Resistance to Tyrants & Obedience to God | Doug Wilson

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There is a long tradition found in Protestant resistance theology that somebody really ought to fetch down from the library in the North Tower. More and more it looks as though we have need of it—now that the orcs are tumbling over the first wall. If you haven’t got the time for that, being otherwise occupied with unexpected orcs, I would be more than happy to summarize it for you.

Here goes.
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We need millions of pastors to say this sort of thing instead of appeasing the tyrants.


I get SO excited when Christians say point blank, "Get your children out of the government school system". Must be said loud and long.


Please never stop fighting! I'd give anything to be among Christians like this. So many churches are still asleep, thinking it's 2019 all over again. I don't know how to wake them.


"Jehoshaphat treated his choir like a seal team". "Caesar is not Lord". Yes this is perfect. I love Doug's analogies.


His delight [is] in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. [Psalm 1:2 NKJV]


The Word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.

Charles Spurgeon


I like what you said Doug, about taking the enemy of God out through his conversion!
We down here in NZ where evil gvmt is at war with all that is good and right, seem oblivious to the end result of neglect of true Worship of the Living God.
Still God knows those whom are called by His name, and through the coming persecution will preserve and multiply His Kingdom. But having said that, yes I am tempted to give Him a hand in dealing out vengeance against His enemies; but know that His justice is absolutely right, whereas mine is flawed by sin.
Yet as a Reformed believer I know there is a bright future ahead, once these dark clouds that envelop us are behind us!
God is still on His throne and nothing, outside of His will can occur, not even one hair or sparrow can fall without the will of He who made it!


“Non-binary space alien” 😂
If it weren’t so close to reality I’d be laughing much harder!


Recommended books on Christian warfare:
1- Slaying Leviathan by Glenn Sunshine

2- The emergence of liberty by Douglass Kelly

3- Vindiciae contra tyrannos by Junius Brutus

(Sorry for misspellings).


Slaying Leviathan by Glenn Sunshine
Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World by Douglas Kelly
Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos by Stephanus Junius Brutus Celta


The 3 Books Recommended:
1) Slaying Leviathan by Glenn Sunshine
2) The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World by Douglas Kelly
3) Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos by Junius Brutus


Thanks for the Daily Doug. Deeply encouraging.


"Honey, wake up, a new Doug just dropped"


“The founders would have been stacking bodies by now”—can’t remember who said it, but it is true.


In most of these wit and theology filled monologues I come away a little Scripturally wiser and almost always amused. Today, however, that amusement is more rueful with the conclusion bringing a solemn noding in agreement. May our most glorious God in heaven rain down His mercies upon His faithful and swift wrath upon His enemies, in the name of the Son, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Spirit, One God now and forever. Amen!


God's law is immutable, His truth is ageless, what a joy and a comfort to rest the permanence He designed.


The whole thing is excellent but that last line was *chef’s kiss*!


This is the one I’ve been waiting for. Thanks!


Why is it that many Christians who believe the end is near are mocked and ridiculed? Can someone tell me why the desire to be with our Lord asap is seen as escapism? I share, pray with everyone I can about Jesus's love and gift of salvation through repentance, but still long to leave this increasingly wicked world. Could it be that many actually love their life here in the world? I believe Jesus said something about loving our life here more than Him !


Excellent. Thank you. Believers can not help but be sorely vexed over the evil paraded before our eyes. King David prayed for the destruction of the enemies of God, and with the authority given him, also set armies out to slay them. In the face of child sex trafficking, and child mutilation one can’t possibly pray for anything less than the immediate destruction of the perpetrators. The idea that a believer must “love “ everyone is completely mistrued. Paul explains “love” is to not sin against, which means as well to make righteous judgement. I pray daily for the wrath of God to be poured out on these devils who are tormenting and murdering the innocent, and believe my prayer is right. I believe if many believers would pray for this daily, we would see many victims spared much torment. “You have not because you ask not.” Too many have been convinced that it is a sin for them to make righteous judgement, and I believe they are useless in this holy war because of that.
