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❤ Sadia
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👀Oooh, and I wish someone had told me it would be a decision I would never regret! :P Anyone else agree?


When you talked about the skinny jeans, that really hit home. I've been working out, I'm 53, I'm in menopause, I donated a kidney last year, and I don't have the same body I had 15 years ago; yet, I continue to torture myself with a few pair of jeans that are impossible goals unless I brutally punish and starve myself . Those jeans are a reminder of my perceived failure. I need to let them go and be proud of who I am, without those jeans.


I hate dusting and cleaning so much... apparently it made me became a minimalist 😀


Something i took away from Marie Kondos book was “storage experts are hoarders” so whenever I’m tempted to get more storage or organizing units I stop myself and I’m like “if I need more storage I probably have too many things”


One thing I want to add to the minimalizing clothing method is *keeping items that you will definitely use in the present or future.* I have work clothes that don't spark any joy but I need them for work so I can dress appropriately. Same goes for clothes for specific occasions like a formal dress for weddings and events (I've been to 29 weddings so far) and clothes for outdoor activities (wetsuit, snorkeling gear, waders for fishing etc don't spark any joy but I use them often in summer when I go to the beach/lakes).

A friend of mine threw her water shoes away during her minimalism declutter, so when we needed to go crabbing she had no water shoes to protect the soles of her feet. So we had to go buy a new pair for her. Which means her old pair is in some landfill trash pile and she had to spend more money to buy another pair of shoes.

So keep items that:
• Sparks joy
• Is useful or will be used in the near future


I use the Bruce Lee quote: “absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”
“Simplicity is the key to brilliance”😊


The biggest thing I learned was that my home didn't have to feel sterile to be minimal. My original mind set was to get rid of the couch pillows, extra blankets, extra cookware, etc.. But after all of that went away I wasn't happy. My home wasn't cozy anymore and it didn't feel like a home. So I went and got new pillows and a new throw blanket to make my couch feel like its welcoming me instead of saying "dont sit here, I'm too clean to mess up"


One thing I wish _other_ minimalists would figure-out is that one does not have to like a modern or Eastern style of home decor, be poorly groomed, or be a vegetarian, to be a minimalist!
One can indeed possess antique furniture, silverware and fine china; have a period home decorated in a period style; have quality clothing and accessories, and still be a 'minimalist'.

In short, I wish they'd figure-out that it's a _life-philosophy_ (one that has in fact been around for a *very* long time -- nothing 'new' about it!), and not a home- or personal-decorating style or trend.


Growing up in socialist India In the eighties, the middle and upper middle classes all had a truly minimalist lifestyle. Few pairs of clothes, two pairs of shoes, no toys, no cars, no 24 hour tv, chocolates were a luxury, no malls. We all remember those days with nostalgia.


I wish I knew that minimalism doesn't mean *plain and boring.* You don't have to sacrifice fun decor to be a minimalist. My walls are covered in art and color. I found that by purging, I was able to introduce things in my home that I really wanted to be there, out on display instead of having things out, because there wasn't a space for them. You want *things* around you that make you happy.


Minimalism: makes tidying and cleaning so much easier 😅


Your take on minimalism is so refreshing and non-judgemental. It's like a calming breath of fresh air, great video! Thank you!


I wish someone had told me that I'd be much happier choosing my favorite items to keep rather thany least favorite things to get rid of.


I am very glad that you mentioned mental and emotional challenges that some of us face when embracing minimalism. If a person was deprived or neglected as a child and just given "things" in place of love or attention, it becomes a big deal to stop buying/getting rid of things. Also getting help with depression or other mental health challenges might become necessary. I love your channel and your gentleness toward others who are trying to get there.


When you spoke about the skinny jeans and canvas 😩 I literally have a closet a full of clothes with everything I need for when I lose weight, I have been accumulating all that stuff for a few years now (never been worn) and I have art supplies, because I love to learn how to draw, but I rarely get around to it. This year I decided to focus on that, I'm giving myself 1 year, if I fail I'm donating everything, because they give me anxiety. Wish me luck


I have been watching a lot of videos, documentaries on minimalism and have been itching to declutter my life. Watching your video gave me insights the movies and other videos did not offer! Thank you so much.


I think I am sort of born a minimalist because of how my parents raised me. I've always learned to think about what I am going to buy, if I am really going to use it, if I really need it and so forth. When I start to feel like my closet is getting to full I always get the strong desire to go through it and pass some things down to friends and family and so on. I am very greatful to my parents for raising me this way. It is not only better for the economy, but also for the environment.


For me I just stopped buying things. Haven’t bought any clothes for the last six months usually every week I bought new dresses shoes or purses, no more. Saves time and money.


I love that I've found you when I needed you, I've practised minimalism for over a year now, since we downsized, and love the freedom it gives us to travel more and live in the moment, but I've been a little 'stuck' lately so you have given me the empowerment I need ....Nameste 🙏🏼🦋


Oooh I loved this video so much. Your voice is so nice to listen to. I’m not necessarily going minimalist but I am in the middle of a major “organize my whole house” project. I especially liked the last bit about how keeping some things can actually be damaging, holding empty promises and causing guilt. I’ve definetly experienced that but have never heard anyone else talk about it!
