Timeless Truths...Does The God of the Bible Exist

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Within the pages of the Bible are the claims that God has spoken to humanity. Over three thousand times in the Old Testament alone there are phrases such as “God spoke” . . . “And the Lord said” . . . “The word of the Lord came unto” . . .

The men who wrote the books of the Old and New Testament believed that God exists and that He has clearly revealed Himself to the world. The Bible is a record of that revelation.

But the claim that God exists does not, in-and-of-itself, make it true. How do we know that God exists? Couldn’t the idea of God be some wish-fulfillment on our part? Maybe God is only a mental projection—something which merely exists in our minds.

If there is a God, as the Bible affirms, then what is He like? In other words, how does a person know that this God who exists is the same one that the Bible reveals? Put another way, how does the Christian know that their God exists? What reasons are there to believe in the God of the Bible?

This book will answer questions concerning the evidence for God’s existence.

Does The Bible Attempt To Prove That
The God Of Scripture Actually Exists?

No, it does not. In the Bible, there is no attempt at all to prove that the God revealed in Scripture actually exists. From the first page of the Bible until the last, the existence of the God of Scripture is assumed—everyone is aware that He exists.

From an examination of the Scripture, we can discover a number of things about the existence of the God of the Bible. They include the following.

The Bible Offers No Proofs For The Existence Of The God It Reveals

We again emphasize that nowhere in the Bible are there arguments seeking to prove God’s existence. The fact of His existence is assumed from the very first page—where we read the following:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1 KJV).

The existence of the God of Scripture is implicit throughout the rest of Scripture. The Bible assumes the fact of God’s existence and calls upon people to make a step of faith toward Him.

The Existence Of The God Of The Bible Is Evident To All

There is no attempt to prove that God exists because Scripture says that God’s existence is evident to everyone. Paul wrote to the Romans and stated it in this way:

For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them (Romans 1:18-19 CSB).

God has made His existence evident to all of us. In some sense, every created thing gives evidence to God’s existence.

If a person denies the existence of God, then there is no reference point for correctly understanding themselves, or the world around them. They are without any hope.

Only A Fool Denies That The God Of Scripture Exists

Not only does the Bible assume that God exists, it says that only fools deny His existence. The psalmist wrote the following:

Fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” (Psalm 53:1)

There Is No Excuse For Denying God’s Existence

Ultimately, those who deny God’s existence have no real excuse for what they are doing. When Paul wrote to the Romans, he said unbelievers have no excuse for denying the existence of God. He put it this way.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse (Romans 1:20 NIV).

Only The Bible Reveals The True God Who Exists

The main interest in Scripture is to show that the God of Scripture is the only God who exists. In the ancient world it seems that everyone believed in some type of god. Atheism was not really an issue at that particular time in history.

The question, therefore, was, “Which God, or gods, truly exist?” This is the issue in which the Bible addresses itself. The God of the Bible is contrasted to the false idols and powers which people were worshipping. He is the only God who exists.

While the Bible does not try to "prove" the God exists, the evidence from Scripture, as to His existence, is overwhelming.

We list a number of the lines of evidence in our book, The Case For Christianity, including Jesus' miracles, His fulfilling of Prophecy, as well as His resurrection from the dead.

We also set for a case for his existence in our books 50 Biblical Prophecies Made and Fulfilled and 25 Signs We Are Near The End.

These last books are available for free download from our website educatingourworld under the heading Bible Prophecy.

The Case For Christianity can be found under the heading of Jesus Christ.

Yes, God does exist!

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