Ask the Doc - How to treat libido issues while on TRT.

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Dr Rand talks about libido and fertility while being on HRT.
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This guy is a machine man. Looks easy... 💪🏽💪🏽 greatest doc and a very humble guy. Thanks for all the beautiful information 🙏🏽 .


Thanks so much for confirming (even if loosely) that the notion you can desensitize leydig cells with more than, say, 500iu/day is a myth. Despite the prevalence of the idea on forums, I haven't found any studies to support it, either. Werd.


hey doc remember to always run antibodies os thyroid.. and total and free hormones as well TSH.
plays a role in plolactin... es estradiol. specially T3 activates more de 5 alpha reductase enzyme. thyroid issues.. can make low líbido, not wanting to do stuff. changes in smell that is important for libido while engaging... in the moment... pregnenolone or dhea-s.. always check iron ferritin.. transferrin... and other vitamins and minerals. by the way iron plays a huge role in tyrosine conversion to dopamine. and always check c peptide.. oral glucose test... HBa1C... fasted glucose and fasted insulin levels. can tell many líbio issues and many estradiol issues. it's best to split the 250 mg in 3 weekly injections. less spikes on estádio and less prolactin. and keep that blood flow down there strong. all he best doc


I'm glad to hear MY Doc....Dr Larry, was helpful. He has been great for me....and I'm in the Best shape (at 57yo) of my life under his care


Libido issues on TRT? You mean the issue of my wife being worn out?


A little over a month ago my TRT clinic suddenly took me off of HCG and switched me over to Gonadorelin, and pretty much instantly my libido vanished into thin air. I've been on TRT since March of this year, and after about three months I started having a sex drive like I was 20 years old again. However, once they switched me from HCG to Gonadorelin, I have absolutely no libido now, and once again suffer from chronic ED. It was like being given a ride for a couple of months on a magic carpet, and then having that carpet ripped out from under me. I'm now at a loss as to what to do. Feeling pretty darn worthless now.


Dr Rand give to all his patients between 1 to 3 mg of Anastrazole a week, to have their E2 between 15 to 20. Now, many Doctors say that you should never blocked E2, that low E2 is bad for libido and erections. Who is right?


I’m on TRT, but stopped HCG a couple years ago. About a year and a half ago, I completely lost my libido. I never thought I wouldn’t have a libido when my total testosterone was around 1000. I’m learning now that I may need HCG to restart my own testosterone production in order to get to get my libido back. Hopefully 🤞


So what’s the clear answer ? Basically more hcg ? And look more into e2


How best to treat mood / depression Any special protocol to treat. Tks


Could dropping HCG from my TRT protocol cause sexual dysfunction?


When he does that cannonball at the beginning, even though it cuts out I always hear a huge !!kerplunk!!


hi, im 57 years old. I was on trt for 2 years, started when I was 54. 60 mg twice a week, no hcg, no estrogen pills just testosterone. felt great, lots of energy, sex great, no man boobs, but did experience brittle hair which I hated but could live with. I have to admit, I had a bad diet, a bit overweight and very little exercise. after the first year, I would still have an increased libido but had a problem holding an erection. that and not wanting to inject anymore and worse forever. I decided to get off and I did cold turkey (bad move I know). I just stopped. its been about 16 months now. my libido was nothing in the beginning so I used Cialis for a while and that worked pretty good. all my other levels are good now, my testosterone is very low but within normal range. my free testosterone is low. the one thing I miss is the energy and libido of course. I am getting older and thinking about getting back on after learning about sub q injections. what do you think about re starting?


Hey Doc a big miss by most doctors is even when taking hcg and trt and all is that if the sex drive is still low there prolactin levels need to be checked.


My problem is my sex drive is through the roof


Thanks doc. That desensitized lighting cells has me wondering. So there is no such thing.. thanks Dr for explaining


Doesn’t Jay Cuttler himself now promote higher E2


Can you get a blood test privately on line, than asking your Doctor?


Is there is possibility that i can get the dr email addres so i can email him directly to explain my health issues and want to regain my health aa it was once before


100 mg cyp twice a week with HCG 500iu twice a week. I have zero libido. Doctor just put me on an AI. When I first got on TRT a couple years ago I felt great and libido was awesome. Now at 40 years old, libido is gone. Latest blood work was Testosterone at 934ng/dL and Estradiol at 52ng/dL.