Most Catholics Do NOT Fully Believe in Jesus Christ

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After listening to the readings during mass today I felt like sharing some thoughts about how many of us Christian actually fully believe in Jesus.

The sad truth is, most of us do not. How can we tell? Because we gather things in the world 'just in case' our faith was misplaced.
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It's no accident that Judas was the money man.

One correction, though: Priests do not take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Priests make three promises to their Bishop when they are ordained: 1) total obedience to their current and future Bishop, 2) to live a life of celibacy, and 3) to pray the Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours for and on behalf of the Church. Priests who are members of religious orders like the Dominicans or Benedictines are the ones who take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience when they join a religious order, and these vows are often taken before receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


When Our Lord comes to you and touches your heart, these questions are not important. He becomes Everything. He shows you what to do, or you find you're just doing things that turn out to be what He wants.


I agree you definitely need faith with good works, whats the point in only believing in Jesus for yourself without letting that love for Jesus shine forth in your daily acts of love mercy and giving. To give witness and testament to who you have faith in.That random act of kindness that can brighten and help someone to draw closer to the Lord. It is in giving we receive and others should see Jesus through us.

I think tho the point that most Catholics dont give up their lives for Jesus is a little bit harsh. A mother getting up in the middle of the night is sacrificng her sleep to feed her baby, a husband who works hard to make ends meet to provide for his family, a person who gives up their Saturday to volunteer at a homeless shelter. This is all giving of oneself to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. I dont think the Lord wants us to be poverty stricken and empty of everything in our lives to follow him. Yes some give up everything to follow the Lord and thats great they follow that calling but if some are rich and some are poor we can still honour the Lord wherever we are in our lives. I feel if some have been blessed with more than me thats great i wish them well. You can have a holiday and nice house and car and still honour God and be very thankful to God for providing. To whom much has been given then much is expected, so if you have been blessed with much its your duty to give generously back be that in faith, generosity and love for fellow man and God


One of the two most commonly recited prayers the Catholics recite is not even addressed to Jesus at all, but to Virgin Mary.


They assume that Catholics “boast” about their works.


Going to your point about mammon, Jesus says that you can't serve God and mammon. He doesn't say you can't make money. To serve mammon rather than God would be to deal badly for money (like the mafia, drug dealers, sharp practice in business etc).
What you do with "exces money" is a good point. You can, if careful, do good with it.
On the issue of "faith alone" James does say "even the demons believe and they tremble". Noah was not saved by faith alone, he had to build an ark. Abraham was not saved by faith alone, he had to travel a long way, offer his son Isaac and get circumcised. Faith has to be worked out through love.


The main thing to show if someone is tricking you or you've missed something or gone astray if you've got a Hananiah from Jeremiah who says that God has said when he aint said 28, or a false prophet from 1 Kings 13: 11-23 who says to come my way when God said to go the other way, is the check your theology with God himself (See Numbers Chapter 12 Verse 6, and of the New Agreement/Testament Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 14:1)
Over 9, 500+ days logged in on planet Earth, around 26 years of life, i've spent hundreds days of praying for saving and guidance and I'm here to let you know today that I've only been led to the real King Jesus in dreams and never has God let me know that I need Jesus and somebody else or I need to listen to anybody else but Jesus.
The KJV is not a perfect translation but read it all they're just a scant few times the words are not what they should be. Pray for wisdom when things don't make sense and you can look also to the hebrew and greek word studys and I've found a scant few times I've had to wonder deeper even their if a the idea of the orginal intent was not in front of my eyes.


Sorry, but you could say that about almost EVERY CHRISTIAN, not only Catholics, especially also those who are members of a free church. Furthermore, the Bible and Jesus don't demand that all believers in Jesus Christ choose poverty and renounce completely on holidays, on a house, on a car, etc. God doesn't appeal to everyone to a life in poverty or a priest. In the Bible, you can find examples of people who were wealthy and blessed by the Lord. King Salomon is maybe the best example of it. Despite his wealth, the Lord blessed him, because he didn’t put the money over the Lord. You can fully believe in Jesus Christ and be rich if you don't put money over Christ, obey his commandments, and use your wealth with wisdom by supporting the poor and doing good, for example.


They should go full hog and not believe any of it.
