Why you can't learn to draw.

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Let's talk about the main reason people give up before they learn to make art. And what to do about it. A fresh perspective from best-selling author Danny Gregory.

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I am 75 years old. My why? Just because it makes me happy.


I'm an introvert. I don't want to share anything with the world. But there are things I would like to share with my future self. I'm at high place in my life raising the young children, soon to be four. Maybe I'm at the hight of my whole life. Can it possibly get better? But I'll forget. I'll never be able to experience these days again. And they are flying by. I feel the need to keep a record. That's why I'm learning to sketch. I'm not even trying to draw. I just need a memory trigger for myself later


I didn’t know what to expect from this video but as I was listening, it was like you knew exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. I had to take a moment after watching this just to cry. After a good cry and a night’s sleep, I have come back to this video to tell you how grateful I am to have heard this message, and to have found your encouraging channel. You just gained a subscriber and a student! Thank you so much. I desperately needed this.


I'm about a year late to this video but I think now was the perfect time for me to hear this. Like most people, I end up comparing my art to other people's. I thought I would get over that as I got older, but it just got worse. I became an adult and suddenly, people my age and YOUNGER were already leagues ahead of me in skill, some even having the art careers I've dreamed of since I was a kid. And for years I've blamed myself for not being at that level, that I'm too lazy or undisciplined or something I'm doing wrong that everybody else has already figured out. It got to the point that drawing, my true passion, gave me panic attacks, made me angry and sad and depressed. Pure misery.

Just yesterday, I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, at 24 years old. And it's like a light came on; that I'm not a bad artist, or stupid, or lazy. My brain just works a bit differently. I learn things a bit differently. And I've finally realized that's okay. This is my reason to keep going, to keep building at these skills. Now that I know I just need a little more time, I feel like I can do anything. I finally feel like I can show art without fear of ridicule for not being "as good" as another artist. I'm at where I'm at, and I'm moving forward, and everything is going to be okay.


Drawing for me is a way to deal with my impatience and problems with focus/concentration. Its also what i call active meditation. A way to relax by doing something. There is nothing that is more stressful than doing nothing. Such a waste of time. Even if my mind is less active, my hands needs to be active. Either by fiddling with something or to draw and get something out of it. Its also a really interesting way to express yourself instead of using words.


I really enjoyed this talk. Drawing has always taken a back seat to painting for me because I find it a bit harder. I'm impatient to be great at it, but I like the idea that a practice takes practice. Thanks for the inspiration.


I am learning at 31 because my current job has no creative outlet. I can draw better than the average person but not good compared to people who are good. I am finally learning to draw properly


Lots to think about in whatever chosen form of art someone is working with. Thanks so much for putting a little more thought behind the activity than just wanting to do something like drawing.


Why I learned how to draw when I was a young teenager was to be cool to the kids around me as well. But at the same time I found three things that would sweep me off my feet and alter the rest of my life . One was comic books and Anime. And the other was hip hop and graffiti culture. All of which have their own unique forms of visual arts. And I completely immersed myself into all of these different subcultures. And from learning the basics of drawing to moving to lettering and characters. Art gave me a focus it taught me how to organize plan execute and most importantly it gave me a voice to express myself at an age when I was desperately looking for myself.


Thank you! As a 54 year old woman who's dreamed of being able to draw all my life and never having the time (or courage) to, this video hit me deeply. Thank you. Liked and subscribed 🙂


This is such a helpful reminder and a push to dig a bit deeper. As folks who like to make art, we also like looking at art. It’s easy to get lost in comparing your work or skills to that of a more experienced artist—social media makes that incredibly easy. Initially, we might look at another’s work and say to ourselves, “I want to practice more so I can do THAT.” It’s important to take that a step further like you said and consider WHY you want to make art—what will it allow you to communicate or feel? Are you focused on the process or the product?



Thank you very much. I was very touched when I listened to your speech. You answered all the questions I had in my heart and I was afraid to say them aloud.


You make some very good points in this little talk. I kicked the procrastination monkey out years age...he don't pay rent....but with ADHD my problem can be the Distraction monkey :D it seems that once I have learned what I need to from a project, the distraction monkey goes...'OK. Done. What's next?' ... and starts looking around for something interesting to explore. While this saves a lot of time in the learning proccess it can be a pain in the butt if I get 3/4 through something...the distraction monkey is used to coming out by now and goes ... 'I'm BORED!!' At this point you just have to be really strict with yourself if you want to complete the task...leaving it to the last minute is generally disastrous...lol


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, I really needed it, because lately I’ve had so much ideas that I want to draw but just couldn’t find myself actually doing it. ❤tysmm!


When I get stuck I always know that you will provide me with words of wisdom ❤


I needed to hear this today. Thank you.


I still need to believe in myself, however this was a powerful message that has my wheels turning. Thank you and much appreciation to your work behind the screen and on the screen. ~*Shana signing out for now.


I have recently lost my mum and dad in the span of one and a half years.
I have been lost for a while. After the Almighty, I see light and hope in art and very much in your videos.
These comforting words are like a warm hug that says.. 'go find your reason to live again. Go find your 'why'.
Thanks so much for yet again a motivational message, which came to me at the right time.
Much love


Danny, this was one of my favorite video chats you've put on YouTube! It really made me think. And increasingly, you're one of my favorite people! Thank you for all you contribute and share with your many fans. You give me hope. 😊


The message was so damn powerful. Thank you for your beautiful perspective 🙏🏿
