TIRED of Life.... How To Deal With It???

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Anyone else at a place where things you once valued are just worthless now. I don't care about anything on this earth. Money is nothing, cars, mansions, relationships, traveling, work, school, food even. I couldn't care less about any of it. To me wealth and richness is being non existent. Even with an abundance of materialistic things you still have to suffer. I'm so over life, all of my ambition is gone I don't believe I'll ever gain any of it back because I just don't care and don't see the point. I'm tired of pretending like I care.

I don't understand why my parents even had me, knowing earth is a hell hole. Even my own parents do nothing but complain about life (which is probably why me and my other other siblings are f***ed up mentally). So why bring another being into this world, knowing you yourself hate it here? I dont like being pessimistic but i'm always holding my feelings in and just needed to rant... I know someone else is going through this too.


I’m tired of life. Seems every day is harder to get through. I want to do things, I just cant. I feel so weak. It does increase anxiety. It’s a nasty self fulfilling downward spiral.


i became happier once i gave up.
i'm dumb and ugly, and once i accepted i will never have the life that smart and good-looking people have, i became happier.
i moved to a new city where no one knows me, and started over.
for the first time in a long time, i truly feel free.


It doesn't get better though. We spend all that time and effort telling ourselves push forward, make little movements... It's bullshit. It doesn't get better, we just learn to bury our heads in the warm dark sand... that's it. At least if you give up it ends faster.


I lost my will to live 3 years ago. Life is boring. Same BS everyday.


I’m not depressed but I’m just bored and fed up of everything no matter what I do. The people the places I find nothing exciting as I did when I was a kid. I’ve tried what this guy said many time but I just don’t want to be here and I can hand on heart say that I really mean that and I’m perfectly well.


Im only turning 25 and I'm already tired of life. I don't want kids. Had a gf but it was the most miserable 3 years of my life. I have a job that I don't hate but don't also don't like.
I've been depressed since I was 16 but the older I get the scarier it gets. When I was younger I thought "I'm young this will go away someday." Now that I'm older I think "I'll be 30 soon this depression might never go away. This is it. The rest of my life might feel this way."


Life is a series of events of non stop nonsense.


I'm tired everyday having life problems everyday, it's so exhausting. Also, life is tripping me out cuz everyday it's the same day. I wish I could escape this reality


Just what i needed to hear. I start a new job as a cook at Denny's today. Im super nervous though. Wish me luck.


Easier said than done, but very wise words nonetheless.


It’s the waiting for things that you want that’s not happening. A job, this, that. Something comes up that you didn’t expect. It’s tough. Thank you for this ♥️


Im really trying not to believe that life is bullshit but life is taking the life out of me im 26 and tired....really fucking tired of trying


I agree so true I go to gym do yoga every day listen to music sing dance makes me feel younger very up lifting eat healthy I'm in good shape I know how this world is bad messed up evil sick world glad I never brought kids here so much harm suffering growing old death life is not a gift I do these things because they keep me going I would be happy to exit this planet


I’m only 25 and I’m tired of everything. Take me out. Please. Lol.


Life will NEVER get better for some of us. You feel it. I've been depressed since I was a child. I've always felt this way. I tried and I tried but I'm left alone at the end. My life never got better. My Mom looks at me as a failure. I have no friends. Nothing to look forward to. I'm going to do it I'm tired of this god forsaken existence I was given I've never felt genuine happiness


I dont enjoy anything. I force myself to do things such as Work, Gym etc and then i feel better... Its a cycle


Wise advice, again, Sam. Keep pushing forward is definitely the way to get through the shiite life can dump on you sometime.


As human beings we are either thinking or doing. If all we do is sit with our thoughts, even the most positive person can get depressed. Each day build a snowman...do something productive, something you enjoy and at night, something that relaxes you.


I’m so tired of bullshit. I understand life is hard but dealing with shit every single day is so tiresome. What is the point, what is my point? I’m lost and tired, I just want to enjoy the beauty of life again.
