Timeless Truths...Ancient Mysteries of the Bible Solved

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Mystery: It can be defined as anything that is unexplained or unknown. Up until about 150-200 years, there were many unknowns, many mysteries, when it came to the Bible and ancient history.
In particular, it concerned the events that were recorded in the Old Testament. Questions abounded:
-Was there even writing at the time of Moses?
-Are certain individuals and people groups, mentioned only in the Bible, real people? Did they actually exist?
-Are the geographical and historical references, correct?
In other words, does the Bible accurately record the past? This was a question to where there were no definitive answers.
How do we find the answers to what took place in the past? We cannot get into a time machine and go back! What can we do to solve these mysteries?
Biblical Archaeology To The Rescue (The Past Has Come To Us)
Until a little over a century and a half ago, almost all the information on the Old Testament came from the Bible. Scholars were unaware of contemporary sources that would either confirm or deny the stories about the people, rulers, cities, and events described by Moses and the other Old Testament authors.
Fortunately, the answer to many of these questions has been solved by the science of archaeology.
What Is Archaeology?
Simply put, archaeology is the study of ancient debris—the things that a civilization leaves behind. Archaeologists, therefore, examine the physical remains that civilizations have left behind.
What we discovered is that there is archaeological evidence for these mysteries to be answered in the positive. In other words, the Old Testament matches up with what we know about past history.
Indeed, it has consistently shown itself to be a remarkably reliable guide which accurately records what took place during biblical times. Therefore, we can acknowledge the following facts.
Fact: The world of the Bible is the world that did indeed exist in the past.
Fact: The historical record confirms the general outline of Scripture.
Fact: More than that, the writers of the Bible are found to be meticulously correct in their historical references.
Conclusion: Therefore, we have every reason to trust what the Bible says about the past.
There Needs To Be More Than Mere Historical Exactness
This brings us to our next point. Even though the writers give evidence of knowing and understanding intimate details of the times and circumstances of the lives of the biblical characters, there has to be more than this if we are to believe that the Bible is the Word of the Living God.
Indeed, there has to be evidence of a supernatural God who knows the future, who controls the future, and who predicts certain events that will take place in the future.
This is precisely what we have. As we will show, the fact that certain Old Testament writers, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel, lived during the times which the Bible claims they did, demonstrates that the predictions contained in their writings are something that no human being could imagine.
Indeed, humanly speaking, it is impossible to correctly make the sort of predictions that these authors made.
Simply put, if these three prophets lived and wrote at the time that the Scripture says that they did, then this is overwhelming evidence as to the supernatural character of the Bible.
In examining this issue, we will review the historical evidence for each prophet, discover predictions that came to pass in their own lifetime, and then document the specific predictions that were fulfilled after their lifetime.
Therefore, the timeless truth from this subject, is that the Lord has given us irrefutable evidence of His existence by speaking through these three Old Testament prophets…
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In particular, it concerned the events that were recorded in the Old Testament. Questions abounded:
-Was there even writing at the time of Moses?
-Are certain individuals and people groups, mentioned only in the Bible, real people? Did they actually exist?
-Are the geographical and historical references, correct?
In other words, does the Bible accurately record the past? This was a question to where there were no definitive answers.
How do we find the answers to what took place in the past? We cannot get into a time machine and go back! What can we do to solve these mysteries?
Biblical Archaeology To The Rescue (The Past Has Come To Us)
Until a little over a century and a half ago, almost all the information on the Old Testament came from the Bible. Scholars were unaware of contemporary sources that would either confirm or deny the stories about the people, rulers, cities, and events described by Moses and the other Old Testament authors.
Fortunately, the answer to many of these questions has been solved by the science of archaeology.
What Is Archaeology?
Simply put, archaeology is the study of ancient debris—the things that a civilization leaves behind. Archaeologists, therefore, examine the physical remains that civilizations have left behind.
What we discovered is that there is archaeological evidence for these mysteries to be answered in the positive. In other words, the Old Testament matches up with what we know about past history.
Indeed, it has consistently shown itself to be a remarkably reliable guide which accurately records what took place during biblical times. Therefore, we can acknowledge the following facts.
Fact: The world of the Bible is the world that did indeed exist in the past.
Fact: The historical record confirms the general outline of Scripture.
Fact: More than that, the writers of the Bible are found to be meticulously correct in their historical references.
Conclusion: Therefore, we have every reason to trust what the Bible says about the past.
There Needs To Be More Than Mere Historical Exactness
This brings us to our next point. Even though the writers give evidence of knowing and understanding intimate details of the times and circumstances of the lives of the biblical characters, there has to be more than this if we are to believe that the Bible is the Word of the Living God.
Indeed, there has to be evidence of a supernatural God who knows the future, who controls the future, and who predicts certain events that will take place in the future.
This is precisely what we have. As we will show, the fact that certain Old Testament writers, such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel, lived during the times which the Bible claims they did, demonstrates that the predictions contained in their writings are something that no human being could imagine.
Indeed, humanly speaking, it is impossible to correctly make the sort of predictions that these authors made.
Simply put, if these three prophets lived and wrote at the time that the Scripture says that they did, then this is overwhelming evidence as to the supernatural character of the Bible.
In examining this issue, we will review the historical evidence for each prophet, discover predictions that came to pass in their own lifetime, and then document the specific predictions that were fulfilled after their lifetime.
Therefore, the timeless truth from this subject, is that the Lord has given us irrefutable evidence of His existence by speaking through these three Old Testament prophets…
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