15 SKILLS You Need To Develop If You Want To Be RICH

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Hey Aluxers, we have a monster video for you today! It's our longest and probably the one that could have the biggest impact on your life to date! Is 30 minutes too much?


15 Skills + 1 Bonus (List)
1. Discipline
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Self-motivation
4. Maintaining focus
5. Reading
6. Play the long game
7. Continuous learning
8. How to sell
9. Learning to outsource
10. Willingness to make sacrifices
11. Marketing
12. Ability to motivate & inspire others
13. Money management
14. Ability to quickly adapt to change
15. Ability to bring quality people around them
16. They don't bullshit themselves
(Thanks Me Later)


The video in a nutshell:
1. - Discipline and habits (Means take care of the most important task related to long term goals before anything else)
1.1. - Define what you want
1.2. - Evaluate why you want it
1.3. - Eliminate distractions
1.4. - Prioritize the most important task
1.5. - Track your progress
1.6. – Keep yourself accountable
2. - Emotional Intelligence (How people work? How they think? What they want?)
2.1. - Connect the dots in the real world
2.2. - What means happiness in your life
2.3. - Be an active listener
3. - Self-motivation (is an ability to overcome obstacles in your mind)
3.1. - What is a perfect life for you?
3.2. - Create reminders to keep you motivated (Background pictures of where you want to go)
4. - Maintaining Focus (Filter the distractions or noisy) to support your discipline
4.1. - How many activities contribute to your journey?
4.2. - How many activities is a waste of time
5. - Reading (Brain correlate information better reading than watching videos or throw audio books)
5.1 Read as many topics related to your goal as possible
6. - Play the long game (Forecast how much time you need to achieve your goals)
6.1. - There is not elevator to success
7. - Continues learning (Understand as many things as you can)
7.1. - Connect the information to keep solving your problems in a better way
8. - How to sell (Rationalize persuasion)
8.1. - How to convince other to exchange with you
8.2. - “People will trade their money for things that they find more valuable than the money they just spent” in this case normally are things
8.3. - The same goes to Time “People will trade their time for things that they find more valuable than the time they just spent” in this case normally is money
9. - Learning to outsource (the most valuable thing that you have is time)
9.1. - Spend wisely your time on activities that bring value to you and your goals
9.2. - Avoid do everything by yourself
10. - Willingness to make sacrifices (The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately)
10.1. - “It’s Not Going To Be Easy, But It’s Going To Be Worth”
11. - Marketing (Its different from selling)
11.1. - “Selling has to deal with the needs of the seller, marketing is focused on the needs of the buyer”
11.2. - If you sell something because the company needs to make a profit, you market something as a solution to a problem.
11.3. - You track sales by profit and marketing by the customer satisfaction.
11.4. - Describe what your product or service is and how can make their lives better.
12. - Ability to motivate & inspire others
12.1. - “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
12.2. - The best thing to do in order to became and inspiration is to be genuine (Not bullshit)
13. - Money management (What to do after you get it)
13.1. - Think money as you little soldiers
13.2. - Put your money to work and busy
13.3. - Money should be used to protect yourself from any financial risk (diversification)
13.4. - Track your money to see where it go other than support your happiness or well being
14. - Ability to quickly adapt to change
14.1. - Connect new dots to avoid fail to adapt to the future.
14.2. - “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”
15. - Ability to bring quality people around them
15.1. - Your network is your net-worth
15.2. - Your are the average of the five people you spent most of your time with
15.3. - Find the right mentors for your needs
16. - They don’t bullshit themselves
16.1. - Lying to yourself will only keep you to unachieved your own potential.
16.2. - Be humble.


Fantastic video. Everybody wants to be financially independent and live a better life. With savvy investing, an inexpensive lifestyle, and diligent budgeting, this is not difficult to do. I'm glad I realized early on that achieving financial freedom requires hard work.


Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future.., I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life!!


01. [Be Disciplined](1:45)
02. [Be Emotionally Intelligent](4:55)
03. [Be Self-Motivated](7:30)
04. [Maintain Focus](9:57)
05. [Read](11:25)
06. [Play The Long Game](12:48)
07. [Learning Continuously](14:12)
08. [Master Sales](15:25)
09. [Master Outsourcing](17:21)
10. [Make Sacrifices](19:02)
11. [Master Marketing](19:55)
12. [Motivate & Inspire](21:27)
13. [Manage Money](23:09)
14. [Adapt To Change Quickly](25:15)
15. [Surround Yourself With High Quality People](26:30)


Making your bed should remind you that, now matter what happens to you, at least one thing in your life is still in order.


I really appreciate Sam clear and simple breakdown on financial pitfalls! you will be shown why it’s better to hit singles and doubles than to try to hit home runs. At the end of your first trade with him you must have learnt about what works and what doesn’t. You will be able to develop a trading strategy by simply following his teachings.


When you invest, you're buying a day you don't have to work


No bullshit. Thank you so much for making this video. I kept writing notes throughout the entire video and now I know what I need to fix about myself and what I need to do to be successful. I will always keep the notes I have taken from this video with me so that I can continue to always improve myself and achieve my dreams! Thank you so much this video has given me a huge boost today!


I have to improve
2. Self motivation
3. Reading
4. Play the long game
5. Learning to outsources
6. Willingness to make sacrifices
7. Marketing
8. Ability to quick adapt to changes
Thanks alux to remember me what i need to improve 🥰


15 Skills List:

1. Discipline
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Self-motivation
4. Maintaining focus
5. Reading
6. Play the long game
7. Continuous learning
8. How to sell
9. Learning to outsource
10. Willingness to make sacrifices
11. Marketing
12. Ability to motivate & inspire others
13. Money management
14. Ability to quickly adapt to change
15. Ability to bring quality people around them


I colloquially refer to this channel to myself as rich mom, and I really need the kind of parenting you deliver. Thank you Alux! ♥


This is the first video I’m watching from this channel and I’ve become a fan. The ending really humbled me 😂.


The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different of income that depend on the govt especially with this current economic crisis around the world


1. Discipline
2. Money Management
3. Reading
4. Willingness to make sacrifices
5. Learning to outsource


The third time watching. This time took detailed notes! Took a hard look at myself and really evaluated where I'm at.


1 discipline
2 emotional intelligence
3 motivation
4 reading
5 play the long game


Alux, your videos are inspirational.Inspirational, because it brought some change in me quickly.Eg:- Reawakening my old habit of getting up at 6.00 am.I am taking one thing at a time
Best about this video is" Intelligence is an ability to adapt to change"
Selling deals with the needs of the seller and Marketing deals with the needs of the buyer.
Your network is your networth


Most people venture into skills to be wealthy and live in abundance, meanwhile i just want to be debt free😪
