Finding Out That We All Have Hidden Racial Bias | Regardless Of Race: 5 Years On - Part 1/2
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Yet, in a nationwide survey, Dr. Janil discovers that even more Singaporeans identify themselves as hardly or not racist at all, compared to 2016 survey. Are most of us really ‘not part of the problem’? To find out, he gets the help of experts to put everyday Singaporeans in uncomfortable social experiments.
Do you really get a lower salary by simply having a Malay name? How far reaching is rental discrimination for someone who is Indian? Why do these things happen again and again, even when most of us are not overtly racist? From workplace discrimination to implicit biases, these experiments confront us with hard truths on how and why we can be racially biased… and not even know it.
WATCH MORE Regardless Of Race: 5 Years On
About the show: The string of racist incidents since the pandemic started has thrown Singapore’s racial harmony into doubt. By digging into the science behind racism, can Janil Puthucheary find new working solutions?
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