Good Jobs For Autism - How To Find And Keep A Job (MUST SEE)

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What are some good jobs for autism? Here is the best ones and how to keep them!

There are lots of opportunities available for people on the autism spectrum, for instance Microsoft have a dedicated section that is open to job applications from autistic people exclusively because of the detailed and focused work they can produce.

But it’s not just Microsoft that will look to seek the awesome work that I was the person can contribute. Many other companies do this to.

However it is more interesting to see the level of self-employed autistic people currently on the rise.

I have listed out three ways in which you can seek and find a job that suits an autistic person and also tips along the way of how to maintain these types of jobs.

1.Local Authority
Most local authority Agencey’s have designated programs for Autistc people to find work. They will usually also have a resume building course to help you create that to. As with any job you apply for, researching the company is a must and is a good way to let them know you are serious.

2.Self Employment
A good option is to home in on what you are best at, and seek to create a self employment opportunity with this. Local authority may be able to help you get small projects off the ground.

Lots of new industries have opportunities if you are well researched and training in that field. I suggest getting books from the library and finding online courses to take in the industry you want to access, so when you apply for the position you have lots of knowledge and insight into that position.

If you have anything you would like to add to this conversation please drop a comment. I read every comment so it is never wasted. Also if you want to see more autism content pease follow @theaspieworld

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I don’t have a hard time getting hired, just keeping jobs. And not because I get fired, but because I just hate whatever I’m doing THAT much that I opt for a change


I have a hard time finding a job. No one tells me why I've not been accepted, but Im 100 percent positive it's because of my social awkwardness and my inability to make eye contact. The only thing I am able to do is door dash. I love how flexible it is for me as a mom but I get bad anxiety with driving and hate how it's the only things I can do. I love cleaning. But no one will hire me to clean, and those who do contact me are sketchy. They don't need to know what I'm wearing. So that didn't work out


I've been working at the goodwill for over a month and I'm 30, and it's my first job! I'm happy because everyone else has a disability and I can stim or let loose and the support is awesome!


I am autistic and I am a veterinary assistant! I am in a veterinary nursing program and working towards becoming a licensed veterinary nurse! My employer and coworkers know about my autism and have been accommodating! I started out volunteering and that got my foot in the door! I still have sensory issues and trouble in social situations but I love my job and that makes it worth it! Animals are my special interest!☺️


1: most people in the US who are autistic don't qualify for disability and it still takes a ton of time to get registered with it.
2: self employment is the way to go, but the downside is that you still have to do people interaction and build relationships which can be tough in some industries. i recommend doing things where you can self create a product and market it easily and have people buy it. I work in audio and music and it's been a bit tough when it comes to getting clients, but i'm learning and getting better social skills :).
3: yeah this is a great tip! but it can come with costs (courses).


I am autistic and a mental health nurse 😀for me it’s the perfect job because I feel like I have great empathy and understanding for my patients, having gone through my own mental health struggles ☺️ it’s also my area of special interest, so I have the best of both worlds! Psychology, counselling, nursing are great areas for autistics imo .


I'm a school bus driver and this is a really good fit for me because it's the same routine everyday and I'm really good at remembering every kids name and saying good morning and have a good day. The student management portion was difficult to learn for me at first but after about a year I became really good at it. I've been a school bus driver for 15 years and it's been pretty good. I have manager that is understanding of my autism and I think that is super important. It's also really good in that I drive my children to school every day. I work for 20 hours a week but get paid for 25. I also love driving the field trips because I get to go to all the places for free and experience them on my own while the kids are with their teachers. I get paid all day to go to the museum for free or to see shows. It's pretty fun. I also get all holidays and the summer off to recharge. The summer and holidays are unpaid but that is better for me to have time to myself.


I am a self-employed independent driving instructor. It's amazing how many autistic pupils come to me for tuition as we can relate to each other. This job ticks all the boxes as I can work as much or as little as I like, it's teaching a set of obsessive rules, you only have to deal with one person at a time and you never have to make eye contact as you are always watching the road! In the current market, you can even be choosy about who you accept as a pupil. Right now, I'm only taking referrals from past pupils, but that is more than enough to keep me going. Before this, I went through a number of different jobs, including laboratory work and teaching in schools, but never managed to stick to one for more than a few years before running away. I have been doing this for eight years now and see no issue with continuing indefinitely.


I’m a truck driver for Coca Cola and the only comfort part is I have the same route every week which helps. At first it was hard and miserable to learn the route but I eventually caught on. My co workers, bosses, and customers make my job hard and have no sympathy for my situation. Only thing that makes me get through it is my wife and kids. Can’t wait and hope I find something I enjoy doing.


One word. Volunteering. I know the prospect of not getting paid might suck, but if you can volunteer in something you are passionate about and learn a skill it pays for itself.


I'm currently unemployed and feeling the immense pressure to find work! No body understands not even my family! I feel ashamed but at the same I know this isn't my fault! Can anybody help me even if it's just some guidance?
I'm a hardworking individual who just wants to be able to work on my own with no body to hassle me! This world can be quite cruel to us and I think I'd be better of without all the crap of being in an office! Thanks all ☺️


I’ve been self employed for 17 years. I run a massage/reflexology business. So I only ever deal with one other person at a time. Highly recommend x


Let me just say, I know it's supposed to be hard to get disability in the US, but if you have the right people on your side like I did, that being my psychiatrist and therapist who gave in reports on how I was, which at the time having a hard time dealing with depression and anxiety and having tried a number of medications and therapy. This helped me get disability the first time I applied, for mental health reasons. I did work for many years, but finally my mental health declined and that's when I started seeing a psychiatrist. I still didn't know I had Asperger's syndrome until already on disability and a few years later is when I got diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. That day I found out a lot about myself and why things happened the way they did for all my life. Then how many years later do I find Dan and The Aspie World and my life was changed again. Thank you Dan for all the help you have given and helped me at least create my YouTube channel and post videos.


I have ASD and ADHD and work in retail which some aspects I like but not others. I'm also now studying level 3 website design and development which I'm loving and finding it not as difficult as I thought it would be. Thank you Dan for your awesome videos 👏👍


I am not officially diagnosed with autism but I strongly suspect it and I work as a translator which is perfect for me because i have to focus on little details and analyze a sentence to its finest fiber in order to perfect it. However, I can only work as a freelancer because if i was employed somewhere I‘d struggle to socialize/communicate properly and would not come off as very professional.


Wow, since first coming across your chanel probably 3/4 yrs I see a massive change in you yourself. You have definitely found the right job where you can shine. It's fab to see. Congrats


I think I went to what you call "your local council" (I'm in The Netherlands so it's called differently here) and they gave me a psychological and physical evaluation, followed by a job coach. It took some time, but they got me a wonderful job in IT where I'm happy because I don't have to do things someone else's way, or that put pressure on me, like busy videoconferences/meetings. My manager has a kid with ADD, so he's got some experience.


I’m very lucky my boss knows my condition and supports me as a cake decorator. I’m also training to be a pro kick-boxer


I went into accounting because I loved the logic behind it, and how, if you do it right, the balance sheet balances! It's so cool to me. But, the office politics were so painful. I tried working for myself as a bookkeeper, and enjoyed that. But then my husband took a job out of state, and my client wasn't set up for remote work and it would've been too cumbersome to set them up for that. So I lost my one client willing to overlook my quirks... Life is tough.


Working part time can be better for some so that they have enough energy to live and don't become too overwhelmed
