How Britain Stole Hong Kong

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At the end of a sentence with sourcing, something like this will appear:
"The sky is blue. The ocean is blue (17,89)."
In this example, the 1st number represents the source # from the source list in this description. The 2nd number represents the page number, if the source is a book. If the numbers are separated by a semicolon ie (2;3), the numbers represent two different sources.

2. Hong Kong’s Freedoms: What China Promised and How It’s Cracking Down. CFR. 2022
4. Hong Kong Silenced. The Telegraph
5. Hong Kong Under China’s National Security Law, w/Victoria Tin-bor Hui. CFR Podcast. 2020
7. William H. Overholt December 2019. “Hong Kong:The Rise…”
8. UK Parliament. “Hong Kong: the Joint Declaration Research Briefing July, 2019
10. Congressional Research Service. 2020. “China’s National Security Law…”
11. Smithsonian. National Museum of Asian Art. Yuan dynasty, 1279–1368
12. “In Hong Kong, Xi says 'one country, two systems'...” Shen and Pomfret 2022
13. Island district. Hong Kong Tourism Board
14. NY Times. “The Time the Iron Lady ‘Turned’ Before China”. Tatlow April 2013
15. Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World
17. Website only.* The Archaeology of Hong Kong. William Meacham hkupress 2008 “at least 7,000 years”
18. TIME. “The Southern Song Emperors” Anjani Trivedi, June 2013.
19. Hayes, J. (2012). Kowloon City and Kowloon Street: The Community Institutions of a Yamen, Market, and Rural Subdistrict. In The Hong Kong Region 1850-1911: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside (1st ed., pp. 163–180). Hong Kong University Press.
20. Cambridge U. Press 2016 The Qing Empire and the Opium War. Haijian Mao
21. Pew Research. December 2023. “How people in Hong Kong…”. Corichi & Huang
23. LOC. Hong Kong From Fishing Village to Financial Center KESTELL and MEINHEIT
24. Spectator. George Lai “Hong Kong and the surprising truth…” May 2022
25. “Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong”
26. The secret negotiations that sealed Hong Kong’s future. James Griffiths 2017

00:00-00:40 intro
00:41-1:38 Thatcher
1:39-3:06 Early Hong Kong History
3:07-7:31 Barbarians in Middle Kingdom
7:32-9:08 Completing British HK
9:09-11:49 Chinese Pressure
11:50-15:16 The Joint Declaration
15:17-18:48 Things to Come

Stock video and imagery provided by Reuters and Getty Images.
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Map correction: a Patron has pointed out that Kowloon's Boundary St. border was originally further south.


I love that I'm always one of the first to see your videos, and another fascinating topic indeed. Keep up the great work man, even after almost a decade I still love your videos and you're one of three people when I watch history video from I actually learned something


why do you personally classify the Qin as chinese? I am curious because I have seen such things over and over with all these varying kingdoms, states and empires, being referred to as chinese. And when I ask why, the answers are either routed in pure mythology, are incredibly vague or contradictory to the facts that are known.


It is crazy but many children up until 1997 weren't taught the true history of Hong Kong and the opium wars. We were taught that it was taken because the British was expanding its trade routes to the East and wanted to trade more via a strategic port.


Historically in East Asia, India and China were the biggest losers as outsiders came with the divide-and-rule technique of power (Era of Western Imperialism).

If one understands what happened to China during their "Century of Humiliation, " means that one then already has the template to understand what is happening today. One can use the historical "template" and apply it in the same manner.

*What happened to China during that era, is how "divide and rule" worked in the past, and still works today.* Create or deepen a political problem, and then wait for the little minions benefiting from the outside POWER of imperialism to come asking for "help." Use their "plight" (artificially enhanced) to meddle, or "leverage" (power dynamics) crises into "eternal problems, " sit by and do nothing as problems foment into violence, revolutions, and wars, or carry out other forms of privatized interference (corporatism) under government protection, or without. Whatever works, details really REALLY DON'T MATTER. Once "fomented troubles" rise out of hand, claim to "just want peace." Then use the little minions as favourites *(favouritism = a technique within the "divide and rule" strategy of power)* to destabilize an entire region, steer them against other weaker entities, and/or employ them as instruments of power (the "tools" of power dynamics), or create overseas regions as a staging area far from the home base (the "unsinkable aircraft carriers"/like colonial-era Hong Kong), etc.
*Whatever works for the desired region to be divided/conquered or where CONTROL and domination is required for the economic systems of gain.*
_There is no way that current day Chinese leaders will not have learnt their very own historical lesson, and allow their very own history to repeat/rhyme, and allow such outside meddling in the own systems to gain traction, AGAIN for a second time._
*Every nation or state has its own "Never again!"*

