The Genetic Origins of the Arabs

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00:00 Intro
01:08 Oral traditions
02:03 2 Origins
03:34 J
04:42 T
05:21 R
07:22 E
08:47 Final thoughts

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Which people (or haplogroup) should I cover next? I’ll check back on your comments later today and make one on the subject you’re most interested in.


Leo has an uncanny ability to make everything he says extremely interesting.
If only my teachers back in college could've been half as charismatic, I would've enjoyed classes way more


It's time for Tea, history and longevity with Leo. Cheers my dude and I'm loving this series.


it is always great to learn more about genetic origins and DNA, would be great to have a whole series about it. Amazing video as always.


History is much more entertaining looking through this lens. Keep it up I think it is a really cool niche you could fill.


Maybe Vikings would be a cool one to go over.


I found this interesting. I have always lived history. There's so much diversity among people. Looking forward to more videos.


Greta video Leo, it would be great to sorta expand on this topic on the genetic origins going up to the caucuses, origins of Europeans and Asia.


As a muscle head nerd myself, who also loves studying and using diversity of PEDs, anabolics and...diversity of the many people in my life (respectfully), LEO IS MY FAVORITE ALL TIME NERD.


Thank you Leo, your posting this information helps out in the rest of the world get an idea of, and appreciation and understanding of, the underlying reasons for what appears to be a feudal system going back thousands of years. One day when the parties involved realize they cannot 'Unring a Bell' (ie change the past, rewrite history etc) and that the only way to Peace is to sit down and discuss it like Intelligent Individuals. Every, and any thing can be attained as easy as A, B, C. By adhering to the following rules. A is where you are At, Be is where you want to Be, and C is the Commitment to get there. It's the C that most people stumble over. They simply will not Commit and stay committed. Cheers from Michael. Australia.


The "Cohen modal type" is a powerful mythology. Studies into Levite origins found the Levite genome to be significantly heterogenous (2003 Behar et al). I could go into detail, but while on the topic, I think the E1b subclade found amongst Arabs are part of the original Afro-Asiatic expansion into Arabia from East Africa. I'm interested in what you've researched about the arrival of J because I also read it arrived after E. Do you discuss it in a video?


Please do more of these! This is super interesting especially since my ancestry is Hmong, a tribe originally from Southern China. But the real origins are actually unknown.

It's theorized that our ancestors where closer to Russia first, (southern Russia, Northern China/Mongolia) then eventually migrated to southern China. And that we were originally blonde haired(idk, might've been red haired?) blue eyes asian. The Chinese didn't like this and so they essentially did to us what they are doing to the Uyghurs. And now we are black hair black/brown eyes.


Loving these videos brother, very interesting!


Adnan and Qahtan go back to the same father. And are descendents of Sam


I am very interested in the connection between the Slavic genetics and how they dominate in strength sports like strongman powerlifting and armwrestling. I think this would be a very interesting topic to cover.


Hello Leo I sometimes wonder about the genetics of the inhabitants of the Horn of Africa, they seem very different from a lot of the other African people in appearance and even language. I heard some speculate these people come from a similar origin to North Africans but it was only something mentioned in passing. Do you happen to know anything about these people? I’m curious because I am of Somali descent. Great video and interesting as always.


القسم العربي الثالث والذي سقط منك سهواً هو (العرب القدماء العماليق وهم : بني كنعان في الشام)


Now everyone wants a breakdown of their nationality haha. Great video Leo, would love to see one of the Slavic people and the Slavs of the Balkan countrys.


Very informative Leo! Just learned my grandmother (born in Iraq) is of K1 haplogroup. I would love more of these videos on Haplogroups!!


Thanks for posting this as it is very informative. I'm an American of African mainly descent but some of my first ancestors included Arab and Iranian. Color of skin has nothing to with what haplogroup you have since haplogroups are just markers from where your gene mutation occurred. Haplogroup E may have originated in East Africa but had many variants that moved around. Haplogroup Elb1a and E1b1b are siblings. Elb1a is more West African with low percentages in Saudi Arabia while E1b1b is has variants in North, Horn, East Africa, the Levant and parts of Southern Europe. E1b1b1b made the jump to the Levant early but came back to Africa and spread to North and East Africa. Early semitic people like the Natufians carry variants of E1b1b along with ancestry coming from Anatolian farmers and some from South and Central Asia. All of human species are connected in some way.
