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Psychiatrist Carl Jung is noted for saying: "What you resist, persists."

We all have the power of choice in life. We can resist what we don't like in the hope that it will go away. Or we can accept things the way they are and make space for something new and different to transpire, simply by being in the flow of who we are and what is happening around us. And when we surrender to what is, we allow the true beauty of life to unfold. This magical space is where joy lives, and where gratitude can be found.

Life is precious when we align with the magic in surrender.

Filmed at Groot Marico, South Africa.
Featuring Egbert van Bart.

All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons.

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Who is Reflections of Life? We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance). We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human. The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion.

Editing - by Hanné Koster
Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey

Making Sense of Things - by Be Still the Earth
Is There Anything Left - by Be Still the Earth
Its Not That Simple - by Kevin Graham
Deep Blue - by Liron Meyuhas
Our Victory - by Be Still the Earth
Jūra - by Ardie Son

A huge thank you to these guys, who so generously gave of their to time to help with language translations:
Arabic - by Mohammad Alkhudhair
Assamese - by Partha Protim Borah
Croatian - by Davor Bobanac
Dutch - by Karla Greven
English - by Justine du Toit
Filipino - by Fanita Spears-Mogro
French - by Amélie Macoin
German - by Tanja Pütz
Greek - by Angeliki Papadimitriou
Hindi - by Parul Sharma
Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa
Italian - by Grazia Gironella
Korean - by Chloe Park
Macedonian - by Lidija Pusevska Markovska
Polish - by Anna Konieczna
Portuguese - by Tatiana Campelo
Russian - by Assiya Marzhanova
Slovak - by Zuzana Beratsova
Slovenian - by Jasmina Kovačič
Spanish - by Emanuel Mori
Vietnamese - by Thi Le
Рекомендации по теме

Living in the present has had such a beautiful impact on my life. I feel as though a certain weight has been lifted from my shoulders after years and years of carrying around invisible burdens. When you stop constantly worrying about all of the things that may or may not happen in the future, or dwell on past mistakes or regrets, instead of living in this moment here and now - it feels so freeing. Time passes by more slowly, the air smells sweeter, the sounds around you more beautiful, the colors more vivid, the air and wind on your skin grounding. The world seems so magical, like it seemed when you were a child. It took a long time for me to get to this point where being present and mindful became a daily part of my life, and I still get caught up in all of the worries of life, but I get better at noticing when my mind drifts to unpleasant places. It's changed my life for the better and feels as though I have received the most beautiful gift of life. ❤


The present moment is all we have. This beautiful soul is telling us to take full responsibility. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Whenever life gets a bit darker and harder than usual, I come back here. It proves me all over agan, that hope, kindness and love will always find its way. ❤️


It's amazing how Green Renaissance found such cool souls from around the corners of the world to inspire and ignite us every single time. A blessed journey indeed.❤️❤️❤️


I want to tell you how beautiful this is - but there are really no words to describe what’s in my heart. Peace and Blessings to all of you! ❤️🙏🏻🦋


As if time were stopped, by this calm and wise man, he carefully carries every minute in his hands, as if they were fragile, precious minutes, which of course they are. Thank you for this valuable gift and these beautiful images…🌟🙏🏻


You can see the beauty of life in his childlike eyes. His words are pure wisdom. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. Thank you for this beautiful video.


I want to have tea with this beautiful soul and his pups!


My goodness, he is right out of the fairy tales I used to read as a child🥰. What a beautiful presentation! Thank you Green Renaissance.


Thank you for this incredible video of this wonderful human spending his last days in gratitude. This is so refreshing in the midst of lies, corruption, war, deceit and just pure evil. I have made a vow to unsubscribe from all news channels. I am 60 and I don't care who is doing what. Let them kill each other, it matters not to me. I want to live in the now, love now. breathe now, share now, serve now, be grateful now.


How do you guys even find all of these precious beautiful souls ?


A huge thank you to these guys, who so generously gave of their to time to help with language translations:
Assamese - by Partha Protim Borah
Dutch - by Karla Greven
English - by Justine du Toit
Filipino - by Fanita Spears-Mogro
French - by Amélie Macoin
German - by Tanja Pütz
Greek - by Angeliki Papadimitriou
Hindi - by Parul Sharma
Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa
Italian - by Grazia Gironella
Korean - by Chloe Park
Macedonian - by Lidija Pusevska Markovska
Portuguese - by Tatiana Campelo
Slovak - by Zuzana Beratsova
Slovenian - by Jasmina Kovačič
Spanish - by Emanuel Mori
Vietnamese - by Thi Le


What beauty. Egbert seems child-like and ancient at the same time. I feel so blessed and honoured to witness his testament here. A beautiful, beautiful soul. Thank you so much! 🙏🤗💗☀️


I am in awe and wonder with those 'angels on earth' who Green Renaissance shares with the world! This gentle, loving and compassionate soul is a walking mystic in our midst. I was in tears listening to him! A million THANKS!🥰💖❣


Unconditional acceptance and surrender ❤️


What a beautifully wise soul, the world needs more of these people.


Thank you again for shedding light on my home at the Arctic Circle. We will have the next sunrise at the end of January, but.
"Green Renaissance" is a great source of warm light for me these days🙏


Beautiful soul, just amazed how he found and live the gift of life. Thank you Green Renaissance 💚


Thank you 💕 Egbert Van Bart, Thank you Green Renaissance 💚💐, words can't never be enough to describe my gratitude for this channel, it just changed my life to be better and better every time I see these beautiful souls 🙌🌼


When the notification of your channel name comes on my mobile screen, my eyes light up and my heart fills with joy as if life has given me a gift. Thank you very much for your presence 🥹🙏🏼✨💫🌱
