Aviators - Halfwolf (Elden Ring Song | Fantasy Ballad)

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I feel like maybe this is an unsurprising choice of character to write about. In fact, I've been so torn up about the fact that I HAVEN'T written about Elden Ring's tribute to Guts that I just got up one day and named a whole upcoming EP after him. Inspired by the game's Ranni questline once again, "Halfwolf" is a farewell ballad from Blaidd as he realizes his fate; that his ties to the Golden Order would eventually cause him to betray his friends, no matter how much he loved them. He fought with them every step of the way, and even aided Ranni the Witch in her victory knowing her success would bring conflict and punishment for him. This song is Blaidd's declaration of love and loyalty to his adopted sister, as his own soul breaks within him.

This track was mastered by Fishpaste2100.

More Elden Ring and other stories coming soon on the new Halfwolf - EP!


Even if it's not forever
We've together tread this path so far
Wary of the will that made me
Still you leave your trust within my scars
Winterborn and forged strong
Searching for centuries long
Built for a dream like ours

Keep holding on for me
I'll lift you as I break
Torn to the smallest piece
Half dreaming half awake
Take my conflicted hands
My heart will light your way
Know me for what I am
Half wolf and half afraid

Striving to control my instinct
Terrified my nature won't obey
I confess the burden's heavy
Skies begin to change and soon I'll fade
Don't take the risk on me
I'll turn my tail and leave
Before I lose my way

Keep holding on for me
I'll lift you as I break
Torn to the smallest piece
Half dreaming half awake
Take my conflicted hands
My heart will light your way
Know me for what I am
Half wolf and half afraid

I can embrace the cold
But I can't change my soul
My nature still remains
So long our quiet fight
My battle ends tonight
But our bond stays the same

When the voices
Make my choices
And I can't ignore the sound
Without purpose
I deserve this but
I refuse to drag you down
I will fail you
I may hunt you
I must try to
In the end
So conflicted
I've resisted
Tried to fix it
Now I can't
None can mend
What I am

Keep holding on for me
I'll lift you as I break
Torn to the smallest piece
Half dreaming half awake
Carry on for the cause
Spread light across these shores
Remember who I was
Half wolf, forever yours

Half wolf, forever yours
You know I'm not afraid

Hold on
It gets better
It's here at the end we turn it all around
Keep faith
I'm still with you
We all need a friend to watch the world die out
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Torn between loyalty to the one they love, and their very nature as a tool to control that individual. Raging against their very being and essence, more than a mere hound following commands.
Goodnight Blaidd, you deserved better.


At the end, when you have to fight Blaidd, he is fighting still. Right up until he sees you. He knows your strength, and he knows that he can let go. when he attacks you, he knows that you can kill him, and he trusts that you will. It wasn't that he finally lost the fight against himself, but that he chose to let it win so you could kill it.


"Half Wolf, Forever Yours"

*Lying face down on the floor* I'm fine I'm fine it's cool.


Blaidd was a member of the chad squad that fell Radahn. And a brother to the end. I could not dream of a better song tribute to the best wolf in the land betweens.


Perhaps not intended to be, but this is a beautiful companion piece to Miracle of Sound's Moonlight Blue. Moonlight Blue is Ranni saying goodbye to Blaidd after all they've been through, and Half Wolf is Blaidd urging her onwards, towards their shared goal.


This is a beautiful tribute for bestest boy


Weep not Blaidd, my comrade, my friend, my brother. Your betrayal was forgiven before it was committed. Lady Ranni shall remember and honor your loyalty unto eternity.


In today's segment of "What made me cry", I present you...this.


Inside me there are two wolves
One is just a wolf
The other is afraid
Both are forever yours


My daughter was listening to this song during her fight with Blaidd. She debated just tp'ing out cause she didn't want to kill him but finally did when I said you'd be putting him out of his misery from the madness of conflicting desires.


I love this. Especially the chorus changing at the end from "Know me for what I am, Half wolf and half afraid" to "Remember who I was, Half wolf, forever yours". From Software sure has a talent for writing tragic characters, and between this, Song of the Abyss, Requiem for The King and well, most of your soulsborne songs, it's clear you have a talent for presenting these stories in music.


I have to say, this song hit me so much differently than I could have imagined. While I listen and love almost every song y'all come out with, this one takes the cake for messing me up.

I've a degenerative disease that's coming near a turning point where it will take my mind and my body, and I have to admit that sometimes it's hard. I have sometimes pushed people away, not thinking they'll be strong enough for the rough times before my passing. I feel horrible for even having connections, because I know the burdens that will weigh on each person. But there are few that I find I wish to be selfish with. That I want close, that I need. We talk openly and honestly about my deterioration, and the times when they'd need to say their goodbyes before I do. I'm 11 years progressed with early onset Huntington's disease, and I've got a good 5-8 left. Maybe.

So this song hits hard, it hurts. It also feels good that I might one day find the words to leave people with when my mind is gone, before I am. This is something I face every day, and it isn't easy. I'd not wish this on anyone. I don't know, I'm ramblings and emotional. Just, thank you all. You gave me something today that I didn't know I needed.


I haven't cried so hard since "Song of the Abyss". Thank you, Avi, you reminded me of something really important.


"I refuse to drag you down" my headcanon is that Blaidd finally loses control when he sees us, because he believes we will kill him, so he will never harm Ranni. Beautiful song bro.


This song really encapsulates what Blaidd is all about. That despite his tough looking appearance, he is your friend after all no matter the circumstances. And unlike Sif, he is forced to fight you for things beyond his control once you finish Ranni's long quest.
Blaidd truly deserved better, and it really saddens me how his story ends, at your hand


So beautiful. Rest in peace Blaidd. May the stars shine upon you forever


"We all need a friend to watch the world die out" I can't begin to express how much I love that last line.


You know it's a good song when it's about a character from a video game you've never played and know almost nothing about, and you can't stop listening to it. Beautiful as usual.


Seriously man, when you changed that last line in the last chorus to "forever yours" I instantly got tears in my eyes.
You've come so far! Can't wait to see how far you will still go <3


Played through the game seven times and yet every time seeing what happens to Blaidd still hits me in the feels just like the first time I saw it. Incredible Blaidd song Aviators really embodied the story of his character have a great day
