Learn ANY language easily with these ChatGPT prompts

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In this video, I share all of the ChatGPT prompts that have helped me go from a failure in learning another language to someone who is actually making some progress in becoming fluent :)

0:00 - Intro
1:10 - Method 1
2:20 - Method 2
3:05 - Method 3
3:40 - Method 4
6:05 - Method 5
6:49 - Method 6
8:00 - Method 7

📚3 Books you should read (that changed my life):

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This video was sponsored by Brilliant. Thank you Brilliant :)

#languagelearning #chatgpt #openai
Рекомендации по теме

1. I am a complete beginner in (chosen language). I would like to learn the language in 6 months. I can study for an hour every day. Could you please create a structured learning plan that utilizes the Pareto Principle to help me learn (chosen language)?
2. I am a beginner interested in learning (chosen language) and completely immersing myself in the language. Could you please recommend resources such as music, movies, TV shows, YouTube channels, articles, etc, that I can read or listen to to increase my proficiency in the language?
3. I want to memorize the 1000 most common (chosen language) words by learning 10 new words every day. Can you give me the first 100 words I should start with in a table format?
4. Can you describe a random situation in (chosen language) and ask me to respond?
5. I am a complete beginner in (chosen language) and want to start learning grammar. Can you provide a roadmap for me to learn it?
6. Can you teach me about past tense verbs?
7. Can you provide me some grammar exercises on past tense verbs?
8. Can you write me a joke in (chosen language)?
9. Can you write a short story?
10. Let's play a game. The goal is to write a story together where we take turns writing a sentence each in (chosen language). You start and then I'll reply.
11. Can you create a (chosen language) test for a beginner?
12. Write grammatically incorrect sentences in (chosen language) and I will try to fix them
13. What are some different ways I can use ChatGPT to test my knowledge of (chosen language)?


As a native Spanish speaker, let me say that method 4 asking ChatGPT to roleplay a conversation between two people is the most useful. It had excellent and fairly natural exchange but most importantly, using the word order and sentence structures that we Spanish speakers normally use. The biggest problem English speakers have when trying to Speak Spanish is speaking backwards. You often just translate English to Spanish in your head and it doesn't work because our word order is completely opposite.


Having learned to speak multiple languages fluently, the best advice that I can give is to avoid translation as much as possible when learning. For example, don't make flash cards with the Spanish word (or whatever language your learning) and its English (or whatever your native tongue is) translation, use an image whenever possible. For example, a manzana = 🍎; a manzana ❌ apple. To speak another language fluently in real time, you don't have time to translate from your native language in your mind. You need to think directly in that language before you speak. If you don't believe me, then ask yourself how you learned your native language as a child. No doubt you were unencumbered by translations when looking at an apple and saying the word! So learn like a kid!


Personally, my favorite is to make ChatGPT (the free version so not GPT-4) more entertaining when it comes to helping with language learning. For example, if I ask it to explain French grammar to me, it ends up generating really long example tables and running out of characters midway through the table, which is useless to me since I lose out on the full grammar table. But if I ask it to "explain French grammar to me like you're Gordon Ramsey and you're really mad at how undercooked my grammar skills are", now that's a lot of fun, and usually ends up with more precise and easy to understand explanations anyway, not to mention the delightful satisfaction of a robot calling me a "doughnut" as an insult.

Or having it write episodes of shows I like based around teaching me new concepts. I even got it to use Scooby-Doo's accent in a Scooby-Doo episode themed around learning my target language, which regrettably made the target language unintelligible, but certainly made for way more interesting content. It's even managed to write some decently funny jokes when asked for improv comedy skits themed around the language.

All I'm saying is "can you explain x to me?" isn't always the most fun way to have ChatGPT do things, and now I'm probably gonna go give it a prompt like "Can you give me a roadmap for learning [target language] as though I'm a spy training for a secret mission for the next x months and you're my handler?" or "Can you give me a roadmap for learning [target language] grammar in the next x months as though I'm a reality show contestant and the target language milestones are interesting challenges I need to beat to stay on the show?".


Instead of a table. You can instead have ChatGPT write each new word in a line and each field separated by a |. Then you can copy that list into a text document which you can then just directly import to Anki. Instead of having to copy paste for every single word.


