Pauline Hanson's Please Explain 'Political Self-Destruction' - Episode 7

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Very few people realise that if you are elected under the Labor Party banner, you cannot deviate from the Labor agenda without losing your seat.

Australian’s recently learned how toxic Labor is following the treatment of Victorian Senator, Kimberley Kitching who argued for Labor to take a more conservative and disciplined approach to issues involving China, Foreign Ownership, Currency Bans, the Jewish Community, and Defence Matters.

Kimberley was ostracised, and mentally set upon by a core group of women within the Labor party. They were labelled the ‘Mean Girls’.

The 'Mean Girls’ consisted of Penny Wong, Kristina Keneally, and Katy Gallagher.

At the age of 52, just days off Kimberley’s pre-selection battle to remain a Senator, she suffered a shocking heart attack and died.

One can only assume the months of stress took its toll.

This cartoon was released before Kimberley’s death, but represents the threats Labor use against its MP’s to keep them from 'crossing the floor’.

'Crossing the floor' is a public demonstration of disagreement with your own party.

Kimberley was not only a dedicated and decent Senate colleague - she was one of my closest friends in the parliament. She also LOVED this cartoon series and I miss her greatly.

If you'd like to help keep the series alive, please consider donating to the party.
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Famous last words:
"I thought they weren't supposed to be nuclear" - Scott Morrison
