Relativity by Albert Einstein | Book Discourse

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The influence of Einstein's Theory of Relativity on human society is undeniable. Yet, how often is the meaning behind its influence taken into consideration? What does it mean that space and time is dependent on distance and speed? What does it imply about existence that perception of reality is relative? In what way did Einstein have to think to arrive at such an epiphany? What is the philosophy of the theory of relativity? Let's discuss.

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I have completely watched your video of 25 minutes and hereby I will say as an undergrad in physics that whatever you said is correct your views and opinions are more on an amalgamation of the theory of relativity with philosophy, unlike other YouTubers you have given justice to the purity of the literature what Einstein actually wanted to preach with his theory and how the general public should perceive it. Thanking You for reading my comment everyone. Have a good day


I'm a hobbiest philosopher and professional physicists so I have been thinking through the implications of relativity for a long time. Whats interesting is if you look at relativity historically many of the implications and results of the theory were already worked out and known. Time and length dilation/contraction has been hypothesized since Maxwell's equations. Even a rudimentary theory of relativity has been around for several hundred years (Galilean relativity). However, what a lot of modern people nowadays miss when looking at Einstein's theories was what specifically Einstein did. Einstein did not come up with the ideas of length dilation and contraction or relative time (He wasn't even the first person to write down E=mc^2). What Einstein did was in fact a triumph of the union of metaphysics with physics. Einstein derived all of these observed phenomena and tied them all together by demanding one simple axiom: the speed of light is constant for all observers, no matter how they are moving. By carefully following the logic of this through he found all of these found phenomena and generated the modern physical view of spacetime as a complete geometric space (this space is hyperbolic in time). This was his special relativity. This alone was a philosophical and physical triumph.

However, he decided to do it all over again by adding one additional axiom: an observer in free fall can not tell whether they are in a gravitational field. By again carefully following through the logical implications he created his theory of general relativity and all it entails. This included a mechanism for the creation and perpetuation of gravitational fields, only by demanding these two axioms.

Einstein of course is one of the most successful and important physicists of all time. However, I feel not enough people give him the credit he deserves as a philosopher. He is as much a philosopher as a physicist.


Just discovered your channel and you have no idea how happy I am to find a channel like this, practically all your videos are now on my watch later list.
Thanks so much for making these!


love you, this Channel will grow more popular in time. it deserves to


I appreciate your explanation. I was going to get the book to read for fun. I am definitely getting it


This is the best fucking channel on youtube.


Been following for awhile. I enjoy your work


We've been framed! It is interesting that concerning Special Relativity(SR), all education that is active today, is doing everything that it can, to make sure that "What is really going on" is never to be exposed. Concerning SR, I could tell some Joe Blow what is really going on, and with a little effort, that Joe Blow could independently derive all of the SR mathematical equations, and understand SR better than most folk, and independently derive all of the Lorentz Transformation equations, and do so in mere minutes. Now funny enough, what info I give Joe Blow, can be represented via a simple form of geometry. However, it is a form of geometry that, other than myself, no one else seems to have even thought of.

Dealing with the two bolts of lightning, observers in different frames of reference ( other than the frame where the lightning strikes seem to be simultaneous ), each observe a different timing between each lightning bolt. These other observers may also disagree on which bolt struck first. Thus, many observers will view these lightning strike events, but they will see it differently. But, most importantly, "Something" did actually occur. This "something" is then seen differently from the different frames of reference. This "something" is totally banned in the current SR education. Thus the actual physics behind the SR phenomena is currently being banned. Only the outcome of the actual physics behind it all, is currently being discussed.


"Back when it used to be good"


Thus, Einstein's observation of reality, is only relative. It is only correct, from his point of view.