There's also a fun prompt I came up with if you want more interesting translations:
Translate the sentence 3 times using 1) Literal translation 2) Free Translation (Prioritize the target language) 3) Using transcreation making it more poetic and beautiful.

And you can do that both ways from Source Language to Target or from Target Language to Source Language.
This is especially useful for languages quite different like English and Japanese.
It used to do kinda bland or boring translations when it was too literal, and now I'm pretty impressed with the results.


as a 12 year old learning my 3rd language, my greatest tip is that consistency is important, but so are breaks.
dont start hating the language because you force yourself to study all the time, take a break when on a holiday or something similar.


These tips are extremely helpful. I was stuck on asking for grammar explanations, but having a conversation on a particular language makes total sense. Thank you!


Last week I asked it to create a lesson plan for me which looked good. This is a great addition to learning and appreciate the extra methods you use.


True, you don't need hard work to learn a language, just "patience and consistency." Well said.


Wow ! When trying to improve my Spanish, I always do the same mistake : I try to do it without a roadmap, just do some Duolingo and searching on the internet when I want to go further on one topic. But the internet is too big and there are so many things to focus on when learning a language that I will waste time trying to get one sentence right. I have to say that the way you used ChatGPT seems just incredible ! No more scrolling over and over for one info and less distraction !
Hope this method will help me achieve my goal to improve my Spanish this summer, thanks 🥰


Your English is so crystal clear to me and I am not an English speaker. I understood almost everything without subtitles. Thank you for sharing it.


Great content. Thanks!
As a polyglot, I can say that this methodology works.
Even though GPT Chat didn't exist when I started studying languages self-taught, today I use it to practice conversations through text and for the bot to correct me on any mistakes I make in the new language.


Brilliant, since I started following you my skills and organization of how to use my Chatgpt has increased tremendously, thank you


Dude, this is impressive. Very well done. I've learned quite a bit and also thank you for the inspiration.


I use this prompt below for chatgpt with voice. It's really good.

After finishing the questions and answers it lists all your correct answers including the incorrect ones. I use it for Spanish. You can add another language voice of your choice on your PC. [Win 10]

Go to settings, time and language, language then scroll down to add language find your language of choice, let it install then go back to chatgpt, settings for the voice and choose the new voice. The Spanish [ Spain ] one is very good!!

I had chatgpt create my questions, then copy/pasted them underneath the prompt in word then pasted them into chatgpt. You can get chatgpt to create questions in any tense that you wish to practice.

Try the prompt.

You are to play the role of my Spanish instructor. You are to follow rules:
Rule 1 - You ask me these questions in Spanish then wait for my answer, then ask the next question then wait for my answer. Do this with all the questions.
Rule 2 - You will always correct my Spanish if I make an error and explain what I said wrong. Don't say that I committed the mistakes, if I did, jump straight to the explanation.
Rule 3 - If I answer, "no entiendo", you will repeat your answer but using easier vocabulary.
Rule 4 - After I send the message, you will answer it, then in the next paragraph say what I said wrong.
Rule 5 - You will try to make your answer 40 words at max.
Rule 6 - When I put a list of questions for you to ask me, ask me the first one and I will answer it, then the same with all the questions.
If you understand, then please repeat these rules while applying the rules.


Thank you immensely for this recommendation. I love ChatGPT and I use it for software testing. But it never dawned on me to use it to put my Spanish learning in overdrive. Thank you for the great ideas.🎉🎉🎉


The best way to learn a language is to get familiar with the basics and then just start to watch a show you like in the language you learn with subtitles of your native language. This way the spoken word is directly associated with what is read, and its not really an active way of learning and its very close to how we learn as a children, as we just observe and associate meaning with the sound. If you do this for a while you will notice that you just know more words and more phrases. For some people it takes a bit to get used to reading subtitles. Everbody learning a new language should at least try this for a while.


This is exactly what I was looking for on utilizing this useful tool for language learning. Thanks so much for the suggestion- very helpful!


Lessgoo bri, you got reccommended to me and i was instantly was happy for you cause your putting in that work and it's paying off, knew you from previous stream year back or so
