Finding Out That We All Have Hidden Racial Bias | Regardless Of Race: 5 Years On - Part 1/2

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Yet, in a nationwide survey, Dr. Janil discovers that even more Singaporeans identify themselves as hardly or not racist at all, compared to 2016 survey. Are most of us really ‘not part of the problem’? To find out, he gets the help of experts to put everyday Singaporeans in uncomfortable social experiments.

Do you really get a lower salary by simply having a Malay name? How far reaching is rental discrimination for someone who is Indian? Why do these things happen again and again, even when most of us are not overtly racist? From workplace discrimination to implicit biases, these experiments confront us with hard truths on how and why we can be racially biased… and not even know it.

WATCH MORE Regardless Of Race: 5 Years On

About the show: The string of racist incidents since the pandemic started has thrown Singapore’s racial harmony into doubt. By digging into the science behind racism, can Janil Puthucheary find new working solutions?
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I can testify that I'm a living example of someone who had a bad time with my birth name. Went for 14 months without a job and barely any interviews (even though I had a 1st Hons BA) and when I changed my name so that it was fully English and Christian (and excluded race from my resume), my hit rate for interviews magically went up.


I think the fact police are investigating more incidents is a good thing. It means they are taking them seriously, at last.


Why is Singapore population's race ratio remains the same over the decades despite the low Chinese birth-rates and high Malay, Indian & others birth-rates?


I like the implicit bias experiment. As mentioned, it is impossible to get rid of it but that makes it even more important for us to be aware of it so that when we are going to make important decisions, we take extra effort to circumvent it.

For example if you are interviewing two candidates for a particular role, you could write down the strengths and areas of concerns for each candidate. Then base your discussions on these traits that are written down to take the attention away from impressions made while reminding yourself to only focus on what is written down.


Wait, wouldn't increased investigations be a good thing? It's more indicative of increased awareness, not increased racism.


of names, and this is the story told to me by someone of mixed heritage. her father is chinese. her mother is Indian. she inherited most of her mother's physical features.

she speaks fluent mandarin like her father does. on ic, she is "chinese"

her full name is english first name followed by chinese surname. example: alice goh.

she went to an interview. at a hair salon. the hair salon did ask for mandarin speaking.

they called her name, and she stood up and approached. the person who called her name was confused and again called out "alice goh"

"im alice goh"

the person: youre not chinese.

yes. she got really upset, and expressed her displeasure in mandarin. and she left.


fighting racism is like counting sands one by one


I have been telling these issues to my Chinese colleagues, friends, bosses etc. BUT they always deny and gave all sorts of excuses and reasons. Most of the Chinese dont accept that they are racists and doing many wrong things. As long as one dont accept their wrong, things wont change.


It's a crime to be racist ..its really sickening and the pledge basically has no meaning other than going through the motion


coming to the conclusion, through these research and tests, that it is racism is overly simplistic and i think, lazy. Perception is caused by various factors, one being the repetitive traits of a particular race for example. Those traits then become stereotypes which could then determine a race’s employability for that matter. In order to break that, the race in question should break those stereotypes. I’m indian, but i learnt at a young age to break away and form my own identity that would fall less within the stereotypes of my race. The result is that I actually command that’s respectable to my experience and value.


Is about time the government should look into racism. We are Singaporean. Regardless of the race we should respect each other and do not judge each other please? Don't be racial biased!


What I don't understand is why they say Sporean Chinese hold important positions, when in MNCs I see mostly foreigners holding the top positions ? Is everyone just working in SMEs and Civil service ? Name MNC (non local) that has majority of Chinese Singaporeans.


Racial bias starts with a cognitive bias associated with upleasant experiences. When I make an intentional effort to remove the cognitive bias, I am able to create many happy relations with other races with pleasant experiences. Think of connecting with the person as who they are and not what so call defines them.


Can you please conduct a survey re age discrimination? Thank you


15:06 Singapore Indian turned Malay president earned more than $4, 000 per month for window display.


the answer is actually in Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action..."

you will never find a practicing Muslim, a racist.

{ Note: not Muslim by name, but by practice. Islam categorically condemns racism.}

People who are racist tend NOT to have a religion. or if they do have a religion, that religion of theirs does not condemn racism.

Singapore still has racism. But its subtle - but still, dangerous. Its the reason why people of different race have superficial relationship when they interact with those of different race.


This kind of social experiment should be done in Malaysia as well as you there is the thing called institutionalise racism in the form of the 1970s NEP policies that tend biasly favour the majority.


There is no solution on this issue universally because it was created by God in the first place for reason only known by its creator.


I think we can only achieve & maintain racial tolerance but never true racial harmony.


It will continue to rise, due to the implicit nature of global capitalism and authoritarian/non-democratic govts who divide the working class. Nobody dares to critique those who profit off exploitation, war, speculation... in short structural or systemic problems with our political-economy. But we are more than willing to individualize crime, to point at the "soul" - as inborn/innate and blame individuals who fight amongst themselves over race, religion, language, etc. The real divide and cause of societal ills such as crime, is NOT petty anomic violence nor "unsound morals" but the violence that is done by the system against the people who fight hard to play by its rules because there is NO imaginable alternative to be excluded from an unjust system that presents itself as "fair" and "meritocratic". Thats the ailment of Singapore, and the world at large.
