(#126) Tony Santoro's Botany Crash Course

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(#126) Tony Santoro's Botany Crash Course
Meet the YouTube Botanist with a Thick Chicago Accent and Foul Mouth
The Best Way to Put Carbon Back in the Ground
Cactus Forests of the Carribean and Cyclura ricordii
Geology, Plant Life & Toilet Humor in the Mojave Desert
What is Botany? Crash Course Botany #1
Coastal Redwood Fungi b/w 'Touch My Perithecium'
(#3) Ecological Niches and Some of the Best Camouflage in the world of Cactaceae
Discussing Evolution in the Cactus Dungeon
(#18) Another Unenthusiastic, but very informative intro to Plant Molecular Phylogenetics
Invasion of the Tree Milkweeds
(#82) The Lizard That Kills Lyme Disease
Geothermal Botany and Painted Volcanics
Botany A Blooming History 1 A Confusion of Names
Fossil Plants and Ancient Lakes!
The Plant That Only Grows at a Hot Spring
Native Plant Nursery
The Fly Paper Plant of South Africa (South Africa Series - Ep. 5)
The Long Lost Candelaria
The botany of desire - Why plants own humans - Book club #9
Lilies That Grow in Rock Piles & Milkweed Pollination Explained
Botany with Susun Weed
The Southwest's Rarest Milkweed
A Tour Of Pizzo Wholesale Native Plant Nursery