How Britain Stole Hong Kong
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At the end of a sentence with sourcing, something like this will appear:
"The sky is blue. The ocean is blue (17,89)."
In this example, the 1st number represents the source # from the source list in this description. The 2nd number represents the page number, if the source is a book. If the numbers are separated by a semicolon ie (2;3), the numbers represent two different sources.
2. Hong Kong’s Freedoms: What China Promised and How It’s Cracking Down. CFR. 2022
4. Hong Kong Silenced. The Telegraph
5. Hong Kong Under China’s National Security Law, w/Victoria Tin-bor Hui. CFR Podcast. 2020
7. William H. Overholt December 2019. “Hong Kong:The Rise…”
8. UK Parliament. “Hong Kong: the Joint Declaration Research Briefing July, 2019
10. Congressional Research Service. 2020. “China’s National Security Law…”
11. Smithsonian. National Museum of Asian Art. Yuan dynasty, 1279–1368
12. “In Hong Kong, Xi says 'one country, two systems'...” Shen and Pomfret 2022
13. Island district. Hong Kong Tourism Board
14. NY Times. “The Time the Iron Lady ‘Turned’ Before China”. Tatlow April 2013
15. Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World
17. Website only.* The Archaeology of Hong Kong. William Meacham hkupress 2008 “at least 7,000 years”
18. TIME. “The Southern Song Emperors” Anjani Trivedi, June 2013.
19. Hayes, J. (2012). Kowloon City and Kowloon Street: The Community Institutions of a Yamen, Market, and Rural Subdistrict. In The Hong Kong Region 1850-1911: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside (1st ed., pp. 163–180). Hong Kong University Press.
20. Cambridge U. Press 2016 The Qing Empire and the Opium War. Haijian Mao
21. Pew Research. December 2023. “How people in Hong Kong…”. Corichi & Huang
23. LOC. Hong Kong From Fishing Village to Financial Center KESTELL and MEINHEIT
24. Spectator. George Lai “Hong Kong and the surprising truth…” May 2022
25. “Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong”
26. The secret negotiations that sealed Hong Kong’s future. James Griffiths 2017
00:00-00:40 intro
00:41-1:38 Thatcher
1:39-3:06 Early Hong Kong History
3:07-7:31 Barbarians in Middle Kingdom
7:32-9:08 Completing British HK
9:09-11:49 Chinese Pressure
11:50-15:16 The Joint Declaration
15:17-18:48 Things to Come
Stock video and imagery provided by Reuters and Getty Images.