What were the Engineers running from in Prometheus?

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I thought it was made pretty clear in the movie that the engineers were running from a physical thing. You look over your shoulder at something in pursuit of you with the expectation that you will be able to physically see it. No one looks over their shoulder when running from an area of breached containment while fearing some invisible pathogen.

Obviously, one of their "weapons" got loose and cornered them. End of story.


There was so much potential for that film....and it fell so short of how good it could have been.


They were obviously running away from Ridely Scott after he watched AVP


The engineers look like handsome squidward


I actually agree with this theory. I'm also biased -- it's close to what I've been thinking all along. "No. This isn't an escaped project. The Engineers are hyper-intelligent and would have safeguards. This was sabotage."


The engineer woke up pissed because David told him Harambe died.


The Engineers were playing a game of "whoever gets tagged next has the cooties", and the game went too far.


Perhaps, the Engineers were running from an adult xenomorph, as I discovered there is art work that illustrates just how huge the creature is born from an Engineer, they're 3 times the size, that's a massive creature to deal with, however, a dozen Engineers should still be able to deal with it, since they're combat and military types.


My theory is the xenimorphs are not engineered, but rather the engineers used them to create the black goo, and adapted their dna to have a xeno type of exoskeleton as a spacesuit.

I think a xeno got loose and did what they always do. The black goo didnt seem to be a problem until the android unsealed that door.

Who knows the whole story until the studio makes up its mind what it wants.


Here's my theory:

2000 years ago, some very hungry Engineers passing by Earth on a space voyage decided to get some 'takeout' food. They swung low over Central America and beamed up some enchiladas and frijoles being offered on a sacrificial altar by the ancient peoples there. Putting the food in stasis, they hurried back to their home base on LV-223.

Ravenous & excited to be eating the delicious-looking food, the entire base population tore into the meal. Afterwards, they sat back & relaxed, sated and content. Six hours later, Montezuma's Revenge

There was only one bathroom facility on the base, and realizing their plight, the Engineers all made a mad dash for it. Unfortunately, there were only four toilets inside, and the first four Engineers to get to the bathroom, sealed the door behind them. The Engineers outside, unable to release their bowels, suffered diarrhea explosions, some explosions tearing through their chests, some blowing off their heads.

After hours on the toilet, the four surviving Engineers recovered. They deduced that the Earthlings had intentionally offered tainted food to their gods, the Engineers. Enraged, they decided to destroy all humans on Earth. But being groggy from their ordeal, they mistakenly programmed their hibernation capsules for an undetermined sleep period.

2000 years later, the Prometheus landed on LV-223, and the rest is history.


What happen to the Engineers that went in the Black Goo Chamber? One tripped and head removed. the others went inside. what happen to them? I just remembered something. Remember Ridley Scott said the Ship in Alien was a Bomber?


When David activates the hologram you hear at the very beginning of the recording you hear some sound resemble the Deacons roar or scream. So they could be running from some sort of Deacon creature. The Deacon came from the engineer so it makes sense


As an alien, Prometheus, predator fan one of the appeals of your videos is your voice along with your commentary. I look forward to your videos.


This is a very good question!!! The last engineer wasn’t afraid of Shaw’s baby, so he must’ve seen something else that is much deadlier.


I can imagine the Creators using the black goo and I would really, really like to see what that would look like. Up until now, we always saw the black goo being exposed to humans or engineers by accident, randomly mutating in a very chaotic way. But I suspect that there must have been a "correct" use of this substance. The creators would have the potential knowledge and technology to not only randomly create a monster, but to properly weaponize it, maybe even retaining some sanity or control over the thing that they created. As you said in the video, a weapons testing facility would have had countermeasures and likely some sort of military presence. So for the creators to be successful in breaching the base, they would have to have had more than just animalistic monsters. There had to be some sort of order to the chaos the black goo unleashes.


I'm seriously obsessed with the alien franchise lol it is so complex like no other sci fi /horror/action story.


They were probably running from an ultramorph, you would be running too if a 15 foot tall alien was running after you


Theory: The Engineers we're running from the Black Goo substance. But it wasn't a simple breach because they were after all wearing sophisticated suits that was probably intended to protect them in such a scenario. It was sabotage. When the human crew arrives eons later they find that pretty much all of the Engineers are dead. Save one, however. Why would one Engineer be spared while all the rest perished? Because he had planned it. He sabotaged the rest of the crew, murdering them for his own reasons and placed himself into hypersleep to survive the aftermath of what he had done.Why sabotage the rest of the crew? We know that our DNA is very similar to there's because they used their DNA to create us. And ultimately this would mean that perhaps our way of thinking was very similar. Maybe he had succumb to greed of some sort. After all a ship full of weaponized black goo would be very valuable or extremely powerful. A warlord of sorts amongst his people and a significant threat to others. Or maybe he was an activist who planted himself aboard the ship to insure the Black Goo never reached its intended destination and could never be used for its intended purpose.


Hey Mr H, I'm posting this after Covenant was released, obviously, but what I want to say is this: There's a lot of dissatisfaction among fans about how Ridley Scott didn't make things perfectly clear in these movies. But I have been enjoying the hell out of all the different translations of what everything could have meant. A whole mythos is developing based on the extended fantasies and questions put forth by you and many others. I hope they do one final movie, but I think illustrated books are going to deliver this thing for everyone eventually. Keep up the good work.
