NEVER pull a Garden Weed AGAIN! This ONE THING makes it possible!

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Garden season is coming and SO ARE THE WEEDS! But, we have found an AMAZING solution to all of those weeds which makes gardening SO enjoyable. Today we share with you our secret to easy gardening without the hours of back-breaking weeding in the heat!

#growyourown #gardening #organic #growfood #stayhome #withme

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Living Traditions Homestead is all about living a simple and sustainable way of life. We believe the world has gotten too “busy” and that people are missing out on many of the true blessings this world has to offer. We started as a small urban homestead in Gilbert, AZ and after the city grew up around us, decided it was time leave corporate America and take a big leap of faith by moving our family to the Missouri Ozarks.

We put out 2 new videos every week! Tuesday and Saturday. We hope you will become part of our homestead family by subscribing to our channel and watching as we give up the rat race and live simpler, more fulfilling life in the country.

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If you want more information about the ground cover check out Grower’s Solution.

If you use coupon code traditionalist10 you will get 10% off!


Learning from other people's mistakes is a great way to go. Thank you for being so willing to admit your mistakes and share them!


Not going to lie I came here thinking I was going to skip to 15 minutes to get to the point but you guys are so thorough and engaging good job!


Really amazed by this couple!
When one is talking, the other one is not just waiting for her/ his turn to join the conversation...they both involve in it 100% all the time!
Excellent team work!


Hi folks, I really appreciated that you showed the failures as well as your successes. Brilliant job.


Even as pandemic is wrecking the economy, it's comforting to know weeds and dust balls are still free!
And plentiful.




People that say putting that stuff down is so much work, haven’t weeded a garden. That is so much work and it is never ending


I watched a video a few years ago where the guy stages his chicken yard over a future garden spot before claiming it for the garden, then he used this material.... The chickens not only knocked down weeds that were growing there, they fertilized the ground while giving eggs! Win, win, win! He would them prep another plot for the next garden space the same way. Like you he rotated every couple of years. Of course, he had plenty of space to do this... Not all of us do. Great info! Thanks so much!


I am 87 years old and have been gardening since I was a young child. I have used woven cover sheets on a few occasions but would find it to be too labor intensive to use in my large garden. If you are worn out from pulling weeds it is because you wait too long to address the problem. The answer is to cultivate the middles of your rows very soon after each rain before the weed seeds have a chance to germinate. Weed seeds will not germinate in loose fluffy soil in major part because it will dry out very quickly. The loose soil that you create by cultivation will also serve as a mulch as water cannot move through it by capillarity. Weed seeds will germinate in the rows where your plants are growing. These should be covered with loose soil from the middles while they are less than a half inch tall with a hoe. I do not find that to be


You all are so terrific! I love to watch Sarah's face when you're talking Kevin. Y'all have such passion for what you're doing that it's contagious!. Thank you for sharing this ground cover information!


Watching you and taking your advice has changed my gardening life, all for the good! The woven ground cover was total game changer for me. Now I spend time starting seeds,
harvesting and preserving NOT weeding. Thanks you guys!


I just moved onto my acreage and I'm trying to start homesteading. Oh my gosh, the weeds!!! It's overwhelming. Thanks for the tips. I have the professional grade woven fabric that I'll be using between the raised beds. I got cedar wood and I'm filling the raised beds with organic soil. The up front costs are also high for wood and soil with amendments. Thousands and thousands. Plus the cost of equipment. My main reason for doing all of this is for quality food that's sustainable and healthy. I'm very motivated by avoiding frankenfoods. The amount of time to get started is absolutely draining. I have another farmer taking care of half of the acreage. I have just a bit under 20 acres and after coming from the suburbs I have to say this is a culture shock. I drive 3 hours per day back and forth from work. Nothing is close, not even the grocery store. Just a lot for one person. Please read on though. My sunsets are stunning, the daily sounds of birds are relaxing, the wildlife is beautiful, and this is worth every second. It's like a piece of heaven and I feel blessed.


I'm just trying to get rid of weeds and I don't even garden. I knew that this was the wrong video in the first 15 seconds but I watched it all the way through because of your presentation style and the chemistry between you two lol! I literally watched this video because you guys haha!


In my experience (I’m an organic gardener) I believe the quality of the soil is the key to no weeds..I keep amending the soil, as the soil improves, the weeds go away :-). I’m a southern Mo lady as well. Born and raised :-).


Thank you! We can't wait to try this on our very 1st veggie garden. So lucky to have found this info. Who wants to deal with weeds, ever?!


I think you just saved my sanity! I just spent 7 hours gutting my garden and starting over. Thank you!


When i think back on what i have learned about gardening in the last two years....most of it comes from you guys. I truly appreciate it. I knew nothing and now know something.


I am hearing more and more messages that our country should learn very quickly to become less and less dependent on other countries for our food


I’m in tropical Australia. The best method I’ve found is 4-6 layers of news paper (wet it down to hold it in place if it’s a windy day) and then a layer of straw or sugar cane mulch over the top. It’s very inexpensive and easy to put holes in it for plants using a hand trowel.
