Low Maintenance EXOTIC Pets That Everyone Can Own!

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Nowadays, people love to keep exotic pets in the house and explore different experiences. But having an exotic pet is not an easy task to do. So we have come up with 10 Low Maintenance EXOTIC Pets That Everyone Can Own!
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Disclaimer: We have selected all these products based on the research, users’ responses, and recommendations. Overall user experience may vary depending on each person's own perception.

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#LowMaintenancePets #EXOTICPets #pet
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Chinchillas are NOT low maintenance. They aren't rocket science, but they require a lot of special care. Their diet is strict, they are notorious chewers, and they are a lot more shy than most pets. They also live very, very long-- 10 to 20 years in most cases.


Tarantula, new world or old world they are hands down the easiet animal to keep with fascinating lives to watch


Degus needs a LOT of attention, chew toys and cleaning. They are cute, but they are messing, destroys anything, loud and get bored really quick ! Be careful !


them: says these are low maintenance pets
almost al the pets on there: not low maintenance


I love how most of these pets are NOTORIOUSLY DIFFICULT TO CARE FOR BEGINNERS and not ‘low maintenance’


Chinchillas are not easy pets it’s very rare they like being handled even if handed from birth, they make a mess with poo and need cleaning every day, big cage and very active and chew everything


Hedgehogs need bonding time every single day or you’ll never see their faces when they only come out at night. You’ll only see a tight ball of spikes every time you miss your pet unless you give your hedgehog bonding time every day.


as an ex-scorpion owner myself, only a few are considered non-aggressive. when you start getting fat tailed scorps from the deserts and tropics, you need to take precautions. a sting from the wrong fat tail will quite easily put you 6ft under, or make your mom scatter you around in what she thinks is your favourite place as their venom is a neurotoxin. please inform people properly so they know what to look for and what not to look for. last thing you want on your head is a 14year olds death because they got an advanced keepers species. you also mention how tarantulas have mild venom that can be toxic, yet a tarantula bite to a human is the equivalence of a bee sting. only way it is fatal to humans is if you are allergic. tarantulas also wouldn't just bite you out of the blue while roaming the house lol; we are way too big to be considered food, and they do not use fangs as their go-to defence tactic. a tarantula will first run away from you, it will then kick fiber glass-like hairs into your facial orifice's if you persist to annoy it, finally biting you if the kicks didn't warn you off. very misinformed.


I was looking for a small mammal to have as a pet. I feel that a gerbil is my best choice.. but the closest exotic pet store to me has only guinea pigs, gerbils, hedgehogs, rabbits, mice, and rats as smaller choices. But it doesn't matter, they are still good choices to pick from.


Them: Low maintenance exotic pets.
The video: Every animal here are NOT low maintenance exotic pets.


"Low maintenance" shows a frickin fennec fox


No all of them just no ….pls DO SOME FREAKING RESEARCH 😡 stop


This is completely false. Breaded Dragons are not simple cares reptiles. I can vouch for this, as I own two of them. While personally my favorite reptile, are not for beginners and are not easy to care for.


I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on the mammals but I most *definitely* disagree with bearded dragons

They need a four foot enclosure, a diet of live insects coated in calcium and vitamin supplements as juveniles, switched to a more vegetarian diet as they get older, and they absolutely need UVB lighting which is not only pricey but needs to be replaced every 6 months

Leopard geckos are comparatively easy to house and care for, corn snakes even more so. Both make for *much* better beginner reptiles, with bearded dragons being more of an "intermediate" species (and personally, I think they only pro they have compared to other species is being easy to handle)

Edit: on a somewhat more positive note, at least you didn’t list goldfish, as anyone who knows anything about fishkeeping (or really anything about goldfish) can tell you they are the exact opposite of low maintenance, especially compared to some of the other (many) better options for that


Chinchillas definitely aren’t low maintenance lol


Leopard gecko should of been on here the easiest pet ive ever had


Chinchillas? Low Maintenance? They have strict diet, they chew literally everything and they are not cuddly and some don't even like being touched. Chins poops around 250 times a day, and need to take dust baths because they have too dense fur. If they get wet their skin and fur can become moldy and this can even lead serious health issues or if not treated well with (which is best option) help of exotic vet or even to death. They are also expensive when it comes to taking them to the exotic vet ofc. Chinchillas requires a lot attention from the owner/owners even if they're mostly sleeping through the day . The room where chinchillas live must always be relatively cool. It is recommended that the room temperature be between 57 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 14 and 21 degrees Celsius. Chinchillas can overheat and die at 75 degrees Fahrenhei or 23 degrees Celsius so having air conditioning is recommended so if you don't have AC, buy one or forget of having a chinchilla. Chinchillas ARE NOT low maintenance so before someone decides to get a chinchilla, they should familiarize themselves very well with the requirements for owning them. I recommend checking out the Chinpals channel and then decide if you should get one. But if you can ensure all that and a lot more actually then chins can be very great, cute and (still not cuddly) but loving pet. Same goes with Degus if anyone cares and actually read that but they're slightly easier in having and a little little lower maintenance pets. (you need to clean a lot). That's all. Bye.


Please look into all of these animals more before you impulse buy. This video is vastly misleading in the ease of care for most of these animals.


my brother in christ bearded dragons are close to the dictionary definition of high maintenance


you really should resherch a lot if you want one of these pets
