(#126) Tony Santoro's Botany Crash Course

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I'm a scientist and I have been quite miserable lately. Watching people learning just because they think the world is amazing brings me such joy and reminds me of why I got into science in the first place.


"I don't need to make a potion and put it in my ass to appreciate a plant."

I guess that's one thing we don't have in common.


You should be awarded an honorary doctorate. You inspire ppl to learn.


You have inspired me. I am a new grandmother with lots of time, nothing interesting to do. I am going to join the botanical gardens near my home and hopefully educate myself and pass on the joy of nature with my granddaughter. Looking forward to some buggy pushing and then hikes with her as she grows. I fucken love ya you gawd dam genius


Most authors of scientific papers will happily send you a PDF if you email them. They don't get paid for reprints. Thanks for all you do!


“Wikipedia is a choose your own adventure book”


Freighthopping... Painting... Linux Mint... My suspensions were accurate, we're dealing with a true renaissance man here.

Thanks for the recommended reading. Copying state (gov) field guide websites to my phone has been super handy, when it comes to hiking. You've convinced me to do the same with Wikipedia.

Hiding publicly funded science behind paywalls is a bunch of horseshit, appreciate you sharing a work-around.

If you ever get up to Montana, drop me a line and I'll share some spots where the damned two-leggeds haven't ruined everything, yet.


My son is autistic and was chuckling at you, so I listened...You aught to be a blinking teacher. It is incredible listening to you, so informative, interesting, and fun. Keep it up !! Awesome


Love your work man. Seriously, your channel is a diamond in the rough.


This whole channel is like taking a college course on botany. Fuck the internet is awesome. Knowing what books to get is priceless knowledge to someone who is interested in more, especially with why they are the ones to get.


Crazy how you discovered your ignorance of the world through an astronomy book. Same thing happened to me. Mine happened at a warehouse just looking through some garbage and found an astronomy book.. Dude sold it to me for 10 cents and changed my whole life. 4 years later I own over a houdred books on all types of sciences. I'm addicted to information and haven't stopped reading ever since. This is coming from a guy who had never read one single book before that and had a pretty sh*tty childhood involved with gangs and drugs. Pretty cool to know I'm not the only one this happened to. Keep up the awesome work dude.


Depression has set in very hard within the scientific community, natural resource scientists in particular. Over the last 6 months I have been hearing and seeing the fire burn brighter in my fellow Nat.Res. Scientists when they see how you bring laypeoples minds into this Nat.Res. world view. When you show them the 4 dimensional reality of any landscape. I have witnessed the effect your passion and style has had and it brings me to tears. Thank you Tony. I wish I could give you a bear hug. "Thank you" cannot capture the gratuity necessary to express the deep hope you've created. Don't stop being you. :)


I was depressed and down. No more. After watching this and your hilarious way of teaching, I feel great.
A valuable f-kn resource.


Since this came out and I found out about that inaturalist app, I've successfully ID'ed 3 plants and a slug in my area. I had no idea this kind of community existed and I love it. Fight the good fight! Learn things!


God Bless that one Russian Lady that is giving us all free access to these scientific articles. Luckily, I have access to most articles while I'm enrolled in my local community college, but I have heard the story of Aaron Swartz who wanted everyone to have open access to academic journal archives such as JSTOR.


My grandfather was part of what would be the equivalent of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Brigade here on the Balkans during WW2. He was also 1 of the last 3 survivors from his unit. He took up botany afterwards. Helped my mom raise me. Going to the forest foraging with him and learning about different species or just helping him with his gardening work was the thread that would hold together my world while I was growing up. This channel’s reigned a little light in my heart. Your delivery is amazing. It’s lovely, entertaining, genuinely informative and easy on the ear stuff.


Tony Santoro = Mike Ditka (via Chris Farley) + Georgia O'keeffe + David Attenborough


getting interested in the ecosystem here in southern appalachia saved me from year and years of depression and made me feel like i actually WANTED to feel happy .


Im an inner-city kid, much like yourself.. bounced around groups and jail when I was a kid and wasn't until I got away from the same old people and surroundings that I realized I didnt know shit about fuck... Just graduated earlier this year top of my class from business college at 34 ... your an inspiration brother, I'm grabbing a gopro and making vids like this... I'm now in Lake of The Woods area in central Canada the ecology around here is incredible and needs to be shared like you are do brother.. keep up the hard work ✊


Hes the classic book learner. True knowledge. Lamborghini.
