Is God Immoral for Killing the Canaanites?

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Why is it that for atheists when God "play god" it's immoral but when we do it's OK.
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Consider reading “Is God a Moral Monster?” by Paul Copan. Very interesting read.


People who don't like what happens to the Canaanites will likely also have a huge problem with the Gospel message in general. After all, didn't God demand that his one and only innocent son be brutally killed and utterly abandoned for the sins of the world?


Such a contentious topic! A couple observations to share: 1. humans are definitely species biased as most have no concern, or even knowledge, of how livestock and even wildlife are "handled" by humans. Both adult animals and baby animals are sometimes euthanized due to incurable disease that could spread if not halted. At least humans have found less violent methods in more modern times - don't have to shoot 'em in the head - nevertheless ending the life of sick livestock or wildlife is nothing new and there are very few opponents rising up against the practice, but bring up the idea of taking out a particular group of humans for whatever reason and folks go up in arms. I'm not saying this is "wrong" because I am in no position to judge accurately, but humans place themselves above the other life on Earth probably 99% of the time. 2. Human ethics and ideas of morality are bounded by the limited experience and knowledge of the human species, although GOD the Creator must have knowledge and wisdom far beyond the grasp of humanity's, so how is it humans think themselves the deciders of "right" or "wrong?" What number of the human population believes it is okay to abort a human life? And what number believes that doing so is wrong? Our perceptions are so limited and yet we look out upon the world with utter defiance, imagining ourselves to be all knowing and calling the Creator evil for the choice to cull His creation? These are JUST observations and considerations. I agree it is difficult to imagine bashing children's heads in, and I've wondered, "why????" myself, but I also understand that I understand so little about the Creator and His plan. I raised some baby ducks as a child, only to arrive home one day after school to no ducks! What happened? My parents had given them to the lady down the road for soup! Life is hard, it's mean, and we don't understand so much that happens. Better if we work of loving one another and we can do a decent job of this by following those 10 simple commandments and seeking His Truth with diligence. Peace and Love must override Ego:)


Very logical and well-argued. Must give respect to Frank. He is a hard worker and not afraid to be questioned about his faith.


I always enjoy Mr. Turek's insight. He is a very good apologist for biblical Christianity. I thank God for his defense of the gospel.


Why did Noah curse Canaan though? Wasn't he the first of the Canaanites and did nothing wrong?


This has always been a bit of a hard question to digest. Because it's sort of a situation where no matter what happens, it's still bad. There have been several instances where God does command the destruction and death of a civilization or one person or another. But on more then one occasion he does try to intervene and command it to stop before the punishment happens. He doesn't just bring the punishment, there's often situations where he does try to speak and warn the people of what's going to happen. More then often that doesn't work. Then the destruction he brings occurs. Which kind of leads to the question, If God did exist what would we have him do ?

If we want him to stop what we deem evil, by any means necessary, the most effective way, cruel it may be, would be to simply wipe it out. But that makes him a murderer and a hypocrite of his own laws.

Okay then how about a situation where he doesn't kill them. He uses his power to sway their minds and their will to stop their wicked ways, and do what is deemed as right. But then he removes our ability to choose, and thus controls us like puppets on a string.

What if he sways our decisions then? But us in a bind where the wicked have to stop what they are doing? Well then it's not genuine.

And this is where it kind of gets into a tough spot. We aren't just talking about good and evil. We're talking about what is at the proper punishment or repercussion for when bad things happen. Most agree that genocide is never the answer. So we try to find some kind of middle ground. But even that hasn't always worked out for us in the past.


If God is the only being that has the right to kill human life, why did he ask humans to do an immoral act instead if doing it himself?


Thou shall not killed. Wasn't that in the commandments?


1:48 - "Here God intervenes, and they're complaining about it!"
That's because this method of intervention, as described, is even worse morally than what the Canaanites were doing. If one culture is sacrificing their children to their gods, the correct response to this is NOT to kill all of those children (as Yahweh commands the Israelites to do.)


"LOL, they are complaining about God not intervening, then he intervenes by committing a massive genocide, and then they are complaining about that! Can you believe these people?"


"So now,  kill all the boys,  as well as every woman who has had relations with a man,  but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man." This part is really a deal breaker.


Theists have no way to explain why any act is right or wrong based on their religion. They can be moral, but their system has no way to explain morality.


.. were is the evidence that God warned the Canaanites to stop practising their pagan religions? if He wanted to stop them, why did'nt he send them a prophet like Moses? and at the time of Moses, was'nt Moses Jealous God just the tribal God of the ancient Israelites? he did not become Creator God until some time later.. and to say that God is not immoral for killing nonbelievers (Canaanites), authorises Fanatical Believers to kill nonbelievers, because their God hates them... Moses said, "Who is on the LORD'S side? Take swords.. and kill the nonbelievers!".. Exodus32:26-28.. the root of all religious intolerance and violence.. "Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the people of the land.. but you shall destroy their alters break their images and cut down their groves.."..clearly, there is no Love with the Jealous God of Moses, there is only a deep hatred of nonbelievers.. belief in this God has been a curse upon mankind thru-out history...


So if the OT is not sufficient anymore, how is all scripture useful for doctrine, for reproof, or for correction in righteousness?


0:54, is it just me or does the dude in the front row look a bit like Paul Washer, but from behind?


The true answer without mental gymnastics, is “yes”. The “god” of the Old Testament is a blood thirsty war god.


So, imagine you’re omnipotent and you want a group of people to stop with their child sacrifices. You’ve already told them to quit, but they won’t listen. What do you do? I’m pretty sure everyone can come up with a better idea than “Wait 400 years and then tell their neighbours to commit genocide on them”.



Atheist:Free choices with consequences = not free will.

Me:That is uttermost stupidity. Everyday experiences proves all choices freely chosen have their consequences. These are some examples:

1.Richard Dawkins freely drinks poison = Richard Dawkins dies
2.Sam Harris stab freely himself with a knife = Sam Harris bleeds then eventually dies.

In both situations, both people chose freely their actions and their actions have their logical and natural consequences. The same goes with free will. People freely chose doing wrong actions which is technically what Christians call SIN and those sin's natural and logical consequence is what Christians call HELL.


The Giver of Life... He has the right to take any life. Lucky for us... He is Love and full of mercy and gives grace.
