Who is The Mouth of Sauron | The Lord of the Rings | Middle Earth

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When the armies of the West came to the Black Gates, a delegation came from Mordor. At the head of this delegation was a man dressed in black who called himself the Mouth of Sauron. But who was this man? How had he risen in Sauron's service? And what was his end? Here is what we know about the Mouth of Sauron.

#lordoftherings #middleearth #thehobbit #silmarillion

00:00 So it begins...
00:47 Encounter
04:10 His lineage
05:21 His name and loyalty
06:23 His age
06:58 His duty
08:35 His powers
09:18 Movie adaptation
11:00 Theories

Art Credit (I have listed the ones that I am sure about regarding the ownership of the work)

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This character could be the son of a noble lord of Umbar. Sauron could have taken him as a political prisoner to guarantee loyalty. This would explain why he doesn't remember his past or who he is. Sauron would have raised and molded him into what he wished. I love the movie version of this character, because it really expands on him and gives him more depth. It is possible through sorcery and rituals to enhance his abilities. The lack of sight enhanced his ability to listen very thorough, the scars around the mouth suggest ritualistic scarring to maybe enhance his ability to manipulate in diplomacy.


I heard one interesting theory concerning the movie version of The Mouth. He once was human, but constantly speaking the Black Tongue has literally corrupted the form of his mouth, making it what we see today - a black, rotten, oversized maw which is the focus of the character.


Sauron really needs to offer his minions better dental coverage.


He could have used dark sorcery to extend his life. I always imagined that he would be a good choice for a Fourth Age dark lord. Yes, he wouldn't have Sauron's power, but could still do a lot of damage if not stopped.


His name was Ned. Nice enough kid but he was quiet and awkward. Had an unhealthy obsession with Legos. Oh and he couldnt pee at the urinals if there was anyone else in the bathroom.


Thanks for the video. For me the Mouth of Sauron is an illusion conjured by Sauron so that he can directly communicate with his enemies. MoS is only seen once and that is at the edge of Mordor, so I wpuld expect Sauron could weald his magic that far


Has anyone ever considered that Sauron disguised himself as the Mouth of Sauron just to size up his enemies in person without revealing himself?


In "A Guide to Middle Earth" by Robert Foster, he is described as a Black Numenorean.


He is one of my most favorite characters.


But could it be that the mouth of Sauron would be one of the elves corrupted by Morgoth? It would explain why he forgot his past life, was feared and had probably great magic skills and why Sauron trusted him with so much power.. I mean i think it is strange that Sauron gives so much power to a Númenòrian..


There is a suspicion that the Mouth is the son of Ar-Pharazôn.


Excellent stuff! Love your work man ❤️


It's possible he might literally be a part of Sauron, which might explain why he won't fight because he isn't truly living or anything other than a convincing puppet.


Cool video, has some details that I hadn't heard about him before. One nitpick though, Dark Lord should always be preceded by "The" when talking about an action Sauron does. It's a title, not a name, so like you would say "The King ordered that" or "The President signed an order to", you'd use "the" in front of dark lord.


I did enjoy your cast! Good work! Keep it up! Always give ya a thumbs up if this is what you present!


If they already had Sam and Frodo then they would already have the ring and game over 🤦‍♂️


The interest in the Mouth of Sauron isn’t just because of the cool design in the movie. IMO, a lot of it stems from the character having a cool name and little written about him. I imagine if that had he just been called “Sauron’s herald or emissary, ” we wouldn’t have carried as much.


Could it be that a Dwarf ring of power could have been used to prolong and ensure life?


looks like he forgot how to brush his teeth too.


He is Obviously Sauron resurected, probably from a Dead human Numinorian king of old!.. Sauror has this power, as he has power over the Witchking, who has the power over the Barrow spirits!
I rather like Jackson's vervion than the written version, as this Dude was much more Creepy, as he should be! = Sauron Embodyment or Possession = both the same! = "He IS SAURON"! However, This does not mean that Sauron can not be in 2 places at once whithin his realm, but could be side tracked a bit?? Just an observation.
