Can I Learn to Draw in 100 Hours?

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🎥 Videos I used chronologically during the 100 hours:

I've always felt like I have no "talent" for drawing - so I decided to spend 100 hours to try to learn how to draw, and see how much progress I could make, once and for all.


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Thanks for all the kind comments everyone! 💜 The PowerPoints used in the video are available to all tiers of our Patreon, if you want to check them out for yourself ☺


Does anyone else want this whole PowerPoint?


The art side of YouTube has really shown me how terrible my art teachers at school were. I've learnt I am artistic, I just need actual instruction more than "here's a style of drawing, now just draw it."
No wonder it was only the innately talented people (some of which I know had classes outside of school) that went on to take art as a GCSE at that school. I've learnt more from YouTube than I ever did in those classes.


Those were some great baseline drawing subjects! Thanks for letting us be a part of your study plan and congrats on your progress!

We agree with Martina on this: You learned to DRAW! Good luck to everyone else on their art journey!


The fact that she gave away all the resources and not making it a new course is just awesome


This is actually really motivational. I know 100 hours over a few weeks is a lot, but look at the difference! Having Martina in your corner definitely helps, of course! Having talent definitely helps, or being passionate, but to pretend that's all it is takes away from all the thousands of hours put into learning.


I am not sure if you two really are aware of what service you did to art with this video. The encouragement of this video alone will let a lot of people start discovering their own greatness.
And we might see some day a pro telling us, that he started his journey right after this video. Thank you so much for this, and Hansi: Keep going!


Just wanted to say that this inspired me to start drawing at 27. Never thought I could draw, and I'm amazed where 20h of practice has already taken me. Absolutely inspiring video, keep it up!


This is so satisfying to see his rapid improvements. Honestly his baseline drawings weren’t that bad but you can tell how far he’d come by the end.


I think this video specifically has reignited a flame I let die completely in my later youth. Growing up I was always drawing and creating different things but I never felt like it was good enough. It's partially because you always notice the little imperfections but more so being able to tell objectively that you aren't experiencing any growth or breakthroughs regardless how much effort you put in. Drawing training for me was basically like going to a firing range to do target practice but you didn't have a target, or any real guidance or path to shoot for. You are very fortunate to have someone to give you ( And us viewers) a roadmap shortcut in a way that I think is beneficial. Thank you for this video a part of me has been inspired that I never thought or knew would be!


This just proves that drawing is a skill that anyone can learn. I think the "talent" aspect comes in on how creative you can be with those skills.


That progression on the house in just 24 hours time of practice is incredible (6:20)


ALSO, he brings new meaning to "mugshot"...beautiful.


I feel like at the end of every Nerdforge video from now on, we should see a new Hansi drawing, so we can see his progress! This video was so fun and I loved seeing such improvement so fast!❤❤❤


As someone who has grinded other skills I really feel where this guy is when he said that yes he feels like he understands drawing, and yes he is making HUGE progress but if someone asked him to draw a tree he'd still struggle. I have been there (Still is!)! I needed this video for sure because I needed to see my own progression reflected in someone else :D


19:14 It strikes me that "I didn't know how to spend more time on it" is actually a really interesting way to define what expertise (or the lack of it) means. now I really want to pull out my art pencils, haven't touched them in probably twenty years.


Loved this, that was a really well spent 100h! Super progress <3 (and thanks for the shoutout!)


I like to say "the only talent that every artist has, is that they love creating art."


So fun to see all the effort, and progress! Especially the timelapse of all the hours involved!
Early on I felt there was almost that bored, lack of interest that Hansi mentioned, but then I saw a notable shift when each new challenge came up that clearly engaged him! There were parts where you could tell Hansi really dived in to each challenge!!!
It’s all so beautiful and incredible!!!
Congratulations Hansi on all your work!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Well done!!
And congratulations Martina for building the structure to teach!!! 👍🏻🫶🏻


I’m on the verge of tears. I’m a brand new game dev and my two biggest struggles are patience and skill. This gives me a path and proof that it works…I’ve heard the 100 hours thing before. This proves it works. If I can improve each skill in 100 hours for each one…I can do this. I can draw okay and can 3D model like a champ. But in 100 hours I can mark myself as pro in those areas. I code badly, but if I can see 100 hours as a marker for improvement, it’ll make it easier for me to push through.
Thanks to you both for pointing out a path forward on a day I was ready to quit.
