The REAL Origin of SUPERMAN Explained! || Comic Misconceptions || NerdSync

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Comic Misconceptions is finally back and Scott's talking about the original Superman story that predates Action Comics #1. It's a short story called The Reign of the Superman about a guy with crazy mind powers!

Every Wednesday, Comic Misconceptions explores fascinating trivia, crazy stories, and mind-blowing theories about the comic book universe from Marvel, DC, and beyond!



Superman's Powers

Superman's Disguise



The Reign of the Super-Man


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I remember reading that one of Supe's creator's father was shot to dead in a burglary, and that inspired him to create a character that was invulnerable to bullets.


Do you think Smallville was a nod to smalley. Cos smalley made the superman and Smallville kind made kal who he is

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."- Abraham Lincoln.


Superman's origin seems very inspired from the science fiction novel "Gladiator" that came out in 1930


This was very interesting. I had heard of this story, but I never knew what the plot was.

someone should contact the Siegal-Shuster estate and do a comics adaptation. Maybe this Bill Dunn Superman could even be added to Clark Kent Superman's cast.
But did you know that in Seigal and Shuster's original proposal for Superman, which they pitched to newspapers, Baby Clark was sent from Earth's future into the past to survive a nuclear holocaust?

You can see a scan if it online if you google it


What  I originally read in the 70's was Luther had been a friend of Superman early on but an accident in his lab where caused a fire and in trying to put it out superboy caused a chemical spill that rendered Lex bald and he turned against Kal-el from that point on


Hugo Hercules a comic stripe that ran in 1902-1903, Hugo lifted car, elephant, even locomotive engine (including whole engine car) and could pull a whole locomotive at locomotive speed. Even earlier than this Atlas (about 2700 years ago) supposedly held up the sky some other stories show him holding up the earth which they sometimes do with Superman. Hermes a Greek god and Mercury a Roman god sometime later also flew with super speed in the stories long before Superman. Term Ubermench goes back to 1880's and was translated as Superman in 1909, Play Man and Superman 1903 about Don Juan, Tarzan of the apes 1912 Jane calls Tarzan Superman. Term Superhero used in 1916. Popeye Super strong, fast, etc. 1929, Gladiator 1930 a novel strong, fast and bullet proof and compared to proportional strength and jumping ability of insects which they did in early superman story also, also Spider-man compared to proportional power of spider instead of insect and Gladiator was a wrestler something Spider-man also did (Gladiator accident killed another Wrestler), Clark on Smallville injures another Football player so again idea repeated although short of killing him.


hmm, at 8 minutes the way he describes Lex is akin to Lucifer; choosing to be the greatest villain rather than less than the greatest hero, not unlike ruling in hell rather than serving in heaven.


A super-baby who came out of a spaceship, raised by human parents, and grew up to perform heroic deeds. If you move the story to Japan, and change the spaceship to a peach, you have the legend of Momotaro.


You forgot to mention that Superman was meant to make his first in 1933 but Superman's creators had a hard time finding a publishing company. They did manage to find one publisher named Consolidated Book Publishing but they later pulled out for some reason. In Jerry Siegel's anger, he threw the only copy of the issue in a fire with the only thing that was preserved was the cover to it.


This story actually looks fwd to today, especially post-New 52. It's always been a background staple question that had to be asked : Should we trust this man who can seemingly do anything? It is obviously a valid question, but I fear it has gone from being a fallback to a default view. In MoS and again in N52, the moment Superman emerges, they start building the Sentinels/OMACS--you name the Cape-Killer. Lego Batmans 2 and 3 even parody this by having overly-grim Batman (kind of a humorous grim counterpoint to Adam West-1966) outright say it while he's in earshot. Yeah, we should worry what if he turns on us, though I'd say with a being of his power, either we're done for or the methods used to stop him should be equally worrisome, and they usually are. I honestly believe comics may eventually have a lighter/softer implosion because they cannot go darker still and retain an audience past a certain limit. But even without that, I read and watch Superman to see the amazing things this highly moral demigod does on our behalf, just because he can. Yeah, the depicted government response in the MU and DCU is realistic. And?


Actually, NerdSync, Bill Dunn totally DID get a new suit out of the deal!

I just read the story again, and on the second page, it says this:

"Smalley instructed the Butler to furnish Dunn with one the professor's suits. When Dunn next met Smalley he seemed a far cry from the ragged stranger who had uneasily entered the house. For the first time in weeks his face was cleanshaven. Clean, faltlessly pressed clothes had replaced his frayed garments. There was an air of confidence about him that surprised Smalley."


I think an interesting storyline for a one off comic would be having Lex Luthor somehow implant the original story into superman's head where he keeps getting flashbacks to the breadline, the scientist, the drink and the murder. How he used mind control to put evil thoughts into world leaders. This would eventually lead to superman's mental breakdown. It would end with Batman going to the mental hospital and showing superman the original story that Lex used to make him crazy. It ends with a close up of superman's eye glowing in a red fiery blaze.


Sounds like the original Superman was the Frankenstein Monster.


The Reign of the Superman does not show a world where Lex is right to not trust Superman.  It shows a world where Lex (if he were in that world) would be right to not trust Dun or Smalley.

Smally... Smallville?


That trivia question is too EASY!  Volstagg the Voluminous.


eventually, forest ackerman works his way up his reporting newspaper, becoming editor-in-chief. Meanwhile, bill dunn begins to start hearing people's thoughts. His powers return and expand. He not only has telepathy, but gains a force field aswell. This force field protects his body. Additionally, the field can extend to other objects, allowing him to lift heavy objects and even allows him to fly and push himself forwards as incredible speeds. He decides to use this power to become a hero, and fashion's himself a superhero suit. However, ernest smalley has returned. Although he was knocked unconscious by dunn, he survived, albeit his hair singed. He decides to synthesize the drug, but it only grants him an enhanced intellect. And through using this newfound genius, he becomes a billionaire. He is often at odds with the superman who protects the city he lives in. Meanwhile, bill dunn has found a job at the newspaper forest ackerman manages, using his telepathy and superpowers to report on what's happening.


there's a story in an alternate universe where Superman does go bad. it's been done a couple times i think. nice to know the history of that story.


I freaked out when I realized tf2 did a reference to the very first Superman comic book


wow ... i didn't know your old videos were this good ... keep it up


Dunn was an Earthling subject the Earthly flaws. Kal-El was from Krypton where I guess the people were more "pure of heart"!
