arrest without warrant | section 54 to 67 crpc 1898 | chapter 5 crpc

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arrest without warrant | section 54 to 67 crpc 1898 | arrest by magistrate | arrest by private person | discharge by magistrate | arrest of vegabonds | crpc 1898| chapter 5 crpc


usman abid
advocate high court
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Sir Rules and Orders of Lahore High Court volume 3 chapter 22


Sir i have two questions from Section 57. FIRST QUESTION is let say I am walking around and I am not involved in any kind of offense or unlawful activity and police officer approaches me and ask for Identification. I refuse him to identify because I am not involved in any kind of unlawful activity then A POLICE OFFICER CAN ARREST ME?

SECOND QUESTION is as you know in Punjab, Police man stops citizens on especially bikers/sometimes cars and asks for their names, residence address, mobile number and car/bike registration numbers, you don't think that its unlawful stop because police should have reasonable grounds to stop/ search a person according to police order 2002. If in this situation I refuse to identify myself(when police cannot gives reason for stop) can police arrest me?

Let say I am entering Lahore city and at check post police stops me for no reason and asks for ID I refuse because when I asked for why he stopped he didn't give me any reason. If i refuse to Identify my self can police arrest me?

Same example I am entering Lahore city and at check post police officer stops me because they are looking for Black Corolla car Which was stolen and I am also driving black Corolla but my own ( not stolen one), they stop me asks for Identification I ask them why they stoped me they told me that we are looking for Black stolen Corolla car, and at that point I refuse them to identify my self because I am not involved in any cognisible offense or non cognisible will they can arrest me?
