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You know all about how DNA bases can code for an organism's traits, but did you know there's more influencing phenotype than just the bases? Explore epigenetics with the Amoeba Sisters by learning about a few types of epigenetic marks and some examples of them in action.
00:00 Intro
2:14 Epigenetic Marks
4:13 Studies Involving Rodents & Epigenetics
5:51 Points about Inheritance and Factors Involving Inheritance
7:01 Why study Epigentics?
7:51 Epigentic Therapy
Klug, William S, Michael R Cummings, Charlotte A Spencer, Michael Angelo Palladino, and Darrell Killian. Essentials of Genetics. Hoboken: Pearson, 2020.
Adams, J. (2008) Obesity, epigenetics, and gene regulation. Nature Education 1(1):128
Weaver IC, Cervoni N, Champagne FA, D'Alessio AC, Sharma S, Seckl JR, Dymov S, Szyf M, Meaney MJ. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci. 2004 Aug;7(8):847-54. doi: 10.1038/nn1276. Epub 2004 Jun 27. PMID: 15220929.
Robert A. Waterland, Randy L. Jirtle
Transposable Elements: Targets for Early Nutritional Effects on Epigenetic Gene Regulation
Molecular and Cellular Biology Aug 2003, 23 (15) 5293-5300; DOI: 10.1128/MCB.23.15.5293-5300.2003
Dana C. Dolinoy, Dale Huang, Randy L. Jirtle
Maternal nutrient supplementation counteracts bisphenol A-induced DNA hypomethylation in early development
Simmons, D. (2008) Epigenetic influence and disease. Nature Education 1(1):6
This website is phenomenal for learning about epigenetics, and it was recommended in Pinky’s graduate course.
More about histones?
We mention these are only some examples of epigenetic marks. What others exist? Check out this further reading which mentions Micro-RNAs.
What do we mean about epigenetic tags being “cleared?” Two great further readings:
Epigenetic therapy with diseases?
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Intro music designed & performed by Jeremiah Cheshire.
End music listed free to use/no attribution required from YouTube audio library.
Turkish Subtitles by Kardelen Karaman
00:00 Intro
2:14 Epigenetic Marks
4:13 Studies Involving Rodents & Epigenetics
5:51 Points about Inheritance and Factors Involving Inheritance
7:01 Why study Epigentics?
7:51 Epigentic Therapy
Klug, William S, Michael R Cummings, Charlotte A Spencer, Michael Angelo Palladino, and Darrell Killian. Essentials of Genetics. Hoboken: Pearson, 2020.
Adams, J. (2008) Obesity, epigenetics, and gene regulation. Nature Education 1(1):128
Weaver IC, Cervoni N, Champagne FA, D'Alessio AC, Sharma S, Seckl JR, Dymov S, Szyf M, Meaney MJ. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci. 2004 Aug;7(8):847-54. doi: 10.1038/nn1276. Epub 2004 Jun 27. PMID: 15220929.
Robert A. Waterland, Randy L. Jirtle
Transposable Elements: Targets for Early Nutritional Effects on Epigenetic Gene Regulation
Molecular and Cellular Biology Aug 2003, 23 (15) 5293-5300; DOI: 10.1128/MCB.23.15.5293-5300.2003
Dana C. Dolinoy, Dale Huang, Randy L. Jirtle
Maternal nutrient supplementation counteracts bisphenol A-induced DNA hypomethylation in early development
Simmons, D. (2008) Epigenetic influence and disease. Nature Education 1(1):6
This website is phenomenal for learning about epigenetics, and it was recommended in Pinky’s graduate course.
More about histones?
We mention these are only some examples of epigenetic marks. What others exist? Check out this further reading which mentions Micro-RNAs.
What do we mean about epigenetic tags being “cleared?” Two great further readings:
Epigenetic therapy with diseases?
Our Resources:
Connect with us!
Intro music designed & performed by Jeremiah Cheshire.
End music listed free to use/no attribution required from YouTube audio library.
Turkish Subtitles by Kardelen Karaman