Full Ansible Tutorial for Beginners: From Zero to Deploying Your First Playbook

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⭐Full Ansible Tutorial for Beginners: From Zero to Deploying Your First Playbook: If you are a beginner or even if you have some kind of experience working in IT, this series will help you at every step in your goal towards pure automation with Ansible.⭐

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With the growing demand for automation, I felt there was a need for a comprehensive masterclass, which touches all the sweet spots of the important concepts.

If you wish to learn things differently and if you love visualizations,
What are we waiting for? Join me and let's travel through the world of automation with Ansible for 2021.

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs.

I realize these terms may be very intimidating now but don't worry, we will together cover these topics in detail as and when we move forward.

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⭐Full Ansible Tutorial for Beginners 2021: If you are a beginner or even if you have some kind of experience working in IT, this series will help you at every step in your goal towards pure automation with


Hi - is there a link to pay for the slides with US bank/CC/ or Paypal? I am not able to pay for them currently on your site


Such a clean and detailed explanation!!! Really Thankful to you !!


Hi, non of the payment link is working for me from US. Please enable paypal to give support.


Hi, I am facing an issue. Could you please help for below error?

ansible-playbook install_nginx.yaml -v
No config file found; using defaults
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit
localhost does not match 'all'
ERROR! '-name' is not a valid attribute for a Play

The error appears to be in line 1, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- name: Setup nginx server on myserver list (host group)
^ here


This is a nice course for Ansible, "isn't it?"


which vm should i use in case, Iam using azure cloud provider?


started with it, very clear explainations :). However difficullt to rewind in case you feel lost. You should have divided topic wise as most of the long youtube tutorials are.. so I can resume comfortably anytime.


Amazing session💐💐
Thank you once again😊


Nice video I will watch later thank you 😊


Hi brother, I'm getting the error "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent". While execute the command ssh-add ~/.ssh/ec2-key.pem. could you please check and share your feedback.


you can use ssh-keygen command instead of copy pasting the private key


awsome course and very clear explanation with aws. so much helpful


How can i use this to monitor an IP for reachability and as well log to that ip


Just a tip if managed node is unable to connect with control node even after adding the right permissions
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

add the new user ansible (if created) into the allowed users bit


Its really very well designed with good and easy examples. Course material is really awesome. Trainer's presentation is really good. Its easy to understand the ansible once you complete this training. Thanks a lot.


A little confusion: @40:20 you mentioned that Grinnding is a key value within which there are nested dictionary key:pair values and that will be represented just with an indentation (and not a hyphen) but at @43:25 despite of Milk being a dictionary (regardless if it's nested or not) why does it start with a hyphen ?

Shouldn't it be more like this ?
- Coffee
- Flavour Liquid
Milk: (without a hyphen)
- Dominos
- Low Fat
- Toned


Great tutorial! thank you so much :)
You just need to get rid of the habit saying "isn't it" or add a counter at the top right 😅
(I'm kidding, hopefully this passes through as a constructive criticism and not an insult)


Thank you so much. I learnt a lot on ansible.


I don't understand group variables totally