European citizens today are still suffering from the hegemonial ambitions of some of their leaders, teaming up with Washington DC/the Pentagon. These citizens, usually around 50% of entire populations, suffer directly ("heating or eating"), or indirectly (soaring inflation), these are all "effects, " not to be confused with "causes" (see concept of _retro causality, _ one of the most easily misused ways to skew a timeline of events). Some eventually even end up in the muddy trenches.

Read Washington chief strategist Brzinzki's "grand plan", or Mackinder before that (1904). The aim was always to drive a rift between Europeans, *to avoid greater European/Eurasian (geographically incl. the ME)* co-operation and trade. Once that has been achieved, keep all the little minions "down, " and grow off their weaknesses in the zero-sum reality of the temporary status quo. Note that "resources" cannot be produced with the snap of a finger. Creating new resources, are long-term effects of strategies, steered by the same powers. It is the CONTROL these control freaks want and steer towards, using their (temporary) GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION of POWER.

With re. to how tools are used: Robert Dickson Crane served as foreign policy advisor to President Richard Nixon from 1963 to 1968: "At that time I had read a little about Islam, because I thought Islam would be the strongest and most durable ally of the United States against Communism. Because both of us, Nixon and I, saw Communism as a world threat ..."
Note how they openly admit how they use "tools" (strategy) to "steer" (plan) against others, when it is useful to themselves.
*Note also, that a "plan" and the strategy to effect the plan, are two different things.*
Note also how *your* "enemies today, " as a collective (Islam) were the systemic "good guys" in a different past. They were the "good guys" because they (Muslims as a collective) were useful at the time, as the USA implemented, to goad the SU into invading Afghanistan, where they could then be "combatted by proxy" similar to the Ukraine post-2022 and today, and there is MORE than sufficient evidence for this. Outsiders intent on playing the game, use the revolutionary spirit, in order to hop onto useful dissent, strengthen it, and insert levers which they can pry open to gain own advantages. Beijing is certainly 100% aware of this, so everything you are witnessing today is a political EFFECT, not a political "cause" as some leaders wish to mislead us towards.

Everything you are being told about Berlin, in stages after 1894, 1904, 1907, and 1912, with gathering momentum, were EFFECTS, not CAUSES. That was, based on observation, outside powers with the intention to "divide and rule" Europe, by encroaching/encircling the major continental power, which has never changed throughout recent modern history. The ONLY factor which changed over the last few centuries, was the "major continental power" which had to be CONTROLLED by the outside power who wanted a competitive advantage. The historical parallel, is the "Chinese Century of Shame"-historicity, and is well-known at least to the 1.4 billion inhabitants of China today. Certainly, they also do not wish to become "carved up" and ruled over by outsiders again, for a second time. The template therefore predicts a similar outcome, that of *the more encroachment/encirclement, the more likeliness of the "breakout attempt"* in some possible future.
*Obvious solution for a more stable world, stop the encroachment/encirclement.*
Both historically (post-1900) as well as our recent history (post-2000) there seems little incentive for those with the GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGE to do so, but rather the repeated attempts to search for tools to do such encroachment/encirclement FOR the outside power/s intent on gain.

Empires do not become dominant because they hand out candy and bouquets of flowers, as most realists are fully aware of, therefore the wise advice to always keep a just/wise "balance of powers. If not, fail.

Power flows to where the attention goes first, in geopolitics, in the form of political policies.
These can be studied by looking at the *events* themselves, not what another human being tells you (incl. this essay, which doesn't tell you anything, but implores you to start focusing on the well-known events themselves, from which one can then infer the underlying hidden policies, strategies, or objectives).

If you live in East Asia, beware of the "dividers".
The hawks will come looking for "buck catchers" and the doves will disguise it as the "helping friends"-narrative = i.e. the template of modern western imperialism. Hawks and doves working in close unison, although stated as being opposite poles.

They WILL come to you, same way as they came to the Ukraine, following the 1990s.

China has "understood".
India thinks it can "play the game" like France once did in Europe (becoming a "buck catcher" for the British Empire and USA), post-1900.
Do you agree with this macro analysis?
