Dr. Gilbert Hosts: Taking Research From the Lab to Our Lives

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In this special episode of Dr. Gilbert Hosts, esteemed guests Dr. Bentley, Dr. McFarthing, Dr. Shahnawaz, Dr. Standaert, and Dr. Weintraub discussed taking research from the lab to our lives. Two APDA-funded researchers spoke about their current research projects along with doctors who are treating patients to discuss the potential these research projects have to dramatically improve the lives of those living with PD now and in the future. Our guests also answered questions live.

2:02 Dr. Nicole Bentley presents “ Investigating cognitive control and patterned deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease”

10:02 Dr. Daniel Weintraub comments “Can we expect deep brain stimulation to be used in the future to help cognition for parkinson's disease?

15:24 Dr. Mohammad Shahnawaz presents Development of a blood-based diagnostic test for Parkinson’s disease

19:53 Dr. David Standaert comments “The potential for a blood test for Parkinson’s”

24:16 Dr. Kevin McFarthing comments: “The role of Parkinson’s research in the lives of people with PD”

28:23 What research is ongoing that involves alpha-synuclein depletion and its impact on neurons and PD?

30:03 Of all the trials that you have collected, can you tell us which you think is one of the most promising?

31:45 Is the blood test for Parkinson’s that you were discussing being studied in clinical trials yet?

33:08: Focused ultrasound is another procedure that is currently available for Parkinson's disease motor symptoms. Is there any thought of using focused ultrasound for cognition in the future?

34:20 Are there other non-motor symptoms of PD besides cogniton that DBS may be able to help?

36:39 Is it helpful for researchers if Parkinson’s disease is listed on the death certificate?

38:00 Are there elements of the research pipeline that you find most frustrating?

40:24 In DBS, can multiple leads be placed in different parts of the brain to help different symptoms of PD?

41:46 When a blood test for PD becomes available, what quantity of blood will be needed to perform the test?

43:56 Why is memory testing so important prior to DBS surgery?

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About Our Speakers:

Nicole Bentley, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Alabama School of Medicine at Birmingham

Kevin McFarthing, PhD, Biochemist and Person with PD

Mohammad Shahnawaz, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston

David Standaert, MD, PhD, John N. Whitaker Professor and Chair of the Department of Neurology, University of Alabama School of Medicine at Birmingham

Daniel Weintraub, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
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