Top 10 Easiest Pets to Take Care Of

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If you're in the market for a pet, these are the easiest animals to own. For this list, we’ll be looking at animals you can own that are generally easy to raise and care for. Our countdown includes turtles, birds, hampster, and more! Do YOU have any pets? Let us know in the comments!

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Happy National Pet Day! What kind of pet do you have? Let us know below!


This is insane…both rabbits and turtles are NOT easy pets. They take a lot of work.


None of these animals are easy to care for and most of these animals get improper care because of people not doing more research since they are labeled as easy. Hamsters need large set ups and are terrible pets for children. Birds are some of the neediest and difficult animals to own and care for. They need lots of attention and proper diet, seeds should only be a treat.


Birds are absolutely NOT low maintenance pets. They need the largest size cage you can accommodate, lots of attention, and a varied diet of seeds, pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Most people do not know how to properly care for a bird, and treat them as decorations rather than pets. Please edit this video and stop the spread of misinformation regarding proper bird care.

Also side note, hamsters are AWFUL pets for children. Most kids accidentally kill their hamsters because they are fragile and generally not the friendliest unless you know how to handle them properly.


Rabbit are not easy pets. They need as much care as a cat or dog


Miss Mojo, is this a video from 2014? Because this list is BS and one of the reasons why people think it’s easy to own pets like rabbits. They‘re a 10+ year commitment (like a dog), need a partner and are not to be kept in a cage. They need a lot of attention and get bored easily if you don’t entertain them. Tbh it’s easier owning a cat than rabbits. Talking from experience.

They also cost a LOT when it comes to vet bills. You can’t take them to a normal vet since they need a exotic vet, they also need regular vaccinations.
And yes you can keep them the „easy way“ but then they won’t have a good life.


This is the absolute dumbest video I've ever seen. These are the most commonly abused animals because people spread this kinda information. These animals need way more than mentioned, they are not easy at all.


I love your channel Msmojo, but this is a huge mistake. Except for some fish or insects, no pets are low maintenance if you want them to live a decent lifespan or be happy at all like birds, reptiles, rodents or cats. Even goldfish won’t live long unless you change their water scrupulously.


There is so much wrong with this list that i don't even know where to start. Literally only three of the listed entries (stick bugs, snakes and sea monkeys) can be considered low maintenance, and even the snake part is arguable. Turtles require big enclosures that can provide both room to swim and walk around. Some aquatic turtles don't even spend more of a quarter of their life in the water, so those little floating docks they have is all they have to stay dry and not contract shell rot. Their setup is hella expensive. And their water needs to be changed constantly because they smell so bad. A tortoise is a far better, more low maintenance pet, and even then they live like 50 years so that's a lifetime commitment. Birds are insanely loud and messy and are very very sensitive to changes in the air. Turning your oven on clean mode will kill them. Smoke from a lit candle can kill them. And the cages that are usually suggested for them are cruelly small. Cats and hamsters being low maintenance is debatable, but goddamn i am tired of people thinking hamsters are good pets for kids. Theyre not. They bite and for some reason this shocks parents that their little 4 year old who can't even drink out of a cup by themselves are rough with them and they end up getting bit. Hamsters hate people and they will not hesitate to show it. Rabbits are just as much, if not more, maintenance than cats and require daily attention, companionship with other rabbits and a ton of moving space. Same with guinea pigs, tho they're a little easier due to their size. You're insane if you think a chinchilla is an easy pet. That would take me hours to explain why, but they are even harder to care for than rabbits because their thick coat can easily overheat them. And goldfish are NOT a good beginners pet. They release more ammonia in the water than most fish do, which can kill any non goldfish they may be with. A single goldfish requires a *minimum* of 15 gallons. And it's an extra 10 gallons per additional goldfish. The only upside they have compared to other freshwater fish is that they don't require a heater. Youre right about the betta tho. I have one rn that's 3.5 years old in a 5 gallon and all he needs is a weekly water change and fed 2-3x a week. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't mention lizards or frogs. Those are way easier than 70% of this list. If you ask me, a good low maintenance pet is a leopard gecko. As long as you're ok with handling live insects, they're super easy. Just feed them a few times a week, mist their cage once or twice a day, and you're good. This is really disappointing to see you guys posting such misleading information about animals. I worked at PetSmart for 10 years and part of the reason was cuz i got sick of customers wanting pets but doing less than the bare minimum. And you posting this nonsense only adds to it.


There's nothing as a starter pet, any type of animal needs so much care, plus, you can't just say snakes, turtles, stick insects because every individual species have different requirements of space, food etcetera. You placed guinea pigs in number two, saying their easy to take care for and that they don't need much, well, you couldn't be more wrong, I own 6 piggies and they demand lots of time, space, attention, money to have the quality of life they deserve, so please don't approach this kind of content, it's hurtful to living creatures for the misconception you give to people that don't know better. Please remove this video from your channel and stick to entertainment content, that's what we subscribers seek from Ms Mojo


There is no such thing as an "easy pet". That, of course, if you want to have a healthy and happy pet.


