How Italy is Destroying Its Economy

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Beware Europe! Italy is spending again... But is this a mistake or a stroke of genious? Italy is currently going through a period of economic slowdown, as they have several times before in the past. But each historic slowdown was followed by a period of unprecedented, record-breaking growth. Can Italy do it again?


#Italy #Economy
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We still waiting for your explanation about how Italy is Destroying Its Economy


If I had a Euro every time in the last 15 years I saw a video/news/article saying Italy's economy is failing, I'd be the richest person in Italy.


This commentary explains nothing. Circular logic.


Something important to note is Italy's demographics, with a median age of 47 and the lack of children being born (a birth rate of 1.24). Can you really expect an economic boost in the near future.


At 6:36 the narrator says workers demand higher prices. Workers never demand higher prices, they demand higher wages. When they get higher wages manufacturing costs rise and then prices rise. This is measured as inflation. Why the narrator substituted "prices" for "wages" in the cyclical diagram is beyond me.


So basically u didnt amswer the question in the title of the video.


Genoa not pronounced like Spanish G. Italian G does not sound like H.


I am still waiting to hear how Italy is destroying its economy rather than how it managed to do so already...


*The prediction of a 32% business failure rate in 2024 suggests a challenging landscape ahead. Factors contributing to this potential "business apocalypse" should be carefully analyzed, including economic trends, industry shifts, and the impact of global events. Adaptability and strategic planning will be crucial for companies navigating these uncertain times.*


Didn’t answer the question. Very annoying when it’s imprecise with dates of economic down turns and upswings.


Everyone is so dramatic about Italy killing is own economy, Italy dying, Italy being the basket case etc etc. In reality Italy is doing well. Italy has the second highest growth in the g7 after the US in GDP per Capita since COVID. And that's just because the US is making massive debts to grow is economy. GDP per Capita in PPP is up 21% since pre COVID. Inflation is low at 0.7%. Unemployment is below France at 7.2% and lowering still. Investments are up, export is up almost 50% in the last three years. If it wasn't for energy and food prices and the war in Ukraine we'd be booming.


Italy - Our geography is good, we are protected by mountains in the north
Hannibal - Hold my elephants.


Your analysis failed to identify that Europe's GDP growth was much related to China's.


Let's not forget what Italy is, was, and will nothing will destroy Italy it's been through everything, and it's always there it will always be there even when it's


A Belgian from Germany wrote:
"Italy is like that girl who has the most talent of all, because she was born beautiful, more beautiful than all.
It is the most ingenious one, which invents a thousand things, because it is full of resources. He knows how to discuss history, the sea, the mountains, he knows about food, good wine, dialects, painters, sculptors, writers, excellence in science, there is nothing he doesn't know. And when this beautiful and talented girl trips and falls, the audience of losers cheers. It's the anger of the poor jealous ones, the ones in the dark, because she's still beautiful even when she falls to the ground. Italy is a girl with a 12 heel boot, which no one knows how to wear better than her...just time to get up again."


I'm baffled as to what the title of the video has to do with the content of the video.


Despite migration Italy lost 1 Million people 2022/23 its average age is almost 50 years old large numbers of their youth wants to leave the country to rich western/northern and Italian products cars/machines.. are not competitive anymore


I think the Italian GDP will keep growing at a faster pace than the economies of Japan, the UK or Germany, at least until 2026-2027. Why? Well, for several reasons: there's no housing bubble in Italy, the wealth of Italian families has grown in 2023, tourism is back, EU recovery funds are improving the existing railway/port/digital networks, Rome will host the Jubilee in 2025 while Milan will host the Winter Olympics in 2026, car manufacturing will improve thanks to a new deal with Stellantis (the company bought a Chinese EV manufacturer), the country has diversified its natural gas supply, there's a scheme to let around 450k non-EU migrants into the country in 2024-2026 to address job shortages, the luxury industry is strong and keeps on growing, and new R&D hubs (which include: MIND - Milano Innovation District, 3Sun gigafactory in Catania, VeniSIA in Venice, the 1.45 bn euro City of Aerospace hub in Turin) will finally come to fruition or will keep expanding their footprint in the coming years.


actually Italy's economy is today the best in Europe and has the lowest rate of inflation.


Your Sweden immigration video was fantastic, this one is good. However maybe when talking about giorgia meloni's government you could just stick to the context and not call her outright ultra conservative and far right, MSM talking points, without diving into what far right and ulltra conservative means, her government probably is neither of them. And the Italian policy on things like immigration didn't change much since she is in office, only a small deal with Albania to house immigrants in a few years, which is a good development. Good luck!
