate about 5 or 8Nm not being enough or whatever.


I've noticed having/using a good wheel setup improves throttle control and instinctive eye to hand movements.


I've never watched you before or even have a wheel, but this was exceptionally well explained. subscribed


It's an honor and a pleasure watching and listening to what you have to say, mr Haye. I too have caved for the direct drive wheel and was indeed concerned if my diy-rig (from wood) would hold... and so far.. i'm anxiously positive saying that mine can hold about 12 nm, but i tend to cling to about 8-10 in most sims, simply because i donot want my customrig to blow up. ;) I have however tried one aluminium profile rig and i was very surprised that it wouldn't budge a single millimeter under load. I'll be going that way, when this one starts cracking and creaking more under load.
One thing you forgot to mention, when one buys the OSW, it doesn't standard come with a buttonbox, or a wheelrim... or a pedalbox... (usually, i haven't looked up the package you've bought before commenting) It's a really nice wheel to have, i can even do Trucksimulator with the OSW wheel set to 2160 degrees (but, you have to take off the coiled-cord for the buttonbox, as it WILL snap in a matter of a month, so i'm actually waiting for some smart guy to make a buttonbox with a battery in it, and a dongle... a little birdy told me someone is actually working on somethign like that)


Spent 3 grand on my electronics (wheel, drive, pedals, etc.).. the best choice i ever made was building a 2x4 framed racing rig out of lumber from home depot. 50 bucks in materials and its more rigid than any production rig/seat ive ever tried. Give it a shot.


Every time I watch one of your videos I feel like doing a slow 👏🏾. Your videos are refreshing, superb, and crisp. I’m just a newbie doing research on the best way to get started. I’ve just built my sim rig and I’ve been looking for tips. The algorithm keeps suggesting your videos and I’m so glad that it does. Thanks Chris, you’re the man!


I was really looking for someone to tell me why to buy a direct drive wheel. I’m glad that you actually gave a good review of rather overview of direct drive. Now I can keep my current wheel without feeling im needing more because the features I need aren’t on the direct drive wheel. I’m getting the information I need from my current wheel and I won’t get any more from a direct drive wheel. So thanks for saving me about a thousand bucks.


love the insite and honesty. id love to see you do a 6 month or 1 year "long term" review/thoughts


You offer a unique perspective to the world of DD wheels, at least from my viewpoint. A fantastic video my Man


I like the calmness and the way the video is due. thank you !


"Hi fellow Sim Racers." That's enough for me, I heard his voice and instantly subbed.


Thank you great video I havent raced iRacing for over 6 years and I was a beta tester
when the started it up getting back in and your video answerd all my questions thank you ....!
