Path of Exile 2 Witch Starter Guide - How to Build a Witch

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Path of Exile 2 Witch Starter Guide - How to Build a Witch
In this Path of Exile 2 video, I'm going to be discussing how to play the Witch class. This video is designed for new warriors out there. How to get off to the start with the Witch class. Explaining some of the basic mechanics how to play. It is not an advanced build guide that's meant for end game or cool difficulty or anything like that.

0:00 - Path of Exile 2 Early Access Witch Guide
0:25 - Witch Playstyles
0:57 - Witch Passive Skill Tree
1:30 - Summons and Spirit Stat
3:02 - Temporary Summons Unearth
4:14 - Contagion
4:52 - Essence Drain
5:59 - Early Game Minions
7:03 - Stats
7:55 - Equipment
9:03 - Ascendency Class
9:37 - Final Thoughts

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I highly recommend as a witch that you pick up flame wall and the spirit gem summon raging spirits. It summons fire skull minions and you and your minions' attacks get boosted if they shoot through the fire. I use minions, chaos DoTs, and then fire to melt basically everything


I've found that investing some points in STR, using a shield/scepter combo and gear that is both armour/energy shield with resistances makes you quite tanky. I run infernalist with +3 minion skills on my scepter and a shield that rocks a 90+% auto-block rate. Then I invest the majority of my skills into letting my minions do the dps while I boost them in combat. Works really well with mob hordes especially if you can bottleneck them.


POE2 if you are newer, get used tot he idea that you are moving most of the time, more so in boss fights. Witch and Sorc are not static casters like other games, movement is the key to survival. Have a spell ready that lets you shoot and move.


This was a simple but very effective guide. Thank you. First trial done thanks to the help from this video


I can attest to your comment regarding their survivability. Aside from very early on in Act 1 I just have not died to anything that didn't outright one-shot me and most of those were usually me not paying attention.

Between the bone wall, my minions and how quickly Contagion spreads through and destroys packs, I'm having a relatively easy time compared to my monk. Chaos, Poison and Plague DoTs combined with curses and bone spells are shredding everything I come across.

Still unsure on which Ascendancy I'm going to take, so I'd love to see any videos you could make on comparing Ascendancy choices.


One thing to consider is swapping Unearth for Detonate Dead later in the game. I ended up speccing more into fire spells and this destroys mobs


I been one shot by bosses a couple times as witch but have pretty much rolled through everything using scepters for free skele minions, skeletal archers with gas arrow.. and flame wall to ignite the gas...Sprinkle some congtagion on and possibly that minion pylon and it does just fine most times.


As someone who’s never touched Poe or Diablo (I’ve played bg3 but that’s way different imo) witch is so fun. Now tbf I’m new and it’s the only class I’ve played but it slaps man. I died once bc of movement (just me learning the games controls) to the frost girl and the wolves in the first area but after that it’s been a breeze. Being able to have 8 temporary minions and 4 dedicated while also giving every living thing chaos is so broken. Even when you don’t have the 8 temporary you can still do enough damage with just the 4 skeletons chaos and just blasting the mf


1:32 how do you access that "spirit view"?


I've found the Witch to be the 'easy mode' of the game so far...


is full necro summener build viable end game? i don't want to use fire and elemental spells on every class


I got one unique crossbow very early should I start playing Mercenary or should I keep focusing on Witch ?


"Killing things faster means you stay alive sooner" 🤣


@Fextralife, I know this comment doesn’t tie into the video; but I just wanted to thank you for your Elden Ring wiki. I have a 30 minute presentation for college and your site has been invaluable!


Anyone else having issues where if your scepter with a warrior skill is equipped, the skill only becomes active in the second slot? Otherwise I get "not enough spirit" regardless of how much I have. Super weird. Also thanks for the awesome video!!!


Ill play witch for blood mage... Eventually


Still wondering how to increase my spirit count except being lucky with the scepter ? Still working on Act 1


Monk guide or we (I) riot (seriously, probably just me)!


As someone who suffered through playing Witch and completing the campaign, do NOT play the chaos DoT build. They just buffed it in the most recent patch and its still not good.
