Indians React To Surpassing China As The Most Populous Country In The World | Street Interview

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*The views expressed in this video do not represent that of Asian Boss or the general Indian public.*

India recently surpassed China’s population and is now the world’s most populous country in the world with over 1.4 billion people. We hit the streets of Mumbai to find out how ordinary Indians feel about this.

0:00 - Preview
0:19 - Intro
0:40 - Reactions to news
1:17 - Is this a good or bad thing?
2:22 - Did you notice the population growing around you?
3:29 - How many siblings do you have?
5:13 - How many kids do you want to have?
6:44 - Why did India’s population grow so much?
8:22 - More competition on job market
10:13 - Should the government control its population growth?
12:31 - Positive Prospects of India's Young Population

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Being the country with the largest population in the world isn't something to be proud of. More pollution, more cramped, less opportunities & more chaos overall...


“Because if there was a war, we'd have many soldiers” 😂


The older man said everything correctly. Every single point. Also it's nice to see that the young educated people have the right mindset when it comes to population growth


That man telling we should fill this country with kids was irritating me so why education is important


Out of all the Indian langauges that old man could speak, he chose to speak straight FACTS


Japan, South Korea, China to their populations: "Please give birth, guys."
India to its people: "Can you just have a few children each family?"


Educated Old man is speaking facts. It is the uneducated poor that is boosting the Indian birth rate. Urban city and educated Indians are following behind the trends found in East Asia, but there are still so many rural Indians.


As a Chinese graduate student (22-years old ), I can share my view of point about this question, but my English is not good, so pardon me using Mandarin to answer .
0:40 - Reactions to news

1:17 - Is this a good or bad thing?

2:22 - Did you notice the population growing around you?

3:29 - How many siblings do you have?

5:13 - How many kids do you want to have?

6:44 - Why did India’s population grow so much?

8:22 - More competition on job market

10:13 - Should the government control its population growth?

12:31 - Positive Prospects of India's Young Population

best wish from China Beijing


Now it is coming from an Indian woman. Tons of women are FORCED into "marriages" and "pregnancies" which also resulted in high birth rate. I have seen tons of forced marriages specially of women at most cases. A lot of my own female friends accept that they will be FORCED into a marriage. I don't need to explain what kind of a mental, emotional and physical torture it is on a woman when she's FORCED into such things.


Love the idea you covered from the logical, sensible to illogical people. We want this kind of content. From naive & dumb to mature conversation we can see how the most people this about population. The importance of education & experience is highlighted in this videos loved that part it covered all the topics from job, opportunity, marriage & population. The discussion was broad.


The older man spoke straight facts. The young educated people don’t want children or one to two at most. The guy with the hat on doesn’t come off as too knowledgeable when it comes to economics and the demand on resources with so many people. He’s part of the group that keeps having children no matter what.
India needs to educate their population. With increased literacy amongst a population that is so big, India can become very powerful.


You can see the difference in answer between those educated in economy and who know basic life responsibility and those who have no knowledge of the bad impact of overpopulation and still live in the old day of ' let me leach of my family' ... yes I am looking at that guy who said he wants the whole land covered and to have as many kids as possible and how you should expect your siblings to carry you on in life.


4:31 this man is speaking straight up facts


Being an Indian citizen it hurts me that no interviewee addressed the issue of how this humongous population is posing a great threat to the environment. We have entered 6th mass extinction phase already because of climate change . Fundamental problem being a huge population(consumer base).Today a average person produces 60 metric tonnes of carbon emission per year. This earth can't even bear one new consumer so We should bring awareness about the importance of antinatalism and veganism into our society instead of multiplying like crazy. In the times we live today, I think, begetting is the extreme form of violence to this earth and everything on this earth.


The man with cap is totally from bihar
Even his accent proves it .
He should keep his ideologies in bihar and live there too rather than burdening over maharashtra.


The old man was HITTING THE CORE. he spoke straight facts in the most minimal words. Basically he summed up the whole situation of india and it’s alarming population growth.


The worst reply was from the man who wanted to do as many children he can do and all land to be filled with people.
Crazy man, I hope his opinion changes.


As an Indonesian I can relate, Jakarta is so overpopulated


The girl talking about assets and liabilities is pretty balanced in her thinking. That's kind of extraordinary.


Wow that was a really good interview I loved hearing the perspectives from young, middle and mature aged people. Very informative and I’m so proud of the young people how they’re evaluating their financial situation with family planning. Truly the previous generations did a good job raising these fine young people. The husband was so inspirational with the responsibility of men who choose to have large families being financially able to support them. The middle aged gentleman discussed the importance of having more than one sibling in the event of a family crisis or setback, knowing that another sibling can provide support. Good point on his part when considering family planning. Thanks for inquiring about the one child policy in China loved how the girls expressed the lack of brides, kidnapping, safety issues, and why sons were preferred over the daughters. Thanks for sharing ❤
