The Perfect Starter Build in Path Of Exile 2 DOES EXIST! (POE2 Mercenary Build Guide)

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This Is True EASY MODE For POE2!

If you’ve been struggling with Path of Exile 2 or just looking for the easiest way to level up quickly, kill bosses, farm tons of loot, or otherwise just turn the game into easy mode, then I have got the build for you in this video. This is our Starter Build / Leveling Build for the Mercenary Class in Path Of Exile 2. Enjoy!

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➖ Timestamps! ➖
0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Skills And Gems
1:00 - Permafrost Bolts
1:45 - Fragmentation Rounds
3:03 - Explosive Grenades
4:33 - High Velocity Rounds
6:02 - Gas Grenade
7:02 - Crowd Control Options
8:08 - Frozen Locus
9:16 - Escape Shot
11:17 - Best Early Passives
12:51 - Best Starting Gear

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I've been playing mercenary witchhunter, I use rapid shot with chain and grenade skills for mobs, and I also have high velocity bolts for high damage against bosses. Works really well.


took me 3 days to get my sorc to level 19 and finally get to final act 1 boss, with your video here, it took me 4 hours to get to level 15 on my merc and i am at final boss. Thanks so much for this great video! I have a level 80 ice nova Hierophant in poe1, so that's kind of why i went with sorc, now i see that was a mistake


I'm playing merc and my build was more oriented towards evasion + attack speed, mainly attacking with high velocity rounds and armor-piercing bolts. First you stack armor-piercing debuffs on your main target (the attack speed makes the difference here), then you hit hard with high velocity rounds that benefit from the debuffs applied. It's probably not the most efficient build there is for this class, but I managed to beat every single boss of chapter 1 on my first try. Near the end of that chapter I added a bit more electrical damage to the mix, it turned out to be pretty useful against swarms of fast melee attackers. I don't have a second set of weapons yet, I just spent most of my resources improving the best crossbows I found.


I'm maining merc grenades, and have to say that it's clunky to play once enemies start to sorround you. Fuse duration is dumb, waiting for that 1 second to do damage is PAINFUL. I'm still gonna play merc, but I'm switching weapon and build. GGG needs to fix grenade gameplay. Make it trigger on hit FFS.


Using the "pin" skill on my basic attack, with the speed skill, then using names has worked pretty good for me.


I have commmited to full grenades. Poison to break armor, oil to put exposure and then smap explosives. I fire very little bolts, i use explosive shots for clearing mobs.


Im in act 3. Permafrost bolts, frag rounds are my main skills. Explosive grenades for when i get surrounded specced up to shoot 3 grenades up to 6 times. Herald of ash and witchhunter rnd it out. Demolishes everything


Thanks for the info and showing your passive tree on screen, I’m new to poe and playing a merc, I’m gonna try to follow within the lines of your passive tree as I go and learn. Because that kinda gives me a idea/base to work off of. Thanks


Using controller with grenades is very sub optimal. You need to be able to aim your grenades with precision (ie. mouse) and you need to be able to do it irrelevant of your direction of movement. You can change the settings to use the controller R stick to do this, but it's clumsy and cumbersome. Massive difference in output and efficiency between controller and mouse on this particular build.


It tickles me pink that yer covering POE2 content as well. I use your guides for basically every other game you've covered and now this too!


shoot the explosive grenades a bit shorter in front of your character so they dont bounce farther away


My build is actually working wonders for me especially for crowds. Galvanic shard with thunder herald is PREEM. Then just stack lightning damage, still not the best for boss fights but amazing for crowd killing like instantly.


I've been trying breaking armor with armor pen rounds

Getting the 100% longer armor pen duration and 60% damage against fully broken armored enemies, then switching to rapid fire bolts to melt through

Also high velocity scattershot for burst


Been using the skeletal archers with ignite triggers and incendiary rounds. It triggers more explosions and ignition triggers. Feels like Destiny 2 ignition build


the benefit of auto-aim on controller is a night and day difference... the frustrating thing about merc is while High Velocity Rounds are fun, in the later game it feels like you have to spec towards grenades, when the fantasy is about shooting bolts with a crossbow, especially WitchHunter


What's your Starting Build in Path Of Exile 2?


Oke this is a great build! Thank you so much. Is this also good for act 2?


This was nearly the same build I got the highest level with after playing a few hours with each.

Just got to where my ice blast is no longer cutting it. Got an ok bostaff, but I'm getting swarmed.


How did you unlock all the other Support Gems? I'm at Act 2 and still only have access to 3 (Envenom, Pin and the lightning thingy).


This is exactly the build i have on my wich Hunter Mercerary 😊
