Stop Doing This If You Want Barakah! | Bilal Assad

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In this video, we explore 10 profound causes that can negatively impact your sustenance (rizq), wealth, and quality of life, as explained through the lens of Islamic teachings.

Allah (SWT) has given us a divine framework to live a fulfilling and balanced life. However, certain behaviors and actions can diminish the barakah (blessings) in our lives. These 10 causes, derived from Quranic verses and hadiths, offer guidance on what to avoid and how to increase barakah in your sustenance and daily life.

1️⃣ Laziness and Dependency: Relying solely on others and neglecting effort decreases one’s rizq.
2️⃣ Extravagance and Wastefulness: Spending beyond means (israf) and using wealth on haram (tabdir) leads to financial and spiritual loss.
3️⃣ Accumulated Sins: Repeated sins have a direct effect on the blessings in your life.
4️⃣ Ingratitude: Being unthankful to Allah and others diminishes rizq.
5️⃣ Stinginess: Not fulfilling the minimum rights of yourself, family, and others with your wealth blocks blessings.
6️⃣ Superstitions: Relying on omens and baseless beliefs harms mental and financial stability.
7️⃣ Neglecting Zakat: Zakat purifies wealth; abandoning it removes barakah.
8️⃣ Forsaking Obligations (Fara'id): Failing to fulfill Islamic duties decreases sustenance.
9️⃣ Earning Haram Income: Indifference toward the source of income reduces quality of life.
🔟 Destroying Family Relationships: Strained relationships harm emotional and financial well-being.

We also share beautiful du'as, powerful dhikr, and reflections to protect and enhance your sustenance and barakah. These include:
- Dua for Beneficial Knowledge and Pure Sustenance: Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman nafi’an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan.
- Dua of Yunus (AS): Subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin.
- Dua to Seek Refuge from Poverty and Humiliation: Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min al-faqri wa al-qillati wa al-dhillati.

Finally, we conclude with a heartfelt anonymous poem reflecting on gratitude and life’s true blessings, reminding us that rizq is always linked to gratitude, fulfilling obligations, and giving in charity (sadaqah).

🌟 Key Lessons About Rizq in Islam:
- Gratitude to Allah increases barakah.
- Allah provides what you need, not always what you want.
- Pursuing wealth should never override your worship or purpose in life.
- Charity, even within your family, brings immense blessings.

Let’s reflect on these teachings and strive to live a life full of barakah and gratitude.

May Allah (SWT) bless us all with pure sustenance, beneficial knowledge, and righteous deeds. Ameen.


Islamic sustenance, rizq in Islam, wealth in Islam, barakah, Islamic motivation, causes of decreased sustenance, haram income, extravagant spending, zakat in Islam, family relationships in Islam, gratitude in Islam, stinginess in Islam, duas for rizq, dhikr for wealth, increasing barakah, Bilal Assad, Islamic perspective on wealth, tawakkul in Islam, Islamic teachings, how to increase rizq, spiritual success, Prophet Muhammad teachings, Quranic guidance


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Thanks from my heart dear brother, may Allah always bless you!


Allahummah innee as'aluka ilman naafuan wa rizqan tayyiban wa amalan mutaqabbalan


Ya Allah forgive and grant us immeasurable wealth. Ameen


Allahuma barik, i really needed this video❤😊


Lazy dependant
Extravagance beyond your means
Spending on haram
Repeated sins
Stinginess (minimum rights not given food, clothing, shelter )
Relying on superstitions
Abandoning fard
Carelessnessly earning haram
Destroying family relationships for your own desires




Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Amen


Deyar brother iam 63 my aeg mor than 2manth cheilldran. neka waif be came eneyme what I do


What’s the name of the brother giving the lecture?


I am no haram thinks sisuition par ami


Gog (Yajooj) & Magog (Majooj) are from Khazar Empire. Khazars were a confederation of Slavic, Scythian, Hunnic–Bulgar, Iranian, Alans, and Turkish tribes who formed in the central northern Caucasus one of most powerful empires during the late Iron Age and converted to Judaism in the end of 7 - 8th century CE.
The Khazars were a nomadic Turkic people that, in the late 6th-century CE, established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.
Gog and magog location from holy quran :
Gog and magog from khazar empire :
Gog & magog festival in London :
Gog (Yajooj) & Magog (Majooj) are Khazarian & their DNA :
Gog and magog are from the khazar Empire who, through marriage with the eastern & western Roman empire, became khazarian Romans. Not the Muslim Turk.
Dhul qarnain means two age, at the first age gog and magog caused corruption and dhul qarnain built an iron wall to stop their corruption from spreading to other places, history will repeat itself, in the age of dajjal which is second age, gog and magog will cause corruption again and the corruption will spread all over the earth, this time the Messiah Prophet Esa peace be upon him will make supplication to Allah and Allah will send a virus which will attack gog and magog necks and they will all perish. Gog and magog destruction in end times :
My YouTube channel playlist is about age of antichrist (dajjal) & freemasons sinister agendas, click tiger image.
