Absence Seizure Caught on Camera

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I had these when I was young but everyone just dismissed me as a absent minded daydreaming fool and so I suffered in silence.


A few years ago, I would walk my youngest child to her school bus stop (it was a rough neighborhood, so I provided a little stability to the bus stop). One day, this girl - probably about 14 years old - started coming up to me and talking to me. This made me kind of uncomfortable, as I had no idea who she was. So, one day, I asked her to please refrain from contacting me, as she started standing closer and closer, to me. Uncomfortably close. After several requests for her to stand elsewhere, I decided to record our interactions and send them to her school. I wanted to remove any doubt that I was trying to get too friendly with a minor. During the video I made, I would walk away from this girl and she would follow me, like a lost puppy. I forwarded the video to her school and the school, in turn, shared the video with the girl's parents. The parents contacted me... to thank me. My video showed that she was experiencing SEVERAL "absence seizures", allowing her parents to realize that they did not have their daughter's seizure issue as under control as they thought they had it. So, inadvertently, I helped this girl and her family seek further care for her seizures. An annoying situation turned into one that improved the health of a kid at a bus stop. Who would have ever guessed...


Something no one would pay attention it's almost like she's spacing out wow you learn something new every day hope the best for you thanks for the video


Wow. People could so easily think you were dumb or “slow”. I wonder how many people actually suffer from this without knowing it.


It really mimics losing train of thought... I know nothing about this but i like learning about interesting things like this


I had a friend in high school who would zone out and mumble or make noises. When I told her about it, she didn't believe me. Then she had a full-on seizure one day and was diagnosed with epilepsy. Looking back, this is probably what she had.


The first time I had one... It was weird.. Because it was almost like being asleep while being wide awake.. I don't know how long it lasted.. But I didn't move.. Didn't blink.. Didn't breath.. My teacher was calling on me and I was unresponsive.. It was only when the whole class was screaming my name that I snapped out of it. It made me so confused..


You look young enough that they may stop. I had them my entire life until my early 20s. They suddenly stopped. Unfortunately, I started having grand mal seizures at age 30. It's been 3 years now and they're pretty rare at this point. I hope yours go away.


I was diagnosed with this type of epilepsy when I was 12. It killed my self esteem because I was afraid people would think I was slow or get angry with me because I would miss parts of conversations and it would look like I wasn't paying attention. I'm glad that you made this video, hopefully more people will use it to educate themselves.


It's so subtle that I often have to tell people that I'm having issues. I've just called them "glitches" for years...it certainly fits.


Thank you for this video. I knew a woman years ago who had "seizures" and I never understood properly because she didn't have the trembling kind, she just went like you did - just sort of blank and motionless. Now I understand better.


I’ve never met someone else who’s went through petit mal seizures!!! I had them when I was a child, but grew out of them. You go girl! ❤️


I hate the feeling of having these. Worst part for me was I started having them just a couple years ago and my boss at the time thought I was just slacking off and daydreaming


Thank you so much. I know you filmed this a while ago but this is exactly what happens for my daughter. I really appreciate you sharing this.


I know exactly how you feel it's horrible kind of nice to know I'm not the only one.. because up until now I never met anyone with these seizures..


Wow all my life I thought I was just “zoning out” as people would say but I didn’t know this is what I was experiencing. I have had a total of 3 grand mal seizures and there’s nothing more worse than that


im assuming public speaking must be god awful


Thank you for your channel, I love that you are spreading awareness about epilepsy because so many people dont understand what it’s really like to have a seizure. Having epilepsy can be such an isolating experience and it’s nice to see others speaking about it


One of my best friends has Absence seizures all the time. She ends up staring into space, blanking out, fidgeting, and repeating the same word over and over again. She has gained over 80 lbs. due to all the medication she has had to take. We are both are 13 years old. When she was 11 years old she weighed 94 lbs. When she was 12 she weighed 120 lbs. Now, she weighs 184 lbs. And it has impacted her life A LOT. Now, as I listed before, the symptoms or signs of a seizure is what i have to look out for. She sometimes hates herself for her weight but we all remind her it is not her fault. I am not quite sure how many medications she has to take but its over 4 medications. And I love her to pieces and this doesn't change a thing. Although, one time in 6th grade we had P.E. class and in the middle of handball, she stood still, fidgeting and mumbling random words. This continued for about 3 minutes. She had 24 seizures in a row, and it was extremely scary. After resting in the nurse's office, she didn't remember anything that happened that day at all, for about 20 minutes she forgot who I was! Seizures are not a laughing matter. You can gain over 90 lbs. from all the medications you have to take and it sucks. But I love her so much i don't know what I would do without her.


I've been having these for about 15 years after I was hit in the head in a car accident. I could never explain why all of a sudden I can't remember what I just said, was going to say, or was even thinking about. Now I know. Thank you for showing us what you go through so that we can better understand ourselves and those whom we love.
