Timeless Truths...Does the Bible Claim To Be The Word Of God

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The main question with respect to the Bible, that has to be adequately answered, concerns its divine authority. What kind of book does it claim to be? Does it make any statements about its own authority? If so, then what does it say?

What The Bible Says About Its Own Authority

The claims of the Bible, with respect to ultimate authority of the God of Scripture, can be simply stated in the following four points.

1. The God Of The Bible Has Audibly Spoken To Humans

2. God Chose Certain People To Speak For Him

3. The Words Of God, And His Chosen Spokesmen, Were Written Down

4. The Writings Of Scripture, Being God’s Words, Were
Absolutely Authoritative On Every Subject They Covered

This brings us to our final point. These words that have been written down, since they are the words of God, have His absolute authority. We find this to be true in both testaments. For example, in the Old Testament we find that the things that were committed to writing were understood to be divinely authoritative. We read in Deuteronomy:

Moses commanded the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD, saying, “Take this book of the law and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God; let it remain there as a witness against you” (Deuteronomy 31:25.26 NRSV UE).

Moses’ words were God’s words and hence they carried His divine authority.

The same is true for the New Testament. The apostle Paul believed his written message ultimately came from God. Therefore it was authoritative. He made the following claim to the church in Corinth:

If anyone considers himself a prophet or spiritual person, he should acknowledge that what I write to you is the Lord’s command (1 Corinthians 14:37 NET).

Thus, the written word of God is the final authority upon all matters in which it speaks. While authority comes from God alone, we find that He has chosen to reveal His truth to humanity through human words, and by means of certain human writers whom He selected.

From the beginning to the end, the Bible is a book that is divine and human. Divinely inspired by God, but written in the words of humans. It is important that we realize the dual nature of Scripture.

The Bible is the Word of God written in the words of human authors. While the words may be human, the message was from God. Moreover, the Christian faith stands or falls upon the foundation of Holy Scripture. Without the Scriptures, Christians have no basis of authority whatsoever. The psalmist asked the appropriate question:

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3 KJV).

The foundation of the Christian faith is that the living God has spoken to humanity and His words have been recorded in the Bible. In the entire history of the church, Christian teaching and preaching has been based upon the belief that the Scriptures are of divine origin.

Humans spoke, God spoke. Therefore, when we speak of the authority of the Bible, we mean that the words of Scripture are the words of God.

Consequently, if we do not believe certain parts of it, or if we disobey its commandments, we are disbelieving and disobeying God.

Thus, to obey God, we must obey everything which His Word commands us to do. This is how we honor Him.

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