Please Explain - Pauline Hanson

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Senator Pauline Hanson, leader of the right-winged Australian political party, One Nation, has been continually criticised for her controversial statements. We compiled the most outrageous of them.
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Apart from years of inarticulate interviews that provide hours of entertaintment where she always sounds like she's about to cry, this woman also served prison time and was on Dancing With The Stars plus had her own fish n chip shop. Wow


She was stating then, what we are whining now.


Please explain?
2-Pump jet


Imagine if the rest of the politicians in Canberra were this honest!


My mum used to say poor old Pauline would be dangerous if she had two brain cells to rub together...


She is hilarious. I just can't take her seriously at all. "Please explain".. how very robotic. 😂


I think it was just a horrible identity she came through, that she couldn't control. I wouldn't point my finger at her for it and I wouldn't attack her, because she was just being honest with how she felt about things. And I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way anymore.


She can turn around now and Say "i told you so" If only they had listened to her and not labled her as racist Australia couldve maintained itself.. everything has changed for the worse.


I'm also native to Australia. I loved that point.
Where should we go if we are not welcome here where we were born?
We are already having to be welcomed to our own country, and now they're looking to have a small group of Aboriginal Australians override the Australian government and it's decisions in The Voice (no, not the singing contest). Look at Jacinta Price and Lidia Thorpe and the majority of Aboriginal Australians - they are also mixed heritage (either completely different Aboriginal mobs or from across the seas). I think we need to be moving forward together as there is nothing we can do about what people 5 generations ago did here that will ever fix it. We should all be accepting of one another and no group should be given extra power based on their race - it is, in definition, racist.
For those comments about her speaking ability, have some compassion as human beings.
And the selective very youthful Pauline bits - we all go through youth and we learn and grow. I don't believe she is, or that any of us are, exactly the same person with exactly the same ideas after decades of living. Yes, she has many of the same points which generally equate to maintaining our way of life rather than changing everything overnight/ crashing the economy > escalating cost of living/ starting wars.
The refugees and immigration thing - Australia was founded on immigration. But certain governments like to open floodgates and this is what she opposes. The reason being that the sheer size of the country compared to it's population and infrastructure cannot support the same numbers as long established developed countries like those in Europe. The way she went about some things are lacking, yes.
People mentioning her jail time - can you say all politicians are clean? I don't think any are...
I don't agree with everything Pauline has ever said but I do love her honesty and the balance she brings to the table. You've got to have healthy debate to have a democracy or you're not a democracy.


Did anybody else notice that A) she carries her sheet, seriously memorize your speeches (anyone would think you didn't write them) and she always glances down at her speeches in parliament. B) She continuously cuts herself off when talking indicating that she's going to say something highly innapropriate and stops herself and C) That aboriginal person just found a polite way to tell her she's dumb and needs to go read a freaking book and learn something about life?


oh my god i had never seen further than "please explain" her pathetic response after that is so funny


Assimilation requires people inviting visitors to be inviting them to participate.
How can people assimilate otherwise.


2:54 describes Pauline Hanson:) She is wow!


Deeds Not Words.
I believe our County can become unified & have a great future, but it will only come from true honest leadership.
Thank you for your sacrifices Ma'am.


Gee. Thanks. I needed that. Unbelievable.


after a lot of deep thinking, ive come to the conclusion that Tracey Curro was hot af in the 1990s


She might not have been the most eloquent of speakers. l would have to applaud her on her anti woke stance, and her speech sticking up for men.


If Hanson married Trump... OMG imagine the kids! Hell spawn prolificate.


Of course, a lot of things she's said are stupid, but let's go through some of the stuff she said in this video:
- You should learn English when you come to Australia. What's the issue? English is what is commonly spoken in Australia - how are you going to function in our society if you can't speak the language?
- Asian immigration is too high (basically). Why is this, in itself, an unacceptable statement?
- There are too many Muslim immigrants - the argument being that Islamic ideology is problematic. If you think an idea is bad, why is it unacceptable to say this if the idea happens to be an Islamic one? Why is it unacceptable to ask, for example, why so many terrorist acts seem to be committed by Muslims?
- Why is it unacceptable to say that 'a lot of gays don't want gay marriage'? This may not be supported by data, but on the other hand, where is the evidence that this statement is wrong?
- Aboriginals are not the most disadvantaged people in Australia (basically). Again, why is it unacceptable to say this? Is it deemed unquestionable and unarguable that Aboriginal people are more disadvantaged than any other group?
- It is true that persons born in Australia could be said to be 'indigenous' to Australia. Indigenous is synonymous with 'native', which just means originating or born in a particular place. What was pretty ridiculous was that girl telling her that her country is England. What? I'm a third generation Australian - are you going to tell me I should go back to England? What an insult.
- George Floyd was NOT a saint and had a pretty serious record. And what exactly is your problem with the statement that 'all lives matter'?
- Similarly, why is it a problem nowadays to just plainly say that 'it's ok to be white'? If it's a problem to say that, then we DO have a societal problem.
