How to fix laptop screen flickering flashing - the hardware method :D

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I liked your approach of diagnosing the problem. Most of the viewers do not have the background to identify which component to check using multimeter. Your way is the preferred way instead of replacing the screen and throwing away the existing one. Thanks for your good work. I wish I could get that kind of training, which I always loved. I liked your style of teaching and have already clicked "Like".


No one is happy like Sorin when he said “ Finally Friday” 😀


a greetings from palestine, you are the best teacher i have ever seen in all youtube, big respect for you sorin


It could be a missing capacitor or broken track for multiple capacitors on the backlight power circuit, that's causing the backlight to get the "unevened" clean pulse of current. The issue may not occur on charger because in windows settings, the backlight is set to 100% when plugged in, and less than 100% on battery. That is also why it doesn't occur on startup, only after windows logon. The user may have caused that while replacing RAM or HDD, or by slipping a screwdriver in the wrong place


I had this problem many times. In all my case the Intel graphics driver was faulty.


Thank you for the video, it’s exactly what I was looking for, my laptop flicking and even in bios menu, I would try this quick voltage measurement to find an issue


Good information. Teach logical way to repair, some times with logic think can find problem easily. At least to remove customer complain... led flick.

I agree most of customer will close the cheapest solution. Good job


Very helpful video!!!... 1st I had to remove the damaged screen doing exactly as he explained, checked the exact model and rear video connector position, ordered the new screen (making sure it is 100% compatible with the original laptop model + video connector exact location behind), safely store the disassembled laptop parts with care by holding with tape the little screws while waiting for the new part. Once I received the new screen, I followed exactly as this guy explained ensuring that all connectors were properly inserted and... VOILA!... it worked.
>>> JUST 3 LITTLE EXTRA ADVISES: 1) Keep the NEW front protective (transparent) screen cover on it while re-assembling until you need to put the final frame cover. 2) Be careful not to confuse the bottom screws with the LONGER pair that belongs to the plastic screen cover at the end of this procedure, otherwise won't hold it (as I did it), so you have to swap them all back correctly. 3) Ensure that the plastic frame >>cover hinges<< are well INSIDE the other half from the laptop. Do not leave them loose/unclipped. The rest... all good. Thank you.


Salut ! Te urmaresc zilnic, ma ajuta foarte mult sa inteleg unele lucruri faptul ca repari si nu inlocuiesti placa / piesa e foarte util cautam de mult situatii zilnice din service uri nu doar tutoriare in care gasesc defectul si comanda piesa . Te apreciez f mult. Exista un forum sau grup in care putem fii in contact cu tine? Mult succes !!!


as it started ok - and only began to flicker after drivers started to load, I would have guessed at a driver issue. Also, what happens when power options are set to turn off the screen?


Im curious if he tried with a live os usb drive and the laptop didnt flicker why didnt he tried to uninstall the display drivers only.


If the problem is really coming from the dim-signal of the super io, you should also disconnect the resistor because now youre feeding power into a diying signal line :)


Ce coincidență chiar am nevoie de o rezolvare pentru asa ceva. 👏🏻👏🏻


Found ur channel after ordering a dead motherboard for the IDS port replacement. But then, I tried reflowing the board in the oven (ghetto) 2x and it booted. So I have a flickering screen.
And haven't removed or found a IDS replacement for my original motherboard. Thank you for this. Just building something 1st time hoping it works.


If the laptop owner comes back because he would like to be able to adjust the brightness: do a 'vintage' repair: take an NE555, a potentiometer, a few discrete components and create a PWM signal with that, for adjusting the screen brightness. Works very well. It's a simple circuit which can easily be built without a circuit board. Just hot-glue it to the back of the screen. Very dodgy but functional. For extra luxury, an LDR can be added to the circuit, so it will automatically dim and brighten up according to ambient light level.


I received a laptop with same issue, but I found out that in windows 10, when the power adaptor was disconnected, the brightness level automatically drops and cause this issue. I just updated the Intel graphics driver, and adjusted the brightness level to 100 on both with battery mode and charger. And it worked fine 😀


The owner can use the night mode for adjusting the brightness and colors, it will do a kind of light adjustment..


That "Hello finally friday" made me subscribe instantly lol! what a great ok back to the video


About to send my replacement laptop screen back as it was going faint then brighter. When I plugged in the charger the screen stopped flickering. thought the screen was bad! thanks!


That is NOT a hardware fault. It is a energy saving thing by intel. Its called "Intel Display Power Saving". Disable it !!! The voltage goes up and down because the driver is dimming the whole time.
