Sulcus and Fissure | The Brain |

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Sulcus and fissure are two terms used to describe the grooves and folds that are found on the surface of the brain.

A sulcus is a shallow groove or depression on the surface of the brain. Sulci are often found between the folds of the brain, known as gyri, and they help to increase the surface area of the brain. This increased surface area allows for more neurons to be packed into a smaller space, which is important for the brain's processing power. Sulci can be found throughout the brain, and they are often used as landmarks to help identify different regions of the brain.

A fissure, on the other hand, is a deeper groove or cleft that separates different regions of the brain. Fissures are often found between the lobes of the brain, such as the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, and temporal lobe. The most prominent fissure in the brain is the longitudinal fissure, which separates the left and right hem
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