Book Marketing: The 1 Strategy That Works

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I have 14+ years experience as a book marketing consultant. I've put dozens of books on the _New York Times_, _Wall Street Journal_, _USA Today_ and others bestsellers lists. I've also written the perennial bestselling book marketing book _Your First 1000 Copies_.

I can boil all the tactics, strategies, and mindsets down to just two things.

I share them both in this video.

My name is Tim Grahl, I'm the CEO of Story Grid and I'm the author _The Shithead_, _Running Down a Dream_, and _Your First 1000 Copies_. My partner Shawn Coyne is the creator and founder of Story Grid and he's a writer and editor with over 30 years of experience.

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Best part of this, I don't have to become a super salesman. It's kinda like building a house i plan to live in. When it's ready, i move in and invite friends for coffee. Not the whole town.😄 No pressure pitch. Just me with friends. I can do that.
As always, thank you, Tim.


I hope people hear you on the mindset piece. Having true, unwavering belief in your work is vital to your book’s success.

The confidence really comes through when you talk to people about it; it’ll be your energy and enthusiasm that will cause people to open it and start reading.

Promoting your work is not easy, though. My throat constricted while I handed copies of my novel to my book club-type coworkers. But I’m glad I did; one of them enjoyed it so much, she asked for another copy to give to her dad. That’s how it starts.

Thanks for the fantastic video Tim! Congrats on the new book 🙏🏾


I love this!

The reason I keep on writing and putting my books out there is that I KNOW my stories are good!

And my readers confirm this! I've started getting a few really good reviews on Amazon. You're so right, it takes time.

Really appreciate this video, perfect timing for me, thank you. ❤


Just like with cooking. If you as the chef don’t just think but know in your heart that this meal that you have prepared will not just leave your guests full and their appetites quenched but you are giving their taste buds an experience that they have never had before. Great character and scenes make for a memorable reading experience. Everyone’s time is precious. Don’t waste your readers time.


Great advice. I definitely dont have the right mindset. I shy away and don't want people to know i write books. I should be proud and want to yell it to the world!


I'm about to self publish my first book and your talking about the time it takes for the book to find its audience was extremely helpful. Thank you!


New subscriber here - will self publish my first book soon


OMG, I found someone who is sane about marketing. This was such an inspiring video.


Thank you for this! Just what I needed to hear as a first time author. Instead of putting so much pressure on my first to perform miracles, the book can focus on longevity, which I know it has.


You just earned a 1 more sub for being honest with us, unlike the rest of other YouTubers talking about this topic.


This is SUCH a relief!! Thank you for saying that about the launch window being two years. I self-published my book a few weeks ago on KDP and I am NOT a marketing genius in any sense of the word, but everyone is telling me I have to grow a following on social media and I have to have a platform in order to sell any books and I have to do this, and I have to do that or it's never going to take off and it's SO overwhelming!! (I also have ADHD and anxiety, so being on social media is both a torture and an addiction that leaves very little time or mental space for writing the next book in the series) but I DO really truly believe in my book. It changed my life to write it and it changed how I look at myself and I feel like there are likely thousands, or maybe even hundreds of thousands of people who will resonate with what I've written if only my book can find them. Now I don't feel so bad about "only" selling 30 copies so far... I've sold 30 copies to people I KNOW are going to read it, and I KNOW they are going to LOVE it!


This video just spared me so much stress. Thank you! 🙏🏽


Wow, this information is so wonderful ! Thank you, Story Grid!!


New author here. I'm weeks from launch and I totally needed to hear this. I keep hearing about how important the initial launch is but marketing is ongoing. And, I agree, whatever your endeavor, whatever your product, whatever your service, you need to be ground zero for the hype and excitement for it.



You're the most honest book marketing expert I've seen. Great tips.


Thanks for the awesome tips. I already do most of them. I am a new author and have already 3 books out.


Sir, you have no idea how motivational and informative-ly helpful this content is to me. Such a blessing! Looking forward for more of your videos! Thank you so much! Godspeed!


This really is the most motivating type of advice for creatives


Possibly the best video's I have ever watched about marketing your self published book!
I wrote a book called "Road Juice" ....Live, Eat, Drive, and get better at it. I would love to give you a copy if I knew how, Thank You for the great info !!!


The SAM principle is the gold here. The simple advice of "Be Confident" is for salesman. The "word of mouth" depends if the people have multiple friends, who then have multiple friends.

I'm hopelessly confused, and am legitimately looking for advice. Single Audience Member seems to help, but I need more.
