How Mommy Long Legs and PJ Pug-a-pillar Cheat Against the Player in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2

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Did you know that in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 Mommy Long Legs and PJ Pugapillar cheat against the player? Let me show you how the Mommy Long Legs final chase ending is rigged, and so is PJ's room!

#poppyplaytime #poppyplaytimechapter2 #mommylonglegs #huggywuggy #horrorscoped

Recorded and edited by SwankyBox.

Music from Poppy Playtime OST
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I think it was in Matpat's playthrough, where he just stayed still at the beginning of the obstacle course and PJ Pug-a-pillar walked through the obstacles normally meaning the player had no pressure at all afterwards.


The dynamic speed thing reminds me of Matpat's playthrough where he accidentally discovered a glitch that caused the game to think he was at the wnd so PJ Pugapillar just shot off like a rocket, right past him, and left Matpat to just be able to move forward with no issues or concerns outside of the music stopping


PJ would've been a really adorable character if he wasn't a 4000 legged mutation between a pug and a caterpillar, slowly inching to you in darkness whilst it being an extremely anxiety inducing situation


I would love to see some mechanics for trying to deliberately cheat the game like this. Where, for example, in the final hallway, if you hide next to the door, Mommy walks past you but then goes back and jumpscares you.


Rubber banding is an old trick for races in game development but if done incorrectly, which is very easy to do, your players can suffer for it. That moment in the sewer and the hallway glitch screams that the devs didn't do enough playtesting. This game is surviving off of it's atmosphere, animation, voice acting and story telling, but they really need to make sure the gameplay and level design is more polished than it has been or it's going to start losing people.


I guess PJ technically doesn't chase you, he's just talking a walk around the place and kills you cause you're in his way


if I did something similar to this, I'd make the monster have lines taunting the player when they get close and slow down like "come on, it's not fun if you don't RUN!" that would at least give a sense that they are playing with their food so to speak.


I can understand pj being on the match speed if you assume pj is still acting according to script playco has for testing children. Moving enough to keep the pressure but never going to a dead stop, the child fails if they stop entirely or make no progress. Which is why mommy sabotaged the end of the course as she knew how fast pj moves during the tests.


It’s both a bit creepy and ridiculously stupid at certain parts (when you avoid her in what would otherwise be a scary chase scene) that Mommy Long Legs is coded to stare exactly at the player’s coordinates.


Mommy long legs: cheats the entirety of the games
Also mommy long legs after i leave one of them tp not die: how dare you cheat.


Mommy: "I HATE cheaters!"

Also Mommy:*cheats*


I thought this was going to be about how Mommy longlegs destroyed the exit so you can't possibly win the game but this was a lot more interesting.


You talk about this like it's a bad thing but you want it so good and bad players have the same level of tension in a HORROR game and if you make pug-a-pillar and mommy too slow then quick players have nothing to fear and get bored and if you make them too fast then the bad players get frustrated from constantly dying. The goal is to scare you more than anything and being close to death is really scary. This is good game design.


I was so confused on something. So basically, I had ran so fast by doing a trick with the rings on the roof and I skipped that whole bit. Then I just charged through the slide and thought he could never catch up. Next thing I knew, he was three feet away.


I love this feature. Like you said the constant feeling of dread is the point. It’s suppose to be scary so knowing they can catch you no matter how fast you’re going is creepy yet awesome.


Yea, rubber-banding is quite normal in many games, mainly in race type ones, like these two, but in race, they speed up, when you are closer, and are slower, when they get further. Here it's on the other side, because they just pursue you. In Gta 5, when player and another npc go in separate cars in a mission, the npc's speed is changing on how close player is to him


The official term for this is "rubber banding." Its also used in a lot of racing games as well. if the player happens to crash, or spin out or whatever and fall behind, they can almost always catch back up and win. if they are doing good, it keeps their opponents right on their tail, so the pressure is always up. It can be found in a lot of other places too!


Huh, not exactly a fan of wonky, rubber-banding Ai. You can thank Mario Kart and Sonic Rivals for that.

For those who don't know what rubber-banding is, basically it's like the game is attaching a metaphorical rubber-band (hence the term) to whoever or whatever you're playing as which is why some Ai will always be a few more seconds/minutes behind you even with skips and glitches or why the Ai randomly speeds up and somehow catches up to you whenever you get too far ahead of them. (Which seems to be what the devs did for PJ Pug-a-pillar if the clip SwankyBox gave us is anything to go by for the latter example.)

Main reason I added Sonic Rivals (which means *both* games, not just the first one) to the examples is because those games are *notorious* for having the Ai randomly speed up whenever you get far enough from them, regardless if you're in front of them or behind them. Linger too far behind, and you can kiss victory goodbye because the items won't be enough to catch up to them unless the Ai freaks out at certain sections and allows you to get a few cheep hits in.


I actually noticed it with PJ naturally by accident, I messed up alot during a try and decided to game over myself on purpose standing next to the "hard" tube. But since PJ's pathing is programmed to pick the same Tube the player does, it walked just past me? it didn't attack me probably because I was standing next to the tube, so I noticed that as soon as he got close to me, he slowed down to a craaawl, so eventually he reached the other side of the room, and I figured I cheated and could just calmy compelte the mini game, but when I arrived at the section where you have to jump on yellow cubes, PJ just FLEW OUT OF NO WHERE and got me, while I was allowed to move,


Wouldn't this be defined as 'rubberband AI'? Though usually seen in racing games as a means of making the races not just a cake walk if the player is really skilled or absurdly difficult if they're new by making the AI speed up or slow down depending on where they are in relation to the player.
