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I LOVE Wuthering Waves..but they need to fix a few things! Here are my first impressions on the Wuthering Waves CBT2 :)


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Something my editor forgot to include was another con, the open world is GREAT but I feel like they could definitely add more enemies and things scattered around. There are times I feel like it’s empty but it’s not too bad. Either way I’m LOVING this game!


If you don't know yet, as your world level equivalent thing in Wuthering Waves rises, the bosses will acquire new movesets and new mechanics apart from the standard hp and atk power increase.
Some people said they seemed like entirely new bosses at higher levels.


Kuro Games may have been taking notes on Genshin's player base surveys. I'll definitely play this game when it releases. 😌


13:10 when your world levels up the enemies not only get more HP and tankiness, they also become more aggressive and precise in their attacks


As a person who absolutely loves Genshin, I'm definitely gonna play Wuthering Waves. And I'm really glad that Genshin finally has a similar (not rip off or any of that bullshit) game to compete with. Genshin has the greatest story and Wuthering waves has a crazy good gameplay.
I'm not gonna stop playing Genshin so I somehow will have to manage giving time to both games. I think it will be worth it.


Very well said doro, you covered the positives and negatives very well. Ppl need to understand that two games of the same genre can exist at the same time. There doesn’t need to be just one. Very good vid


man i dont really like the fact that people hate the designs so much. I feel like we have gotten used to way to flashy designs that stand out way to much if you put them in a crowd. Now i agree on the fact that they should use more colors instead of just black and white and a little bit of difference in color but in my opinion i think the designs are fine and some of them are really cool . And i think they fit in the setting of the world they are placed in.


Healing turtle was throwing that shit back


One more important point, the echoes are the artifact system of this game. And...you can infinitely grind them (WITHOUT USING YOUR Do what you would with that info guys.


I played Punishing for 1 year. Dude, this game is incredibly wonderful, it's also made by Kuro Games. The only problem with the Game is the Cell Phone Memories which takes up a lot! I ended up uninstalling it due to lack of memory. But I'll tell you there's no way to get bored there.

I got 5 characters three 5 stars in 1 week! And I didn't have any pulls! I picked it up while I was playing because the game gives a LOT of pulls!! I really want to play Whutering waves if it's available on my phone.


The boss is depend on the player level, the bigger the level, the bigger the dmg, health and aggresiveness


The character designs are fine. You don't really need a lot of colors to make them pop, just some physical traits would make them stand out such as Mortefi's dragon scale cheest or Sanhua's glowing eye. As for the 'grinding skins' thing, in PGR, when your character reaches a higher power level, they gain a new 'skin'. I'm using it in quotes because it's just their default look but slightly changed, so it's up in the air whether WuWa will have that or not.


Not a Genshin killer, but it's possible it can give competition and it can' be help its being compared. I mean it's both open world, has exploration, real time combat, and waifus and husbandos. Genshin players who wants something a little more complex battle system will check this out and be at right at home. I don't play PGR, but if the devs chose to listen enough to change 90% of the game opens the possibility of more endgame content, better rewards, and a lot more. This game has a big potential and possibly a bright future if Kuro games continue to improve this game. I hope this game will be successful.


This is exactly what I want to see, all the praise the game is getting is deserved but I want everyone that got access to the CBT2 to nitpick at every single detail they can AND actually provide the feedback to the devs, I want as much QoL stuff as possible to be addressed before the official release, the gameplay is probably good enough for release, maybe just small adjustments or bug fixes but it's good.

We as the community and with devs that are listening to all and every feedback need to ask for everything that we want so they can see if it's possible to apply as much of it as possible, it's prime time to criticize the CBT2 so the official release gets even better.

For my part I feel like the menu style is not very appealing, it gets thw job done but it could be improved, PGR old menu and interface was a little outdated but currently it's pretty good, we don't need to wait for WW to release a patch in the future to get a better one when we can address this right here before the game is completely finished. It will probably give the devs a lot more work to do but again, it's QoL, the core game and gameplay is plenty good, if on top of that thw QoL stuff is near perfect, people will feel comfortable just by being in the game without playing.

Imagine if you're running in the city and random NPCs walking in the streets see you and get out of the way before you reach them to avoid "Collision" or other similar stuff, that would be hella cool.


I liked what you said about the combat, that you don't one shot things in seconds but it didn't mean it was harder, it's because the majority of mobs kinda don't have a chance to retaliate when you are going ham on them, let's hope in the official release they get mobs more super armor.

I don't agree with people saying the the characters design are mid due to the color palette, I accept and understand that color is life itself and it does influence the appeal of things but color palette and model design are two different things, just because there are only like 2 to 3 colors being used doesn't mean the design is bad, just that the vibe is not your jam, not bashing at you but the people who say "I looks bad" instead of "It FEELS bad".

Though I have to agree that Kuro is very minimalist with the color palette (though Qu from PGR is just black and green and I think is Peak character design but that's me) but their skins are actually God tier IMO, where they aren't as bold with color palette in base skins, they compensate with the cosmetic skins.


I don't play Genshin and dabbled a bit with StarRail, but I think the colors and themes of the characters in this game fit the world. If they are using muted versions of colors then characters should dress in muted outfits. Perhaps there is a section that is brighter and you have characters from there with more vibrant colors. Time can only tell.


Even though I can't play the CBT version but based on reviews from Youtubers who have played this game, I find that this game is not that bad, that makes me believe that if its developer works hard to improve it, it will be very good


Bro this video is fire, great summary of your experience so far and what we want to hear as someone who knows nothing about it


16:01 Yeah, in PGR so far (beside the new one) all characters has alternative skins that you can get for free in an event (or was it event login bonus), grind, or buy using premium currency, so it most likely they would do the same here.


Their fashion sense has grown on me overtime. A lot of it reminds me of techwear, which is a real time fashion that I actually I would expect from this setting. Sometimes I believe we’ve gotten so used to overly gaudy designs in the anime gacha genre that it’s very easy to misconstrue the “less is more” approach as not enough, when it fact it is enough. Some of their fashion in this game looks realistic enough to be worn in real time and it wouldn’t be considered as a cosplay costume, which when I look at it that way makes it pretty cool. So all in all, I genuinely think their fashion direction is refreshing.
