Google Website Builder Tutorial 2024 (Google Sites)

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Google Website Builder Tutorial 2024 (Google Sites)

In this video I show you How you can use google website builder to create your professional and creative website in 2024 as a beginner. google website builder come with a lot of templates and features to help you create an amazing website or a store.

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Thanks for the video. do you need separate hosting after publishing or is publishing enough?


What’s the difference in google site and a google domain


Thanks for detailed info. Is web address the same as your domain name?


Thanks for the video. When I uploaded my logo, it's shows a small log. How do I resize it or expand it? When I click "edit logo", it just ask to upload an image. No resizing. I hope you can help


how can i use gogle site to sell something?
can you make another video for e-shop?


First I'm going to add ART GALLERY maybe like "PEACOCK ART GALERY". Then I'm going to add my site name. I'm going to call it "Tina Art portofolio". I think is pretty fine. Maybe I don't want to add "PEACOCK ART GALLERY" right in front, I'm just gonna remove it and THE FIRST THING I'm going to do (lol) I'm gonna change the header type to a title only kind of header. What I'm going to do now is take a look at my site, the thing looks pretty ok, but what I'm going to do is I THINK I M I G H T WANT TO REMOVE "ART" between "TINA'S ART PORTOFOLIO" then I'm going to remove THIS TEXT BLOCK OVER HERE (lol It was "The peacock art gallery") I'm going to delete. And this is like my header. Then I'm going to add some ART Images. I will not forget DEVIL ART alongside peacock, awl and wolf. Now what I'm going to do, I'm going to add some text below it BUT INSTEAD OF ADDING TEXT (*wait what?*) I think I'm just gonna leave it as it is, so I'm just gonna select the text section, I'm gonna remove. Now I'm going to the Pages section, I'm going to click new page and I'm going to add one called "Peacock collection" then I'm going to add "Wolf collection". OR INSTEAD (*rofl*) what you can do is, you can DELETE THIS, then you can create any page, called "Collection", then once you have your basic page, you can create a SUBPAGE so you can create a SUBPAGE called "Peacock" and I'm adding another page called "Wolf" and another subpage called "OWL". Then I'm gonna duplicate this, NO I'M NOT (!) GOING TO DUPLICATE IT.
🤣I didn't expected but it was fun and proves to be instructive also. A piece of advice: you can magnify the mouse and be a bit slower when you are starting a new action, for the learners to see what are you doing. Good work. Keep up.
