Light wind KITEBOARDING tips! 'How To'

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This video is for someone who is struggling to ride in very light winds and wants the secret tips and tricks to help ride efficiently in 10mph winds or less...

Note: The down looping is only for light winds and is not recommended to try in very high winds.

-Light wind down looping of the kite
-Trimming of the kite
-What knots to rig on the kite?
-Equipment for light winds KITES / LINES / BARS / BOARDS
-Line extensions
-How to relaunch your kite in lighter winds
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Years of kiting and never thought about pulling the line instead of the bar. Best light wind tips ever, thank you so much for this.


The looping tipp was the game changer!!! Thank you so much. Will learn this tomorrow nat the beach!!!


Awesome! This guy is an excellent teacher!


One of the best Kite video I've seen. .
Great tips.. thank you.


I could have used these tips yesterday! I’m learning to light-wind kite for when there is not enough wind for a good windsurfing session. Thanks!


As a beginner I often kite in 9-12 kt where I live and as one of the simple tricks is to start is first move your kite to opposite direction. For e.g from 12h to 10h and then dive from 10h to 16-17h so the kite will run through more power zone and pretty much will always provide enough wind, or just instantly do a down loop while starting down wind and then change direction to upwind. But the trick you showed today is amazing and really would save me from crashing the kite in the past. Thank you, Damien!


many people just give up when the wind drops, but that what i here is as many time you fly you kite as much more you know for how to flyin with it :) awesome tips !


Thanks Damien! This is by far the best tutorial I’ve seen on light wind kiting. I live in San Diego so I need all the light wind tips I can get!


Damien great presentation bro
I just had knee surgery and wanted to keep up with my light wind techniques. Your detail on knot settings especially the depowered setting opened my eyes on back stalling. I can’t wait to get better and back out there.
Thanks again Damien keep your videos coming.


Excellent tips!

Couple more I've used:
1. If launching on the beach and it starts to fall - run upwind to create apparent wind and get the kite flying.
2. In the water point the board more downwind on the water start.
3. With foils on land, I've pulled the two center lines at the same time with one hand repeatedly, and it will jelly fish upwards.
4. Concentrate on making corrections early when the kite gets out of position before it gets to late to do anything.

Thanks Damien!


Top video, I have never seen this technique in any other video, as a beginner this is gold.


Awesome video, thank you very much. I am a local kiter beginner and now a subscriber in Stuart. You have a great day!


Great teaching style. Light wind kiting can be really fun or peaceful depending on how light it is.


Brilliant video Damien thank you. I'm all fired up to start practicing soonest


yeah bud, you definitely gave me important skills to save today's session. Came back just to say thanks.


Dude! You are an awesome teacher bro!! Wow!! I’m goin on the morning and I’m goin to practice just like you said! Thanks 🤙🏼


Thanks for video. One of best. Many light days. I can’t kiteboard, but I’m sure good at pumping up kite


Yesterday I was debating... everyone else was on a foil. I had a feeling I might not get up, but my goal, if only body dragging, was to avoid getting my kite wet :-). Mission accomplished! I did get up, but only for a few seconds (repeatedly). I didn't drop the kite. Later, a more experienced guy was able to get going no problem. Although there was slightly more wind then, I think his secret was more about getting up speed going downwind first... OR, keeping the kite deeper in the window? I'll have to try the downloop sometime. Oh, my other goal; practice self-landing. I did that - and got the mechanics of it better.


I downloop a lot in lightwind transitions, but not so much in 'game over' situations. It was usually not really game over for me as i learned grabbing the front lines as high as possible and pulling in hard would usually shoot my kite back up to 12. This saves the kite from going in the drink which was my main priority, but after watching your video I will definitely be thinking of downlooping in these situations in the future. The loop also saves the kite and maybe generates controlled power i can work with to continue on right away... Thanks.


Amazing stuff man, this is something that every kiter should learn in the first 2 years of kiting learning, it's crazy how many kiters with over 10ys experience out there that don't ever loop their kite.
