FX6 Canister Filter versus Sump Filtration - Which is Better?

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In this video I compare a Fluval FX6 canister filter to sump filtration to give an in-depth run down on the pros and cons of each on my freshwater aquariums. I have a Waterbox Clearpro 7225 that has been running two Fluval FX6 canister filters for almost 24-months now, and a Waterbox Peninsula 7225 with a sump that has been running for about 9-months. These tanks are side by side in my house, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do a comparison between the two types of filters!

1:36 - About Canister Filters and Choosing the Right Size
4:07 - Unplugging a Fluval FX6 Canister Filter
6:28 - The Order of Filtration (Mechanical, Biological, Chemical)
11:34 - About Sump Filtration and How a Overflow Works
13:29 - How the Sump Chambers are Setup
17:55 - Sumps and a Automatic Top Off (ATO) Systems
19:42 - Cleaning a Sump Filter
23:25 - Doing a Waterchange with a Sump
25:13 - What it looks like when your Sump runs Dry
28:06 - In Summary - Is a Canister or Sump better for your Aquarium?
29:35 - Exciting news!


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Which do you prefer for your aquarium - a canister filter or a sump?

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Happy fish keeping and see you in the next video! :D
Рекомендации по теме

You just can’t beat a sump filtration👌🏻


I have had many canister filters and I can honestly say, Fluval has been the best. They not only make awesome filters, they pack them with features that other companies just simply skip. I love how fluval "auto primes" and also stops to purge air every 12 hours. I also love how you can purchase plenty of spare parts and maintenance kits, which other companies make a pain to do. Awesome video and keep up the great work!!


One of the best comparison videos I’ve ever seen 😊


This is the most detailed explanation of filtration I've seen on you tube . You broke it down so simple. Thank you!


You put all of the advantages and diadvantages of both kind of filtration, now I can decide better which I'll use for my new cichlid tank. Thank you so much. Your content useful as always!!!


I’ve been getting information on canisters and sumps and I’m so glad to happen across your channel, Kaity. You’ve single-handedly answered all of the questions I had. For this, I’m grateful. I’m gonna remain a loyal and consistent subscriber…

I’m a complete beginner at aquariums and I’ve started with a 75 gallon tank.
My next purchase will probably be a Fluval FX6 Canister. I’m not in any rush so I’m truly happy with the process of building a freshwater system. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge.


Was glad to see you give both gallons and liters when talking. It is nice for those of us not really proficient in the metric system. Loved the video and learned several things I didn’t know.


Kaity, I know you are a very knowledgeable and advanced fish keeper so I feel a little silly making a very basic suggestion to you. YouTube is making dozens of FX6 cleaning videos available to me, and although I’ve seen them all over and over, your content popped up and I felt that I just had to make this comment to you. I know you are aware of this but when cleaning your sponges, instead of just going at it with a garden hose, please fill up a 5 gallon bucket and wash your sponges in it using tank water. You will use less water and you can clean them much more efficiently. I use two full buckets, the first to wash out the majority of the muck (can be done with tap water if using a rinse bucket with tank water), and the second (with aquarium water) to rinse them clean and preserve beneficial bacteria. Try it, I guarantee you will like it! Cheers!


Hi Kaity,
Great video from you 1ce again, I would like to suggest that you arrange your mechanical filtration accordingly :
Coarse sponge
Medium sponge
Fine sponge
Also, consider using fine filter matting(polishing water), as you can cut to your desired size. These are gr8 and dnt clog up as fast as filter floss. I buy them in a 1M x 1M pack, which lasts quite long. I have noticed that there is a significant difference in both of your tanks with regards to water clarity, as in your cannisters, you have the appropriate mech. filtration. I have a 4ft sump running a 6ft tank and I don't touch my bio media at all(Seachem matrix, lava rocks and Alpha grog), bcos my mechanical filtration does the job in polishing the water. I periodically change my filter matting and rinse out my sponges with tank water, and that's my sump maintenance, which takes me about 15 min. I hope this helps...tc and looking forward to your next video.


Nice video Kaity, good work.

When washing your canister filter sponges, fill a bucket with aquarium water and get in there with both hands and squeeze them repeatedly while under the water. This clears the detritus within the sponges quicker than just running water from the hose. Tip the dirty water out.
I do this 2 or 3 times and you see the water getting cleaner each time.


Cheers for the tip on vibration! I was about to return a canister filter for too much noise.
I reduced the density and it's working perfectly now! 🤩


Good video & nice tanks.
When I clean my FX6's, I recently started cleaning my hoses & I/O's at the same time. Get one of those long, bendable snake brushes. Amazing how much gunk is in the hoses. No more back siphon of that back into your tank at restart.


Cool video Kaity! I have used canisters for years. Never tried a sump. I have thought about it but none of my tanks are drilled. Maybe someday! Watching you cleaning the FX6 show the biggest disadvantage to them. Cleaning is a real job! Great filter


Great video Kaity, very informative and very clear description of each type of filtration! Both thanks are looking great! Keep up the great work!


I built an in tank sump for a 5 gallon planted tank, and it clears water faster than any tank I've ever owned. Its also great because its both fully self contained, and survives a power outage without any issues.


Great job. This my first sump pump for my 175 gallon tank. All my 55 gallon tanks were hang on back.


i have a 600 litre tropical aquarium an i run a Ehime Pro 3 with 2 inlets and i must say it a lot less hassle for me to clean it out compared to your FX6 i can have clean it in about 10 minutes. i also like the fact it has a pre filter which i check weekly for any fry or shrimp the have been sucked up.


What I love about the sumps is that you can hide all the stuff that you need in your tank like heaters and such. I'm buying a used 125g that comes with a sump, so I'm going to use the set up 👍. I do love my FX6 in my 75g African chiclid tank.


Great video, thank you, practical and full of details; if you don't mind I just want to add one more thing: if you use CO2 think twice before using a sump because the overflow wastes a lot of it


Great video Kaity! One trick for the sump is to put your biological media on top of plastic "egg crate" (the stuff that goes over florescent lighting). That way the detritus falls through the media, and doesnt clog the media as much. It also makes it easier to clean, as you can lift your media out, and siphon out the nasty stuff...