This is an incredibly misleading video and in some cases just plain inaccurate. DO BETTER @msmojo! Hamsters, rabbits, birds and guinea pigs all need a lot of time and attention, or need friends of the same species to be happy, LOTS of space and the *right* kinds of food, so please don't tell us that "birds don't need a large cage" or "hamsters are great pets for kids". You have the whole knowledge of youtube available to you but clearly none of the writers for this video did any research or they would have found some of the pet communities' true advocates like Munchies Place, ErinsAnimals, Victoria Raechel, LA Guinea Pig Rescue, Emiology and others


I was hoping to see my often ignored, beloved pet SNAIL, but I’m not surprised. I know many people think they’re yucky and gross, but living in a no pet apartment, I’m able to care for something with virtually zero maintenance. Land snails are incredibly easy to care for…They don’t need a lot of room, their habit is cheap and easy to set up, they eat leftover fruits and veggies from your fridge and they make no noise. The only maintenance is checking for eggs in the tank on occasion.

I have 2 white milk snails named Kida and Ororo, and I’m very happy with them.


Coming from someone who owns 6 Guinea Pigs, 4 of which are Skinny Pigs.

Guinea Pigs are not good “starter” pets, nor are they really child friendly. Their care is very similar to rabbits. They need more then just a cage, food, and water. They need constant hay like a rabbit to keep their guts moving. They also require a good vitamin C source so they don’t develop Scurvy.

They also need a lot more room then a Pet Store Cage. 2 Pigs at minimum require a 2X4 C&C cage, or a Mid West style cage. 4 ft of interior space for running and exploring. And trust me more space is needed because they love to run and explore.

They also need to be kept in pairs, they are extremely social animals and no amount of just human interaction is going to make up for that bond. Males should be kept in at least pairs. Females can herd, and be kept in groups depending on their temperaments. And even if you have pigs that can’t be housed together they should at least be kept near each other for social interactions.

They are also delicate creatures that children should always be supervised with. A fall, or being stepped on would be devastating to their fragile bodies. They also startle easily and shouldn’t be kept in high noise areas.

Also proper care of these pets is expensive. I spend 30$ every 2 weeks on Hay, more if I’m buying a more expensive brand. I buy their pellets in bulk 25 pound bags about 50$ every 3 months. It’s between 60-80$ a week for veggies. That’s not including toys and treats.

Bedding is also expensive unless your using Kiln Dried Pine shavings normal pine shavings harm their respiratory systems your looking at Carefresh. It’s about 30$ a bag…and half a bag wouldn’t cover half of my cages. Plus it’s something you’ll throw away after cleaning once a week.

My girls are on fleece liners that are pricy to buy on Etsy. But are at least washable and reusable.

So in short, proper Guinea Pig Care is neither cheap or easy. Please do basic research on any animal before touting them as “Easy” or “Starter” friendly…

Also don’t get me started on Hamster care…or proper care of Goldfish or Bettas….


seems like a bad idea to tell people these are "easy" pets. when they really aren't they are easy if you don't care about the animals well being. Birds need a lot of attention and shouldn't be in a small cage no matter what species. . not just a little bit. Hamsters need a lot of enrichment, and should not be treated just as a "starter pet". Rabbits are not the type of animal you want roaming free in your house because it will tear up your carpet, and chew on your walls. Then they end up getting set free. I feel like a lot of parents are going to watch this video and unwittingly get a pet that isn't suited for their child. The only "easy" pets on this list were a cat and a turtle. might want to rethink this video. seems like a bad list. and bad assumptions.


Hamsters are not particularly good pets for kids actually, at least not young kids, and while the video mentions "having a proper cage" they don't mention that it should be * *at least* * 600 in sq of uninterrupted floor space. They're omnivores and their diet is protein based, not hay based, so finding the right food is important and they need a large wheel to avoid back problems (10-12" for Syrian, 8-10" I think for dwarf species)


I had a Guinea pig when I was a teenager trust me it wasn't easy 😳🐹


Plenty of responsible loving pet owners on YouTube would DISAGREE with this list!!!

Victoria Raechel, Erins Animals, Munchies Place, Emiology


Hamsters are not a good pet for children. They're nocturnal and should be allowed to stay that way. I have a hamster and I'm lucky to get to spend the night with her because I get out of bed around 2 AM every morning. If I had a normal schedule, I would most likely never see her.


As a former rabbit owner, rabbits are fairly easy as long as your able to give them what they need. It’s a lot of research (recommend Lennon the bunny on YT). Lots of hay, small amount of pellets a day, an enclosure you’re able to leave open for them to roam. Like chinchillas they don’t like being held really..
My rabbit was a potty trained rabbit, and it’s NOT easy to potty train them
